Package com.bankframe.ei.txnhandler.transactionlayout.impl.response

Interface Summary
ResponseTransactionField This class is the remote interface of Transaction Field Entity Bean
ResponseTransactionFieldHome This class is the home interface of the ResponseTransactionField bean

Class Summary
ResponseTransactionFieldBean This class is an implementation of the Transaction Field Entity BMP Bean for Transaction Response.
ResponseTransactionFieldCache This class caches the connection parameters of a connector contained in the Destination table
ResponseTransactionFieldCachePersister This class is responsible for controlling the interaction between the txn Response fields cache maintained in memory and the database txn Response fields table.
ResponseTransactionFieldClient This class test the functionality of the ResponseTransactionField EJB.
ResponseTransactionFieldImplt This class serves as a lightweight proxy representation of a ResponseTransactionField entity for caching purposes.
ResponseTransactionFieldPK This class is the primary key for the ResponseTransactionField

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