Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide > Working in a Repository's Presentation Layer > Presentation Layer Objects >

Working with Presentation Catalogs

In the Presentation layer, presentation catalogs allow you to show different views of a business model to different sets of users. Presentation catalogs have to be populated with contents from a single business model. They cannot span business models.

Presentation Catalog Dialog Box

The Presentation Catalog dialog box has three tabs: General, Presentation Tables, and Aliases. The functionality provided in each tab is described in Table 9.

Table 9.  Presentation Catalog Dialog Box
Use this tab to create or edit a presentation catalog.
Presentation Table
Use this tab to reorder or sort the Presentation layer tables in the Administration Tool workspace, and to delete tables. You can also use this tab to access the Presentation Table dialog box, where you can create and edit tables.
Use this tab to specify or delete an alias for a catalog folder.

To create a presentation catalog

  1. In the Presentation layer, right-click and select New Presentation Catalog from the shortcut menu.
  2. The Presentation Catalog dialog box appears.

  3. In the General tab, enter a name for the presentation catalog.
  4. Click the Permissions button to open the Permissions dialog box, where you can assign user or group permissions to the catalog folder.
  5. For information about assigning permissions to a presentation catalog, see Setting Permissions for Repository Objects.

  6. Select a Business Model from the drop-down list.
  7. To expose the logical keys to other applications, select the option Export logical keys.
  8. This causes any columns in the Presentation layer that are key columns in the Business Model and Mapping layer to be listed as key columns to any ODBC client. This is the default selection. In most situations, this option should be selected.

    Many client tools differentiate between key and nonkey columns, and the option Export logical keys provides client tools access to the key column metadata. Any join conditions the client tool adds to the query, however, are ignored; the Siebel Analytics Server uses the joins defined in the repository.

    NOTE:  If you are using a tool that issues parameterized SQL queries, such as Microsoft Access, do not select the Export logical keys option. Not exporting logical keys stops the tool from issuing parameterized queries.

  9. (Optional) Enter a description of the catalog folder.
  10. CAUTION:  When you move columns into presentation catalog folders, be sure columns with the same name or an alias of the same name do not already exist in the catalog.

To delete a presentation table

  1. Click the Presentation Tables tab.
  2. Click the table you want to remove and click the Remove button, or press the Delete key.
  3. A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click Yes to remove the table, or No to cancel the removal.

To reorder a table in the Presentation layer

  1. Click the Presentation Tables tab.
  2. In the Name list, select the table you want to reorder.
  3. Use the drag-and-drop feature to reposition the table, or click the Up and Down buttons.

To sort all tables in the Presentation layer in alphanumeric order

  1. Click the Presentation Tables tab.
  2. Click on Name column heading.
  3. This toggles the sort between ascending and descending alphanumeric order.

 Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003