Product Administration Guide > Technical Reference > eConfigurator API >

Object Broker Methods

The methods in this section call the Cfg Object Broker business service, which functions as a wrapper for the Object Broker.


This method returns the full structure of the customizable product.

Input Arguments:
Output Arguments:

<ProdStruct> RootId

<ProdId> Name ClassId

<Port> Name ClassName ClassId OrigId Type MinCard MaxCard DefltCard LocalType InternalType

<Subobject Id/>




<Attribute> Name

<Domain Value />








This method performs a recursive tree comparison of two property sets to determine the difference between them based on supplied criteria. It returns a copy of the destination product instance, marked up to indicate changes. This preconfigured API is called from an external service only in SIS Order Management, which is the only way to see this API function for the API Discovery.

In one example, you start with a computer that has one hard drive and a 900 MHz processor. You upgrade it to add a second hard drive (quantity now = 2) and replace the processor with a 1000 MHz model. The result would be one existing hard drive, one new hard drive (the instance is split), one 900 MHz CPU removed, and one new 1000 MHz CPU.

If the output property set is empty and no error code is thrown, the most likely cause is that the instances were not recognized. Check the RootId parameters and the indenting of your source and destination SiebelMessages.

Input Arguments:
Output Arguments:

The destination instance is returned as a SiebelMessage, modified and marked up with status information. The status (new, modified, existing, removed) is indicated in the Action Code field of each item and attribute.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003