Package com.stellent.cis.client.api.scs.component.folder

Interface Summary
ISCSComponentFolderAPI The command API implementation of the component.folder commands.
ISCSFolderAddLinkResponse Response from adding a link to the folders on the content server
ISCSFolderContent Content that lives inside a folder.
ISCSFolderDeleteContentResponse Response when a request is made to delete all the content items from a given folder
ISCSFolderDisplayResponse Response from the content server that lists the contents of an individual folder.
ISCSFolderHierarchyResponse Response from the content server when querying the folder heirarchy
ISCSFolderInfoResponse Response from the content server from a folder info query.
ISCSFolderListContentsResponse Response from the content server when querying for the immediate child content items of a given folder.
ISCSFolderListFoldersResponse Response from server when listing the child folders of a given folder.
ISCSFolderMovedContent Represents a piece of content that was operated on during a copy or move
ISCSFolderMovedFolder Represents a folder that was operated on during a copy or move
ISCSFolderMultiNodeResponse A content server response from a copy or move folder request.
ISCSFolderSearchResponse Response from the content server for a folder search request.
ISCSFolderSingleNodeResponse A response from a folder action.
ISCSLink Link items that live inside a folder (returned from folder queries).
ISCSLinkID ID of a folder link object