Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Data Migration Considerations > Changes to the Siebel Data Model >


Categorizing content has major benefits: it simplifies access control policy design and management as System Administrators can specify access on an aggregate set of master data items. As a result, content becomes more easily searchable and accessible to users through navigation. Having intuitively navigated to one item, users are likely to find many related items of potential interest.

Product categorization was available in the Siebel 6.x data model. However, Release 7.x supports categorization of additional data structures such as auction items and literature items.

Data Migration to Support Categorization

In Siebel 6.x, categories could be shared across multiple catalogs and could have multiple parents. In Release 7.x, a category can only belong to one catalog and have at most one parent catalog. To accommodate the new structure, the database upgrade generates copies of categories and category hierarchies that were previously shared across multiple catalogs.

For example, the following catalog and category hierarchy:

CTLG1            CATb
        CATa              CATe
CTLG2            CATc

results in separate hierarchies of copied categories after the upgrade:



NOTE:  For more information about categorization, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003