Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications > Interoperability Case Study > Transaction Zone—Implementation Details >

Locating the Siebel Janna Wizards

Locate the Siebel Janna Wizards by following the steps outlined in the Siebel Janna Tutorial.chm file. Select Tutorial > Customizing Siebel Janna Contact Enterprise—Windows Client > VC++ > Locating the Wizards. See Figure 2 for details.

Figure 2. Siebel Janna Applications Development Tutorial—Tutorial.chm file

Click for full size image

After following the preceding steps, when your Visual C++ studio is launched, the following wizards are visible: Siebel Janna Data Object Wizard, Siebel Janna Service Object Wizard, and Siebel Janna Presentation Object Wizard.

 Upgrading and Migrating Siebel Janna Applications
 Published: 18 April 2003