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Mid Function

This standard VB function returns a portion of a string, starting at a specified location within the string.


Mid[$](string, start[, length])

A string or string expression containing the string to be copied
An integer representing the starting position in string to begin copying characters
An integer representing the number of characters to copy


A substring of string, of length length, beginning at the start character of string.


Mid accepts any type of string, including numeric values, and converts the input value to a string. If the length argument is omitted or if string is smaller than length, then Mid returns computer characters in string. If start is larger than string, then Mid returns an empty string ("").

The index of the first character in a string is 1.

The dollar sign ($) in the function name is optional. If it is included, the return type is string. Otherwise the function typically returns a variant of vartype 8 (string). If the value of string is Null, a variant of vartype 1 (Null) is returned. Mid$ requires the string argument to be of type string or variant. Mid allows the string argument to be of any data type.

To modify a portion of a string value, read Mid Statement.


This example uses the Mid function to find the last name in a string entered by the user.

Sub Button_Click
   Dim username as String
   Dim position as Integer
   username = "Chris Smith"
      position = InStr(username," ")
      If position = 0 then
         Exit Do
      End If
      position = position + 1
      username = Mid(username,position)
End Sub

See Also

Left Function
Len Function
LTrim Function
Mid Function
Right Function
RTrim Function
Trim Function

 Siebel VB Language Reference
 Published: 18 June 2003