Symbols - Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W



.srf file


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128-bit encryption, upgrading   1

56-bit encryption, upgrading   1

7.0, upgrading to release 7.5   1


7.0.x, tables modified (table)   1

7.5.1, tables modified (table)   1

seeded tables during upgrade (table)   1

table modifications described   1 ,  2

Back to top


access control

about   1

Access Group and User List attributes, about   1

S_CONTACT and S_ORG-GROUP, about multi-org visibility for   1

Access Group attributes, about   1


7.x applet scripts, about migrating to   1

applet migration, reviewing modified   1

applet models, about and list of   1

customizations, migrating to applets and views   1

migrating applets to release 7.x   1 ,  2

new applet migration, reviewing   1

remigrating applets   1

scripts, about migrating to release 7.x   1 ,  2

Application scripts

7.x, about migrating to   1

migrating   1

Application Updates Attribute list applet, accessing and description   1


file system attachments, updating   1

HTML attachments, about migrating to Content Base tables   1

audience for guide   1

Autogrowth parameter, enhancing upgrade performance, MS SQL Server   1

Back to top


backing up, development database   1

binary sort order

Microsoft SQL Server, verifying database was created using   1

Oracle, verifying database created using   1

business component definitions, changes to party model   1

Business Component scripts

7.x, about migrating to   1

migrating   1

business components

configurations, migrating custom   1

join conflicts, resolving   1

visibility properties, changing   1

Business Services scripts, migrating   1

Back to top


calendar, about preparing for upgrade   1

call report attachments

file names, updating   1

updating (procedure)   1

Catalog visibility

See Setting Visibility Modes for Access Control


about and benefits   1

supporting data migration, differences from 6.x to 7.x   1

Cell Center, locating user logins that require resolution of duplicates   1

client configuration, migrating to Web client

See also About Migrating to the Siebel Web Client

about   1

applet and view models   1

applet migration, reviewing   1

applet migration, reviewing modified   1

applet scripts, migrating to 7.x   1

applets and views, migrating, about and wizards   1 ,  2

applets and views, migration tasks   1

applets, remigrating   1

client-side interfaces, migration tasks   1

hidden properties, exposing   1

migrating Business Components, Business Services, and Application scripts   1

new view migration, reviewing   1

outbound COM interfaces, migrating   1

scripts, analyzing for migration   1

scripts, migration tasks   1

upgrade process (diagram)   1

upgrade, continuing   1

view migration, reviewing modified   1

views, remigrating   1

client-side interfaces

outbound COM interfaces   1

outbound COM interfaces, migrating   1

clustered indexes

considerations for   1

rebuilding   1

collation sequence

See Verifying Database Sort Order

configuration file

ePharma configuration file, renaming   1

new .srf file, compiling   1

new custom configuration file, producing   1

upgraded configuration, testing   1

configuration parameters, about and table   1

Content Base tables, about migrating HTML attachments to   1

copied objects, automatic upgrade of

about and inheritance functionality   1

enhancements, how applied during upgrade   1

upgrade ancestor, choosing   1

upgrade inheritance scenario   1

custom database schema

custom business component configurations, migrating   1

license keys, adding new   1

restarting the upgrade   1

Siebel Software configuration, applying later   1

Siebel Upgrade Wizard, launching from command prompt   1

troubleshooting   1

upgrading (procedure)   1

custom objects, remapping opportunity product migration objects   1

custom repository, safeguarding export file   1

Customer Repository, preparing for merge

See also Automatic Upgrade of Copied Objects

automatic upgrade of copied objects   1

caution, about rerunning after entering Override flag   1

migrating strings, merging labels, fields, and applet web templates   1

New Customer repository, preparing to import   1

procedures, about   1

Repository Preparation Wizard, about running   1

upgrade inheritance, configuration steps   1

custrep.dat file, saving   1

Back to top


data migration

categorization, differences from 6.x to 7.x   1

party model, support of   1

database repository, about taking a backup   1

database server configuration, verifying

See also Verifying Database Server Configuration

about   1

DB2 UDB server configuration   1

Microsoft SQL Server database server configuration   1

Oracle database server configuration   1

Siebel database expected growth during upgrade (table)   1

database sort order, verifying

about   1

IBM DB2 UDB, verifying database created using identity sort   1

Microsoft SQL Server, verifying sort order on   1

Oracle, verifying database was created using   1

database template file, regenerating   1

database, preparing for upgrade

binary sort order, verifying database created using   1

checking in projects and running Siebel Workflow Manager   1

database configuration, about preparing   1

database sort order, verifying   1

duplicates, resolving and identifying   1

interface table data, saving   1

Microsoft SQL Server, verifying sort order on   1

mobile and dedicated users, preparing for upgrade   1

New Customer Repository, preparing to import   1

RDBMS software, upgrading   1


See DB2 Universal Database Server Configuration


dedicated users, preparing for upgrade   1

development environment upgrade

See also Upgrading Siebel Gateway and Siebel Servers

checking in projects and running Siebel Workflow Manager   1

custom business component configurations, migrating   1

custom database schema, upgrading   1

database template file, regenerating   1

developers or Siebel Tools clients, extracting   1

high-level steps (diagram)   1

integration objects, upgrading   1

new custom repository export file, safeguarding   1

postupgrade tasks, continuing with the upgrade   1

Siebel Gateway, about upgrading   1

Siebel Servers, about upgrading   1

Siebel Tools, installing on   1

template database file, regenerating   1

Unicode migration, caution   1

upgrade tasks (table)   1

upgraded configuration, testing   1

.dll files, about creating and copying to server   1

duplicates, identifying and resolving   1

Back to top


eChannel, about preparing for upgrade   1


models, about examining after upgrade   1

upgrade, preparing for   1

Encryption Upgrade Utility

128-bit encryption upgrading   1

56-bit encryption upgrading   1

RC2 encryption, about upgrading to   1

RC2 encryption, changing password or adding a new key   1

RC2 encryption, changing user properties   1

RC2 encryption, modifying the input file   1

RC2 encryption, prerequisites   1

troubleshooting   1

enhancements, how applied during upgrade   1

Enterprise Integration Manager

custom mappings, deleting   1

integration object, upgrading   1

mappings, resolving duplicate   1

ePharma configuration file, renaming   1

Back to top


file attachments, making accessible   1

file system

attachments, updating   1

directory, updating   1

Forecasting, about preparing upgrade for   1

Back to top


Generate Reporting Relationships button, exposing   1

global deployment, postupgrade tasks

global time zone, about setting up environment to support   1

global time zone, enabling after an upgrade   1

Unicode, migrating to   1

UTC delta columns, upgrading   1

global time zone

See Setting Up Your Environment to Support Global Time Zone


audience for   1

naming and typographical conventions   1

organization of   1

Back to top


hidden properties, exposing   1

household notes, updating file system   1

HTML, about migrating HTML attachments to Content Base tables   1

Back to top


IBM DB2 UDB database

See DB2 Universal Database Server Configuration

.dll files, about creating and copying to server   1

stored procedures and user-defined functions, installing   1

IBM DB2 UDB, postupgrade tasks

P1 index, reorganizing   1

statistics, running   1

IBM DB2 UDB, preparing database for upgrade

16-KB tablespace, increasing size   1

16-KB temporary tablespace, creating   1

32-KB tablespace and bufferpool, creating   1

32-KB tablespace, increasing size   1

32-KB temporary tablespace, creating   1

4-KB table space, increasing size   1

clustered indexes, considerations for   1

database configuration parameters, about and table   1

database configuration parameters, about setting and table   1

DB2 permission, verifying on AIX and Solaris   1

DB2 UDB Application Development Client, verifying installation of   1

db2set parameters, about and table   1

deleting old stored procedures   1

identity sort order, verifying database created using   1

instance owner permission, verifying for AIX and Solaris   1

instance, upgrading   1

ODBC statement handles, increasing the number of   1

parameters, about upgrading specific   1

preupgrading tasks, list of   1

procedures (table)   1

RDBMS software, upgrading   1

sort order, verifying on   1

stored procedure code, copying and installing   1

stored procedures and user-defined functions, about   1

table statistics, updating   1

tablespace page size requirements, determining   1

identity sort order, verifying database created using   1


clustered indexes, rebuilding   1

integration objects, upgrading   1

Back to top


join conflicts, resolving   1

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keys, adding new key for RC2 encryption   1

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license keys

custom database schema, adding new keys   1

database schema, adding new keys   1

log files

archiving manually   1

repository upgrade, about saving   1

SiebSrvr log files, about saving   1

Back to top


marketing and the Marketing Server, about upgrading   1

merge.txt file, reviewing to determine cause of errors   1

Microsoft SQL Server

clustered indexes, rebuilding   1

configuration parameters, about and table   1

database file size, increasing   1

database server configuration, about   1

database sort order, verifying   1

Siebel database options, about setting   1

Siebel Software Configuration utility, changing language utility runs   1

statistics, updating   1

temporary database space, about   1

migrating, client configuration to Web client

See also About Migrating to the Siebel Web Client

about   1

applet and view models   1

applet migration, reviewing   1

applet migration, reviewing modified   1

applet scripts, migrating to 7.x   1

applets and views, migrating   1 ,  2

applets and views, migration tasks   1

applets, remigrating   1

client-side interfaces, migration tasks   1

hidden properties, exposing   1

migrating Business Components, Business Services, and Application scripts   1

new view migration, reviewing   1

outbound COM interfaces, migrating   1

scripts, analyzing for migration   1

scripts, migration tasks   1

upgrade process (diagram)   1

upgrade, continuing   1

view migration, reviewing modified   1

views, remigrating   1

mobile clients, upgrading Siebel client software   1

mobile users, preparing for upgrade   1

multilingual deployment, installing additional languages   1

multilingual seed data

Siebel Database Server for DB2, installing   1

Back to top


naming conventions   1

NLS_LANG parameter, caution about setting in enterprise   1

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object differences, reviewing   1


descendents or copies, viewing   1

opportunity product migration, remapping objects   1

ODBC drivers, avoiding conflicts with   1

ODBC statement handles, increasing the number   1

Oracle database

binary sort order, verifying database created using   1

parallel index creation, about using during upgrade   1

server configuration, before upgrading tasks   1

sort order, verifying on   1

tablespaces. allowing for during upgrade   1

upgrading, steps before upgrading   1

organization of guide   1

outbound COM interfaces, migrating   1

Override flag, using to change conflict resolution   1

Back to top


party model

about   1

business component definitions   1

data migration, support of   1

data model, changes to (diagram)   1

obsolete tables in 7.x   1

password, changing for RC2 encryption   1

picklist visibility properties, changing   1

postupgrade tasks

See also Upgrading to RC2 Encryption

business components and join conflicts, resolving   1

call report attachments, updating   1

checklist   1

custom EIM mappings, deleting duplicates   1

custom extensions and FK columns, reapplying   1

database server configuration parameters, resetting   1

database template file, regenerating   1

developers or Siebel Tools clients, extracting   1

dock object and rule definitions, verifying are correct   1 ,  2

duplicate EIM mapping, resolving   1

ePharma configuration file, renaming   1

file attachments, making accessible   1

file system attachments, updating   1

Generate Reporting Relationships button, exposing   1

household notes and attachments, updating file system   1

IBM DB2 UDB, reorganizing the P1 index   1

inbound workflows, updating   1

integration objects, upgrading   1

log files, manually archiving   1

mobile user workstations, upgrading Siebel client software   1

new custom configuration file, producing   1

new custom repository export file, safeguarding   1

obsolete objects, generating list of   1

previously unused tables now used in 7.x, examples of   1

Regional Servers, upgrading   1

reporting relationships, generating (procedure)   1

reporting relationships, generating, about   1

repository files, cleaning up   1

seeded workflows, incorporating prior customizations into   1

seeded workflows, using   1

Siebel Marketing and the Marketing Server, about upgrading   1

statistics, running   1

tables not used in 7.x, examples of   1

Transaction Amount field in Payment lines, updating   1

upgrade process (diagram)   1

upgrade, continuing   1

upgraded configuration, testing   1

user logins, locating that require resolution of duplicates   1

visibility modes, setting for access control   1

preupgrade tasks

See also Verifying Database Server Configuration

binary sort order, verifying database created using   1

checking in projects and running Siebel Workflow Manager   1

checklist of tasks   1

database configuration, about preparing for   1

database sort order, verifying   1

duplicates, identifying and resolving   1

interface table data, saving   1

Microsoft SQL Server, verifying sort order on   1

mobile and dedicated users, preparing for upgrade   1

New Customer Repository, preparing to import   1

RDBMS software, upgrading   1

upgrade planning worksheet, completing   1

upgrade procedures, about   1

production environment upgrade

See also Upgrading Without a Development Environment

development environment, upgrading without   1

ePharma configuration file, renaming   1

global time zone, about operating in   1

high-level steps (diagram)   1

New Customer Repository, preparing to import   1

postupgrade tasks, continuing with the upgrade   1

Regional Servers, upgrading   1

Siebel Gateway, about upgrading   1

Siebel Servers, about upgrading   1

Transaction Amount field in Payment Lines, updating   1

Unicode migration, caution   1

upgrade tasks (diagram)   1

upgrade tasks (table)   1

upgrading tasks (list of)   1

Back to top



items had trailing spaces added, fixing   1

upgrade, preparing for   1

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RC2 encryption, upgrading to

128-bit encryption, upgrading   1

56-bit encryption, upgrading   1

about   1

input file, modifying   1

password, changing or adding new key   1

prerequisites   1

troubleshooting   1

user properties, changing   1

RDBMS software, preparing for upgrade   1

Regional Servers, upgrading   1

release 7.0, upgrading to 7.5   1

release 7.5.2

7.0.x, tables modified (table)   1

7.5.1, tables modified (table)   1

seeded tables during upgrade (table)   1

table modifications described   1 ,  2

remote, regenerating database template file   1

reporting relationships

about generating   1

Generate Reporting Relationships button, exposing   1

generating (procedure)   1

repositories, upgrading

See Preparing Development Environment Repositories

repository file, cleaning up   1

repository merge, performing

See also Performing a Repository Merge

about and categories   1

conflict resolution examples   1

development database repositories (table) and optimizing performance guidelines   1

EIM temporary columns, generating   1

failed merge, recovering from   1

foreground performance, increasing   1

merge process outcome, reviewing   1

merge process, listing results   1

merge results, about reviewing   1

merge.txt file, reviewing to determine cause of errors   1

merging the repository (procedure)   1

object attribute differences, reviewing   1

object differences, reviewing   1

performance, improving   1

Repository Preparation Wizard, about running   1

Back to top


S_CONTACT, multi-org visibility for   1

S_LIT files, upgrading to S_CB_ASSET_VER files   1

S_ORG_GROUP, multi-org visibility for   1


See Party Model

S_SRC_PAYMENT table, about columns added   1


See Troubleshooting the Custom Database Schema Upgrade


applet scripts, about migrating to 7.x   1

business components, business services, and applications scripts, migrating   1

migrating to release 7.x   1

migration, analyzing for   1

seed data, installing multilingual seed data   1

Siebel Application Integration (EAI), about using SAP and upgrading   1

Siebel data model

access control, about   1

additional considerations   1

categorization, about and benefits   1

HTML attachments, about migrating to Content Base tables   1

party model, business component definitions   1

party model, changes to data model (diagram)   1

party model, data migration in support of   1

party table, about   1

party table, obsolete tables in 7.x   1

S_SRC_PAYMENT Table, columns added to   1

Siebel database

Microsoft SQL Server, about setting options   1

Siebel Database Schema, upgrading

database repository, about taking backup of   1

failed Siebel database schema upgrade, recovering from   1

license keys, adding new   1

restarting upgrade   1

Siebel Software configuration, applying later   1

Siebel Upgrade Wizard, launching   1

upgrading on Windows   1

Siebel Database Server software

installing, about   1

multilingual deployment, installing additional languages   1

Siebel eBusiness application, upgrading

custom database schema, upgrading (procedure)   1

multilingual deployment, installing additional languages   1

parameter validation, about   1

prior Customer Repository, preparing for the merge   1

Siebel Database Schema, upgrading on Windows   1

Siebel Database Server software, installing   1

Siebel Software Configuration utility, about   1

Siebel eChannel, about preparing for upgrade   1

Siebel eConfigurator

models, about examining after upgrade   1

upgrade, preparing for   1

Siebel Financial Services

application tables, preparing for upgrade   1

call report attachments, updating   1

call report attachments, updating file names   1

household data integrity, verifying   1

household notes and attachments, updating file system   1

opportunity product migration   1

upgrade, about preparing for   1

Siebel Forecasting, about preparing upgrade for   1

Siebel Gateway, upgrading


about   1

installing version 7.5 software, about installing   1

uninstalling earlier versions   1

Windows platform, updating servers   1

Siebel Life Sciences, renaming ePharma configuration file   1

Siebel Marketing, about upgrading   1

Siebel Purchase Orders, updating Transaction Amount field   1

Siebel Quotes, about preparing upgrade for   1

Siebel Remote, regenerating database template file   1

Siebel Repository

See also Safeguarding the New Custom Repository Export File

new custom repository, backing up   1

repositories in development database, table of   1

repository merge prerequisites   1

Siebel Upgrade Wizard, manually launching   1

Siebel Upgrade Wizard, manually launching from command prompt   1

Siebel Repository, preparing for upgrade

See also Preparing Development Environment Repositories

database file size, increasing   1

development environment repositories, preparing   1

dock objects and visibility rules, recording   1

production environment repositories, preparing   1

Siebel Servers

uninstalling earlier versions   1

version 7.5, installing   1

Siebel Servers, upgrading

about   1

uninstalling earlier versions   1

Windows platform, updating servers   1

Siebel Software Configuration utility

language, changing   1

The Siebel Upgrade Wizard, about   1

upgrade configuration file, about   1

Siebel tablespaces, about using database managed tablespaces (DMS)   1

Siebel Tools

See also Performing a Repository Merge

clients, extracting   1

development environment, installing on   1

installing   1

Siebel Upgrade Wizard

about   1

custom database schema, launching wizard from command prompt   1

database schema, launching wizard from command prompt   1

Siebel Workflow

inbound workflow, updating   1

seeded workflows, incorporating prior customizations into   1

seeded workflows, using   1

SiebSrvr log files, about saving   1

sort order

binary sort order, verified database created using   1

Microsoft SQL Server, verifying on   1

SQL Anywhere, about regenerating database template file   1

.srf file

See Producing a New Custom Configuration File


running   1

updating   1

statistics, running   1

string, migrating   1

Back to top



See also Tables Modified During Upgrade from Release 7.0.x

7.0.x, tables modified (table)   1

7.5.1, tables modified (table)   1

modifications to release 7.5.2, described   1 ,  2

seeded tables during upgrade (table)   1

tables, preparing for upgrade

See also Tables Modified During Upgrade from Release 7.0.x

clustered indexes, considerations   1

custom indexes on tables, about preserving   1

customized triggers, disabling   1

customized views, dropping   1

DB2 UDB long columns, identifying for truncation   1

interface table data, saving   1

statistics, updating on DB2 UDB   1

template database file, regenerating   1

testing, upgraded configuration   1

Transaction Amount field in Payment lines, updating   1


custom database schema upgrade   1

failed merge, recovering from   1

RC2 encryption, upgrading   1

typographical conventions   1

Back to top


UCF file (upgrade configuration file), about   1


migrating to, about and procedure   1

migration, planning considerations   1

upgrade configuration file, about   1

upgrade inheritance, configuration steps   1

upgrade planning worksheet

development environment, completing before starting upgrade   1

preupgrade tasks, completing   1

upgrade, planning for

See also Before You Begin

before starting, steps   1

development environment upgrade, high-level steps (diagram)   1

production environment upgrade, high-level steps (diagram)   1

resources   1

upgrade process, phases described (diagram)   1

upgrading ancestor, choosing an   1

upgrading inheritance

about   1

descendent or copies of an object, viewing   1

parent to descendents, propagating changes from   1

repositories, about comparison of   1

User List attributes, about   1

UTC conversion utility, upgrading   1

Back to top



customization, migrating to applets and views   1

migrating to release 7.x   1 ,  2

new view migration, reviewing   1

remigrating views   1

view migration, reviewing modified   1

view models, about and list of   1

visibility properties, changing   1

visibility modes, setting for access control

about and Catalog visibility   1

Auto Query Mode, picklists that start in (list of)   1

business component visibility properties, changing   1

business components, visibility type used (list of)   1

picklists visibility properties, changing   1

views visibility properties, changing   1

views, visibility type used (list of)   1

Back to top


Web Client Migration Wizard

applets and views, benefits to using   1

customizations, migrating to applets and views   1

Web client scripting, about in release 7.x   1

Web Layout Wizard, applets and views, benefits to using   1


custom database schema, applying Siebel Software configuration later   1

custom database schema, launching Siebel Upgrade Wizard from command prompt   1

custom database schema, reviewing upgrade log files   1

custom database schema, upgrading   1

servers, stopping all   1

Siebel Database Schema, applying Siebel Software configuration later   1

Siebel Database Schema, launching Siebel Upgrade Wizard   1

Siebel Database Schema, troubleshooting   1

Siebel Database Schema, upgrading on   1

Siebel Gateway software (7.5), about installing   1

Siebel Gateway, uninstalling earlier versions   1

Siebel Servers (7.5), installing   1

Siebel Servers, uninstalling earlier versions   1


inbound, updating   1

seeded, incorporating prior customizations into   1

seeded, using   1

Back to top

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003