Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows > Upgrading the Siebel eBusiness Application > Reviewing the Upgrade Log Files >

Reviewing the Log Files for Unacceptable Errors

The log files may include errors that are expected and benign. Before you continue with the upgrade, you must compare any error messages found in the log files to a list of acceptable error messages.

To manually review the log files for unacceptable errors

  1. Review the state1.log file to see at what step the upgrade failed. This step can be traced back to the driver file. The state1.log file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log\PROCESS\state.
  2. Print the errors.rtf file. This file is located in the installation subdirectory for your database platform (DBSRVR_ROOT\DATABASE_PLATFORM).
  3. Sort the files in the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log\PROCESS\output directory according to date, with the most recent files on top.

    NOTE:  It is important that you start with the earliest log file to shorten your research time if you find unacceptable errors in an early log file.

  4. Open each log file, starting with the earliest, and search for errors.
    • Log files are identified by the .log extension.
    • Errors are either tagged with the word "error" or enclosed in square brackets "[...]."
  5. For each error found, compare the error description against the list of acceptable errors documented in errors.rtf.
    • If you locate the error in errors.rtf, it is acceptable and no action is required. Continue to review the errors found in the log file.
    • If an error appears multiple times in a log file, but only one occurrence of that error appears in errors.rtf, all errors of that type are acceptable and no action is required. Continue to review the errors found in the log file.
    • If a log file is not listed in errors.rtf, there are no acceptable error messages for that log file. You must correct the condition that caused the error before you rerun the Upgrade Wizard.
    • If you find an error that is not listed in the errors.rtf file, it is unacceptable. You must correct the condition that caused the error before you rerun the Upgrade Wizard.

      Report the error to Siebel Technical Support. Do not proceed with the upgrade.

  6. Repeat the previous step for each log file.

    CAUTION:  Do not proceed with the upgrade until unacceptable errors have been corrected. If you cannot correct the error, contact Siebel Technical Support or Professional Services to report the error in detail.

Although other errors are rarely encountered, this review is critical. Certain errors, such as a failure to create indexes, may result in performance problems or anomalous behavior in Siebel eBusiness Applications.

Troubleshooting the Siebel Database Schema Upgrade

Typical problems that may occur at this stage could result from a lack of storage space or insufficient user privileges.

Recovering from a Failed Siebel Database Schema Upgrade

If the repository upgrade fails due to insufficient space allocated on the database, you must complete the following procedures.

To recover from a failed Siebel database schema upgrade

  1. Back up your complete set of log files, from the beginning of the upgrade process to the point at which it stopped, to another directory.
  2. Read the upgwiz.log file and associated log file to determine the failure. See Reviewing the Log Files for Unacceptable Errors.
  3. Take the necessary corrective action. Depending on the errors that you find, you may need to ask your DBA to extend the database.
  4. Resume the upgrade wizard. The upgrade continues from the last process that completed successfully.

NOTE:  To resume the upgrade wizard, type the following command at the Windows DOS command prompt from the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin directory:

For example, to restart a development upgrade from Release 6.0.1 to Release 7.x, type: siebupg /m master_upgrep_dev_601.ucf.

Restarting the Upgrade

The Siebel Upgrade Wizard is restartable at most stages within the upgrade process. If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard encounters an error during the upgrade process, it stops at that point. If your upgrade stops due to an error, perform the following steps.

To restart the upgrade

  1. Carefully review the relevant log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point.
  2. Before you restart the upgrade (after any break in the upgrade process) back up your complete set of log files, from the beginning of the process to the point at which it stopped, to another directory. This maintains a complete record of your log files, and prevents your previous log files from being overwritten, which could prevent accurate diagnosis of the reason for the break in the upgrade.
  3. After you resolve the failure, you may restart the upgrade. The upgrade continues from the last step that completed successfully.

If problems with your environment prevent the upgrade from restarting, you need to restore the database from the prior base version (the version which you are upgrading from). For example, environment problems may occur when table creation fails due to a database problem (insufficient storage or network problems), which cause subsequent upgrade steps to fail. If you need to restore your database and restart the upgrade, you should delete or store the upgrade log files that were generated under SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log\PROCESS\output to a zip file. You should also delete the log file, state.log, from the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log\PROCESS\state directory.

NOTE:  If you are upgrading to a version prior to Release 7.5.3, the upgrade log files are located in the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\log directory.

Launching the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

The Siebel Upgrade Wizard launches from the final prompt of the Database Server Configuration Wizard. However, if a program or system error occurs and you need to rerun the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, you can do so, starting at the point at which the wizard failed, by using the following procedure.

To manually launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard from the command prompt,
or to restart the upgrade

  1. Type the following command at the Windows DOS command prompt from the SIEBEL_ROOT\siebsrvr\bin directory:

    siebupg.exe /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION.ucf

    For example, to restart a development upgrade from Release 6.0.1 to Release 7.x, type the following command:

    siebupg.exe /m master_upgrep_dev_601.ucf.

    The Siebel Upgrade Wizard screen appears, displaying the items to be completed during this phase.

  2. To begin the upgrade of your repository, click OK.

    A check mark appears beside each item as it is completed.

  3. When the status bar registers that the upgrade process is complete, click OK to exit the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

You have finished upgrading your repository and are ready to review the log files for errors. See Reviewing the Log Files for Unacceptable Errors.

 Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows
 Published: 20 October 2003