Siebel eTraining Guide > Setting Up Courses > Specifying Training Course Details >

Scheduling Classes and Class Sessions

The following procedures describe how to schedule classes for a course and how to schedule class sessions for a class.

You can schedule class sessions for the same day and the same time, but in different rooms. Instructors and students can be associated with a class. Though not required, class sessions allow for greater flexibility in managing time, room, and instructor changes that may occur during the course of a multiday classroom event.

To schedule classes for a course

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Training Administration > Courses.
  2. In the Courses list, select the course, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Course Name field to view Course Details.
  3. NOTE:  The format for the course must be Instructor-Led or Distance Learning. You should not create a new class schedule record for other formats.

  4. Click the Class Details view tab, and in the Class Details list, click New.
  5. Complete the fields, and save the new record.
  6. The following table describes the fields.

    Cancellation Deadline
    The last date that users can cancel the class. After this date has passed, the Drop button is removed from the user's class details.
    This field is located in the Class Details view as part of the More Info view tab.
    Class Status
    Use to indicate the current status of the selected course. Available values include Active, Inactive, End of Life, Pre-Release, Pending, QA, and Near Term.
    In order for information about the selected course and class to be visible to nonadministrative users of the eTraining Web site, this setting must have the value Active.
    The classroom that the class session will use, based on the location selected.
    Shortened identifier for the class. Defaults to a unique, editable row ID number.
    Date and time.
    Read-only field used to display instructor's first and last name in one field for the student.
    Instructor First Name
    Read-only field that is automatically populated with the instructor's first name.
    Instructor Last Name
    Use to specify one or more instructors who are teaching the class. In the Class Instructor dialog box, click the Primary check box to designate the primary instructor.
    Training location. Only existing locations can be selected from the Class Schedule form. To define locations, see Adding Training Location Information. Click the Primary check box to designate primary class location.
    Max Seats
    The maximum number of seats available for the class. Can also be used to limit enrollment in Distance Learning classes, where there is no physical limit on number of seats. Defaults to 100,000 for a new class record before a location and classroom has been selected.
    If you:
    • Specify a classroom with a nonzero value for Seats, the Max Seats value for the class automatically changes from 0 to the value of Seats for the classroom.
    • Enter a nonzero value for Max Seats, the value you enter is used, regardless of classroom size.
    Name of the course.
    Open Seats
    The number of seats currently available in the class. The value is automatically calculated by subtracting the value of Taken Seats from the value of Max Seats.
    Taken Seats
    Total number of enrollments for this class that are confirmed or pending.
    Read-only field associated with course tests.
    Read-only field associated with course version.

To schedule class sessions for a class

  1. Complete the relevant class information in the Class Details view.
  2. For more information, see To schedule classes for a course.

  3. Navigate to the Class Details view.
  4. Click the Sessions view tab.
  5. Add specific Start Time and End Time values if desired.
  6. In the Classes form, click Create Sessions.
  7. Class sessions are created automatically, and class values are copied to session records.

    If desired, use the Sessions view to change individual values for each session, for example location, classroom, start and end times, instructors, and so on.

 Siebel eTraining Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003