Siebel Sales User Guide > Presentations >

Modifying Presentation Structure and Adding Content

After you create and view a draft of a presentation, you may decide that you want to change the order of its sections or add new sections.

The following procedures describe how to view, modify and add content to the presentation:

Viewing the Structure of a Presentation

You can view the structure of a presentation in the Presentation Table of Contents view, which allows you to see the hierarchy of sections and components that make up the presentation.

Sections represent the main points of a presentation, and each section can consist of subsections and components. Components are the slides used in each section. In some cases, sections can also be set up to generate slides.

To view the structure of a presentation

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  3. The Presentation Table of Contents appears showing the structure of the presentation.

  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) next to each section to expand sections and components.

Adding Content to the Presentation

If an administrator has created slides and included them in the Presentations Library, you can customize the presentation by adding one or more of these slides using the Edit Layout command.

To add content to the presentation

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation, and then click Edit Layout.
  3. The Template Layout dialog box appears. To display more items in the Content Library list, clear the Show Recommended Only check box.

  4. In the Template Layout dialog box, move items from the Content Library pane to the Table of Contents pane, and then click Save.
  5. In the Presentations list, select the presentation, and then in the presentation record, drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field to view the new content.

Changing the Order of Sections in a Presentation

When you add a section to a presentation, the section numbers are not automatically resequenced. If you insert a section within the current sequence, you must modify each sequence number. The sequence numbers in the Presentations list determine the order in which sections and components appear.

There are two methods that you can use to resequence presentation sections and components:

To use Edit Layout

  1. Navigate to Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, select the presentation in the Presentations list, and then click Edit Layout.
  3. In the Template Layout dialog box, use the sequencing arrows to change the order of the sections, and then click Save.

To use Presentation Table of Contents

  1. Navigate to Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) to expand each section.
  5. In the Sections list, select a section, and then click Edit.
  6. In the section form, change the number in the Sequence field, and then click Save.

To remove sections in a presentation

  1. Navigate to Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) to expand the sections.
  5. In the Sections list, select the section, right click with the mouse, and then choose Delete Record.
  6. NOTE:  You can also use the Edit Layout command to remove content from a presentation. For more information, see To use Edit Layout.

Adding Components to a Presentation

Components are the slides that make up your presentation. You can add components to sections from the Presentation Library, the Siebel Encyclopedia, or from another location, such as your local hard drive. You can add more than one component to a section.

The Presentation Library offers a hierarchical structure that administrators can use when designing literature components that can be associated with a presentation. Using the Presentation Library, you can navigate to a section or subsection and select the component file associated with the section. If the component is relevant to your presentation, click Add Components.

To add a component to a presentation

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  4. In the Presentations Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) next to the presentation you want to change.
  5. The Sections folder appears.

  6. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Sections folder.
  7. Each section associated with the presentation appears in the Sections list.

  8. Click the plus sign (+) next to the section to which you want to add a component.
  9. In the Sections list, click Library.
  10. The Presentations Library view appears.

  11. In the Presentations Library explorer, click the plus sign (+) for Presentations Library.
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Sections folder.
    2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the section where the presentation is located.
    3. The list of components for that section appears.

  12. In the Components list, click the plus sign (+) next to the Components folder, select the component in the list, and then click Add Components.
  13. The component file is added to the Components folder located in the section you selected.

To add a Siebel Encyclopedia component

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the Presentation name hyperlink.
  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) next to the presentation.
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Sections folder.
    2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the section where you want to add a new file from the Encyclopedia.
    3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Components folder.
  5. In the Components list, click the menu button, and then click New Record.
  6. The Add Sales Tools dialog box appears.

  7. In the Add Sales Tools dialog box, select each record you want to add and then click Add.
  8. NOTE:  Only .ppt files can be added as components directly into a template section.

To add a component from another location

  1. Navigate to Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the Presentation name hyperlink.
  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) next to the Presentation.
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Sections folder.
    2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the next to the section where you want to add a new file.
    3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Components folder.
  5. In the Components list, click the menu button, and then choose New Record.
  6. In the Add Sales Tools dialog box, click New.
  7. In the Components entry form, enter a name and sequence for the file, and then click the select button in the File Name field.
  8. In the Add Attachment dialog box, click Browse, navigate to the file, and then click Open.
  9. In the Add Attachment dialog box, click Add, and then in the Components entry form, click Save.

Modifying a Presentation Component

You can modify a component file if you have Microsoft PowerPoint installed locally on your computer. You must have the application that was used to create the component.

To modify a presentation component

  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, and in the Opportunities list, select the opportunity associated with the presentation.
  2. Click the Presentations view tab, and in the Presentations list, select the presentation.
  3. In the presentation record, drill down on the Presentation name hyperlink.
  4. In the Presentation Table of Contents explorer, click the plus sign (+) next to the presentation.
    1. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Sections folder.
    2. Click the plus sign (+) next to the section where you want to add a new file from the Encyclopedia.
    3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Components folder.
  5. In the Components list, drill down on the hyperlink in the File Name field.
  6. In the file, make any necessary edits, and then save the file on your local drive.
  7. In the Components list, select the component (saved locally), click Edit, and then use the select button to browse your computer desktop for the modified component.
  8. Select the modified component, and then add it.
  9. The old component is replaced with the new one.

 Siebel Sales User Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003