Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Upgrading the Siebel eBusiness Application >

Installing the Siebel Database Server Software

Install the Release 7.5 Siebel Database Server software onto one Siebel Server. The Siebel Database Server must be installed on a Siebel Server that has already been upgraded to Release 7.5.

NOTE:  With the Siebel Enterprise Server (SES) installer, when the Siebel Server is chosen, make sure that you choose the Siebel Database Server as well.

To configure and execute Siebel Database Server procedures and maintenance scripts, you must have sufficient access to Siebel Server 7.5 directories:

To install the Release 7.5 Siebel Database Server software, follow the instructions in the Siebel Server Installation Guide, in the chapter on installing the Siebel Database Server software on your RDBMS. Refer to your completed Upgrade Planning Worksheet for server names and other installation information.

NOTE:  Perform the procedure outlined in Siebel Server Installation Guide for your platform for installing the stored procedures and user-defined functions.

In order to have Siebel Administrator permissions, you must log in with a valid RDBMS user name and password, and this user name must have "Siebel Administrator" responsibility for the default organization.

The default administrator user name is SADMIN. If the user SADMIN does not exist or does not have "Siebel Administrator" responsibility for the default organization, you must contact your database administrator to establish this before you proceed with the upgrade.

This attribute can be changed to the login of another "employee" if necessary to meet your business needs.

Installing Additional Languages for a Multilingual Deployment

If your organization deploys internationally and, therefore, requires data to be in multiple languages, you need to install multilingual seed data (for example, lists of views, responsibilities, or system preferences). To do this, you must add new language packs to your database after you have installed the base language for your database server.

See Siebel Server Installation Guide for the operating system that you are using for instructions on installing and configuring multiple Siebel language packs and importing a new language to your repository.

NOTE:  In a Unicode-enabled database environment, you can install any available Siebel language pack. In a non-Unicode database environment, you must consider the correlation of the language packs you want to install and the characters supported by your database code page. For example, in a Western European code page database, you can only install Western European language packs such as English, French, Spanish, or German. In a Japanese code page database, you can only install Japanese or English language packs.

For a list of supported code pages and encoding strategies, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003