Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Postupgrade Tasks > Additional Postupgrade Tasks for Specific Applications >

Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Life Sciences

CAUTION:  This procedure only applies to production environment upgrades. For development environment upgrades, skip this procedure and proceed to Postupgrade Tasks for Marketing.

If you successfully completed a production environment upgrade from Release 6.3 Life Sciences to Release 7.5, you need to rename your cfg file before you upgrade your mobile and connected clients as instructed in Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide. This action prevents an error from occurring when you log in to the upgraded Release 7.5 ePharma client.

The Release 6.3 cfg file was called pharma.cfg, but in Release 7.5 the cfg file is called ePharma.cfg.

To rename your ePharma configuration file

If you do not rename the cfg file, you may receive the following error message after the client upgrade, after you install the upgraded Client Executables and Client Executables ENU, when you try to log in to the upgraded 7.5 ePharma client: Unable to load configuration file "D:\63\client\Bin\ENU\Pharma.cfg".

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003