Pricing Administration Guide > Using Mappings in Pricing Factors > The Process of Setting Up a Pricing Factor with a Mapping >

Creating a Mapping Record in the Pricing Mapping List

After you have planned the mapping and verified that you can use the fields it requires, the first step in creating a pricing factor that uses a mapping is to create the appropriate mapping record in the Pricing Mapping list.

You use this list to specify the business object and business component that the mapped fields are in.

You can also enter the search specification here, or you can enter the search specification in the Pricing Mapping Definition list.

Later, when you create the pricing factor itself, the mapping name you enter here will appear in the Mapping Name drop-down list in the Pricing Factor Designer view. The business object and business component you select here will determine what is displayed in the Business Component field. The business component you select here will also determine which fields you can select in the Field Name field of the Pricing Mapping Definition list.

NOTE:  Multiple pricing factors can use the same mapping. If you want to create a pricing factor that uses an existing mapping, you can skip this procedure.

CAUTION:  Because many pricing factors can use the same mapping, you should not modify a Pricing Mapping record unless you are sure the modification will work for all the pricing factors that use the mapping. If there is any doubt, you can create a new pricing mapping by copying an existing one and modify the new record as needed.

To create a mapping record in the Pricing Mapping list

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Pricing Administration >Pricing Model Manager.
  2. Click the Pricing Mapping Definition view tab.
  3. The Pricing Mapping Definition list appears, and the Pricing Mapping list appears above it.

  4. In the Pricing Mapping list, click New.
  5. In the new record in the Pricing Mapping list, enter the information described in Table 39.

Table 39.  Fields in the Pricing Mapping List
Required. Enter a unique, meaningful name for the mapping.
This name will appear in the Mapping Name field drop-down list in the Pricing Factors Designer view.
Business Object
Required. Select the business object that the mapped fields are in.
Business Component
Required. Select the business component that the mapped fields are in.
Search Spec
Enter a search specification using standard Siebel Query Language described in Siebel Tools Reference.
For more information about creating search specifications, see About Search Specifications for Mappings.
You may enter the search specification either here or in the Pricing Mapping Definitions list. If there is no search specification in either of these places, then all of the records in the specified business component are in the mapping set.
Optional, but recommended. Enter comments describing the mapping.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003