Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide > Time Reporting and Time Sheets >

Approving or Rejecting Time Sheets

End users designated as approvers of time sheets for specific employees or specific projects receive an email message notifying them each time that a time sheet is ready for their review.

NOTE:  End users cannot approve a time sheet unless the Time Sheet Hours Approval Limit field is filled in their employee record. For more information about setting approval limits, see Setting User Approval Limits (Administrator).

If an end user approves a time sheet for a number of hours that is within their approval limit, the time sheet is forwarded to a finance professional, who reviews it before it is passed to the back-office system for inclusion in the appropriate invoices to customers.

If an end user approves a time sheet for more hours than their approval limit, the time sheet is forwarded to someone with a larger approval limit, typically that end user's own manager.

If an end user rejects a time sheet, the person who submitted the time sheet can recall it, modify it, and resubmit it.

The following procedure explains how to approve or reject time sheets.

To approve or reject time sheets

  1. Navigate to the Time Sheets screen.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Time Sheet Approval.
  3. In the Time Sheets list, select a time sheet to approve or reject.
  4. If you want to approve multiple time sheets simultaneously, and if you have no comments to add to any of the time sheets, hold down the CTRL key while selecting multiple time sheets to approve, and skip to Step 5.

  5. If you want to record your reason for rejecting a time sheet, enter it in the Private Comments field.
  6. In the Time Sheets list, click either Approve or Reject.
  7. The value of the Status field changes to Approved or Rejected. For an approved time sheet, the Status field is automatically updated again, shortly after you leave the record, to display either Acceptable or Pending Next Approver as the Status value.

 Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003