
Class Summary
ConvertToEJB11 ConvertToEJB11 extends DirectoryIterator and converts all the processed files from EJB1.0 format to EJB1.1 format.
DirectoryIterator DirectoryIterator is an abstract base class for directory iteration
FileFindAndReplace Class provides a find and replace utility for an input file.
FindClass Determine the directory/jar a class is located in the path
FindFileInClassPath Determine the directory/jar a class is located in ClassPath
JarIterator JarIterator is an abstract class for iterating over files in a Java ARchive (JAR)
MigrateDestination This class migrates the Destination table prior to MCA 5.0 to the MCA 5.0 style Destination table.
MigrateMetaData This class migrates the Meta-data txn_field table prior to MCA 4.0 to the MCA 4.0 style meta-data tables
MigratePersisterTxnMap This class creates an SQL script with the current contents of the Persister_Txn_Map table.
MigrateRoutes This class will migrate pre MCA 3.5 Routes to new the new ROUTES table
MigrateTxnRoute This class migrates the Destination table prior to MCA 5.0 to the MCA 5.0 style Destination table.
PropertyResourceBundleGenerator This class generate a PropertyResourceBundle class for a specified locale.
UpdateLDAPSchema This utility updates the requested LDAP server with the schema objects required by BankFrame MCA 3.5
VersionGenerator This class generates a Version properties file which is used to identify the version number and build date of a BankFrameMCA release.

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