Package com.bankframe.fe.ui

Class Summary
ApplicationImages This class loads and stores all the images used by an application.
EApplet This class must be subclassed by all bankframe frontends which must implement the necessary methods.

This class provides methods to:
get the host from which the client must communicate to, i.e.
EDefaultMenuPanel This class is the cuper class to all Menu Panel implementations.
EDefaultSplashPanel This class provides a default splash panel for any bankframe frontend application.
EMenuPanel This class provides an abstract menu panel implementation for displaying processes.
EPanel This class is the super class to all EPanels.
EPanelContainer This class is an abstract class that must be implemented by applications.
EPanelLoader This class is used to load and create the process Panel Drivers for an application.
ESplashPanel This class provides an asbtract class for extending and adding a splash panel for any bankframe frontend application.
ServerDetails This class contains the request ids and service names of the services which the SampleApplet application will interact with.

Exception Summary
UserInterfaceException This class handles frontend exceptions.

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