Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Upgrading the Siebel eBusiness Application >

Upgrading the Custom Database Schema

The configuration utility that you ran in Upgrading the Siebel Database Schema updated the Siebel Database Schema. You must now use the Database Server Configuration Wizard to apply these changes to the custom database schema to upgrade it to the new version.

If you are upgrading a development environment, the repository on which you run the Custom Database Schema upgrade must be the same repository that you prepared for the merge in Generating EIM Temporary Columns.

Before upgrading the custom database schema, take a backup of your Siebel database.

NOTE:  The custom database schema upgrade may complete in less than one hour.

To upgrade the custom database schema

  1. Verify that no server tasks are running in the background.

    If necessary, stop Siebel Servers and Siebel Gateway service by navigating to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services.

  2. Launch the Database Server Configuration Wizard by selecting Start > Programs > Siebel Enterprise Servers > Configure DB Server.

    The Gateway Server Address screen appears.

  3. Type the following values as you recorded them in your copy of Upgrade Planning Worksheet.

    Gateway Server Address. The alias of your Siebel Gateway (typically the machine name).

    Enterprise Server Name. The name of your Enterprise Server, for example, siebel.

    To continue, click Next.

    The Siebel Server Directory screen appears.

  4. Accept the default value displayed in the Siebel Server Directory field, or type an alternate directory path for your configuration. Click Next.

    NOTE:  This is the SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory, for example, D:\sea75x\siebsrvr.

    The Siebel Database Server Directory screen appears.

  5. In the Siebel Database Server Directory field, verify that the default directory path displayed is the correct database server installation directory for your configuration. If it is not, use the Browse button to navigate to a different database directory.

    NOTE:  This is the DBSRVR_ROOT directory, for example, D:\sea75x\dbsrvr.

    To continue, click Next.

  6. In the RDBMS Platform screen, choose the database platform that you are upgrading.

    IBM DB2 UDB for UNIX and Windows.

    IBM DB2 UDB for AS/400 and iSeries.

    Microsoft SQL Server.

    Oracle Database.

    The Siebel Database Operation menu appears.

  7. Choose Upgrade Database and click Next.

    The Upgrade Options screen appears.

  8. Choose Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys) and click Next.

    The Environment Type screen appears.

  9. Choose the option for the environment that you are upgrading:
    • Development
    • Production

      To continue, click Next.

      Which screen appears next depends on the application that you are upgrading:

    • Siebel eBusiness Applications. The Upgrade Configuration Information: Current Siebel Version screen appears. Skip Step 10 and continue to Step 11.
    • Siebel Industry Applications or Siebel Financial Services Applications. The Upgrade Configuration Information: Siebel Industry Vertical screen appears. Continue with Step 10.
  10. If you are upgrading a Siebel Industry Application or Siebel Financial Services Application, choose the application from which you are upgrading. Carefully read the descriptions of the available applications. The choices available to you are constrained by the database platform you selected. The following applications may appear:

    NOTE:  Before choosing your application, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms to verify the supported upgrade paths for your deployment.

    • Siebel Life Sciences. Choose this if you are upgrading from Release 6.x of Siebel Life Sciences.
    • Siebel Communication Media Energy. Choose this if you are upgrading from Release 6.x of Siebel Communications, Media, and Energy.
    • Siebel Consumer Sector. Choose this if you upgrading from Release 6.x of Siebel Consumer Sector.
    • Siebel Automotive. Choose this if you are upgrading from Release 6.x of Siebel Automotive.
    • Siebel Financial Services. Choose this if you are upgrading from Release 6.x or 7.x of Siebel Financial Services.
    • Siebel Industry Solution. Choose this if you are upgrading from Release 7.0.3 or 7.0.4 of any of the following applications: Siebel Consumer Sector, Siebel Life Sciences, Siebel Communications, Media, and Energy, Siebel Automotive.

      The Current Siebel Version screen appears.

  11. Choose the base version of Siebel eBusiness Applications from which you are upgrading.

    To continue, click Next.

    The Language Selection screen appears.

    NOTE:  The language selection screen does not appear if you have only one language installed, because that language is automatically defined as the primary language. Therefore, skip the next step and continue with Step 13.

  12. Choose the language that was the primary language of your prior environment.

    To continue, click Next.

    NOTE:  If you cannot continue, then you selected a language for which you do not have a language pack. You need to reselect the primary language used in your prior environment, and then click Next to continue.

    The ODBC Data Source Name screen appears.

  13. Accept the name of the ODBC data source displayed for verification purposes (for example, SiebSrvr_siebel), or enter a different data source name.

    NOTE:  The data source is created automatically by the Siebel Server installation, using the format SiebSrvr_EnterpriseName.

    To find the name of your ODBC data source, navigate to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Source (ODBC). Click the System DSN tab to find the name of your ODBC data source.

    To continue, click Next.

    The Database User Name screen appears.

  14. Type the source user name and password for your database:
    • Database User Name. User name of the Siebel administrator, for example, sadmin.
    • Database Password. Password for the Siebel administrator, for example, sadmin.
    • Database Password (confirm). Retype the password for confirmation.

      To continue, click Next.

      NOTE:  The following Installation and Configuration Parameters screens are platform-specific. Which screens appear next depends on the database platform that you are upgrading.

  15. In the Installation and Configuration Parameters screens that appear next, complete each field with the values that you recorded on your Upgrade Planning Worksheet. The default values for each RDBMS are listed in the table below.

    NOTE:  Use underscores rather than spaces; these values are case-sensitive.

    Database Tableowner
    This is the account that owns the Siebel objects, for example, siebel.
    • DB2 UDB: Tableowner.
    • Microsoft SQL Server: Database Owner Login (this is the login for the owner of the database, not necessarily the default owner of the database in DBO).
    • Oracle: Tableowner.
    Database Tableowner Password
    • DB2 UDB: Tableowner password.
    • Microsoft SQL Server: the password for Database Owner Login (this is the login for the owner of the database, not necessarily the default owner of the database in DBO).
    • Oracle: Tableowner password.
    Index Space
    • DB2 UDB: The name you give to your 4-K index space for tables.
    • Oracle: The name you gave to your index area.
    4KB Tablespace
    • DB2 UDB: The name you gave to your 4-KB tablespace.
    16KB Tablespace
    (DB2 UDB only)
    • DB2 UDB: 16-KB tablespace.
    32KB Tablespace
    (DB2 UDB only)
    • DB2 UDB: 32-KB tablespace.
    Tablespace Name
    • Oracle: The name you gave to your data area.

    After you type the value for each screen, to continue, click Next.

  16. For all platforms, in the Database Server OS screen, choose the platform on which your database server runs; for example, Windows.

    To continue, click Next.

    The Log Output Directory screen appears.

    NOTE:  If you are upgrading to a version prior to Release 7.5.3, the Log Output Directory screen does not appear.

  17. In the Log Output Directory screen, indicate the directory within SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log where you want the upgrade log files to be generated.

    Do not include special characters, such as slashes or symbols, in the name of the log output directory.

    To continue, click Next.

    The Configuration Parameter Review screen appears.

  18. Review the configuration values you entered on the previous Database Server Configuration Wizard screens against the values that you recorded in your copy of Upgrade Planning Worksheet.

    NOTE:  Passwords are encrypted and do not appear in plain text either in the user interface or in the upgrade configuration files (UCF files). After a password is entered, it always appears in encrypted form. If you need to use another password, you must rerun the configuration wizard.

    • If you need to go back to make changes, click Previous to back out until you reach the screen with the parameter you need to change. Enter the valid parameter, and then click Next until you reach the Configuration Parameter Review screen again.
    • To accept the values you input with no changes, click Finish.
  19. A message box appears, prompting you to decide if you want to apply the configuration now or later.
    • To apply the configuration now, click OK.

      The Siebel Upgrade Wizard appears. To begin the upgrade of your Custom Database Schema, click OK. A check mark appears beside each item as it is completed. When the status bar registers that the upgrade process is complete, click OK to exit the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

      At this stage, you have finished upgrading your Custom Database Schema and are ready to review the log files for errors.

    • To apply the configuration later, click Cancel.

      When you are ready to apply your configuration, follow the procedure To apply your Siebel Software configuration later.

CAUTION:  The upgrade process executes in a DOS command window. Do not click inside this window while the upgrade is running. If you accidentally click inside the DOS command window, the process stops executing and you need to restart the upgrade.

Some long-running operations, when canceled, may not sever all processes on the database side. If your upgrade does not complete successfully, work with your database administrator to verify that there are no other users currently logged on to the database. If there are, ask your database administrator to terminate all connections, then relaunch the configuration wizard.

If errors are encountered during the upgrade process, it stops at that point. If your upgrade stops due to an error, you must carefully review the log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point, and fix the error that stopped the upgrade. See Troubleshooting the Custom Database Schema Upgrade. Once you have corrected the error, you may restart the upgrade. The upgrade continues from the last step that completed successfully. For details on how to restart, see Restarting the Upgrade.

To apply your Siebel Software configuration later

  1. If you want to apply the configuration later, you must first review the upgrade configuration file (UCF file) under the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin directory:


    for example,


  2. After you have reviewed the UCF file, to apply the configuration, enter the following directory path in the DOS command prompt:

    SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg.exe /m master_ UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

    for example,

    SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin\siebupg.exe /m master_upgphys_dev_601.ucf

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003