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Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository Java API Reference
Release 1 (1.3)


Interface OracleSession

All Superinterfaces:

public interface OracleSession
extends javax.jcr.Session

The OracleSession object provides read and (in level 2) write access to the content of a particular workspace in the repository. <p/> The OracleSession object is returned by OracleRepository.login(javax.jcr.Credentials, java.lang.String). It encapsulates both the authorization settings of a particular user (as specified by the passed Credentials). <p/> Each OracleSession object is associated one-to-one with a OracleWorkspace object. The Workspace object represents a "view" of an actual repository workspace entity as seen through the authorization settings of its associated OracleSession.

Method Summary
 void addLockToken(java.lang.String lt)
          Adds the specified lock token to this session.
 void checkPermission(java.lang.String absPath, java.lang.String actions)
          Determines whether this Session has permission to perform the specified actions at the specified absPath.
 void exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          This operation is not supported
 void exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          This operation is not supported
 void exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          This operation is not supported
 void exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath, out, boolean skipBinary, boolean noRecurse)
          This operation is not supported
 java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the value of the named attribute as an Object, or null if no attribute of the given name exists.
 java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
          Returns the names of the attributes set in this session as a result of the Credentials that were used to acquire it.
 org.xml.sax.ContentHandler getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, int uuidBehavior)
          Returns null for org.xml.sax.ContentHandler since import operation is not supported.
 javax.jcr.Item getItem(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns the item at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
 java.lang.String[] getLockTokens()
          Returns an array containing all lock tokens currently held by this session.
 java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String uri)
          Returns the prefix to which the given URI is mapped
 java.lang.String[] getNamespacePrefixes()
          Returns all prefixes currently set for this session.
 java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
          For a given prefix, returns the URI to which it is mapped as currently set in this Session.
 javax.jcr.Node getNodeByUUID(java.lang.String uuid)
          Returns the node specified by the given UUID.
 javax.jcr.Repository getRepository()
          Returns the Repository object through which this session was acquired.
 javax.jcr.Node getRootNode()
          Returns the root node of the workspace.
 java.lang.String getUserID()
          Gets the user ID that was used to acquire this session.
 javax.jcr.ValueFactory getValueFactory()
          This method returns a ValueFactory that is used to create Value objects for use when setting repository properties.
 javax.jcr.Workspace getWorkspace()
          Returns the Workspace attached to this Session.
 boolean hasPendingChanges()
          Returns true if this session holds pending (that is, unsaved) changes; otherwise returns false.
 javax.jcr.Session impersonate(javax.jcr.Credentials credentials)
          Returns a new session in accordance with the specified (new) Credentials.
 void importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath, in, int uuidBehavior)
          Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath.
 boolean isLive()
          Returns true if this Session object is usable by the client.
 boolean itemExists(java.lang.String absPath)
          Returns true if an item exists at absPath; otherwise returns false.
 void logout()
          Releases all resources associated with this Session.
 void move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath, java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.
 void refresh(boolean keepChanges)
          If keepChanges is false, this method discards all pending changes currently recorded in this Session and returns all items to reflect the current saved state.
 void removeLockToken(java.lang.String lt)
          Removes the specified lock token from this session.
 void save()
          Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session.
 void setNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          Within the scope of this session, rename a persistently registered namespace URI to the new prefix.


Method Detail


javax.jcr.Repository getRepository()
Returns the Repository object through which this session was acquired.
Specified by:
getRepository in interface javax.jcr.Session
a Repository object.


java.lang.String getUserID()
Gets the user ID that was used to acquire this session.
Specified by:
getUserID in interface javax.jcr.Session
the user id from the credentials used to acquire this session.


java.lang.Object getAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Returns the value of the named attribute as an Object, or null if no attribute of the given name exists. See Session.getAttributeNames().
Specified by:
getAttribute in interface javax.jcr.Session
name - the name of an attribute passed in the credentials used to acquire this session.
the value of the attribute.


java.lang.String[] getAttributeNames()
Returns the names of the attributes set in this session as a result of the Credentials that were used to acquire it.
Specified by:
getAttributeNames in interface javax.jcr.Session
A string array containing the names of all attributes passed in the credentials used to acquire this session.


javax.jcr.Workspace getWorkspace()
Returns the Workspace attached to this Session.
Specified by:
getWorkspace in interface javax.jcr.Session
a Workspace object.


javax.jcr.Session impersonate(javax.jcr.Credentials credentials)
                              throws javax.jcr.LoginException,
Returns a new session in accordance with the specified (new) Credentials. Allows the current user to "impersonate" another using credentials, assuming that their original session gives them that permission. <p/> The new Session is tied to a new Workspace instance. In other words, Workspace instances are not re-used. However, the Workspace instance returned represents the same actual persistent workspace entity in the repository as is represented by the Workspace object tied to this Session. <p/> Throws a LoginException if the current session does not have sufficient rights.
Specified by:
impersonate in interface javax.jcr.Session
credentials - A Credentials object
a Session object
javax.jcr.LoginException - if the current session does not have sufficient rights.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


javax.jcr.Node getRootNode()
                           throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
Returns the root node of the workspace. The root node, "/", is the main access point to the content of the workspace.
Specified by:
getRootNode in interface javax.jcr.Session
The root node of the workspace: a Node object.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


javax.jcr.Node getNodeByUUID(java.lang.String uuid)
                             throws javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException,
Returns the node specified by the given UUID. Only applies to nodes that expose a UUID, in other words, those of mixin node type mix:referenceable
Specified by:
getNodeByUUID in interface javax.jcr.Session
uuid - A universally unique identifier.
A Node.
javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException - if the specified UUID is not found.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


javax.jcr.Item getItem(java.lang.String absPath)
                       throws javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException,
Returns the item at the specified absolute path in the workspace.
Specified by:
getItem in interface javax.jcr.Session
absPath - An absolute path.
An Item.
javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException - if the specified path cannot be found.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


boolean itemExists(java.lang.String absPath)
                   throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
Returns true if an item exists at absPath; otherwise returns false. Also returns false if the specified absPath is malformed.
Specified by:
itemExists in interface javax.jcr.Session
absPath - an absolute path
true if an item exists at absPath; otherwise returns false.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


void move(java.lang.String srcAbsPath,
          java.lang.String destAbsPath)
          throws javax.jcr.ItemExistsException,
Moves the node at srcAbsPath (and its entire subtree) to the new location at destAbsPath.

In order to persist the change, a save must be called on either the session or a common ancestor to both the source and destination locations. <p/> A ConstraintViolationException is thrown either immediately if performing this operation would violate a node type constraint.

As well, a ConstraintViolationException will be thrown on save if an attempt is made to separately save either the source or destination node.

Note that this behavior differs from that of Workspace.move(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), which operates directly in the persistent workspace and does not require a save. <p/> Strictly speaking, the destAbsPath parameter is actually an absolute path to the parent node of the new location, appended with the new name desired for the moved node. <p/> This method cannot be used to move just an individual property by itself. It moves an entire node and its subtree (including, of course, any properties contained therein). <p/> If no node exists at srcAbsPath or no node exists one level above destAbsPath (in other words, there is no node that will serve as the parent of the moved item) then a PathNotFoundException is thrown immediately. <p/> An ItemExistsException is thrown either immediately if a property already exists at destAbsPath or a node already exists there and same-name siblings are not allowed. <p/> A VersionException is thrown either immediately or on save if the parent node of destAbsPath. <p/> A LockException is thrown either immediately

Specified by:
move in interface javax.jcr.Session
srcAbsPath - the root of the subtree to be moved.
destAbsPath - the location to which the subtree is to be moved.
javax.jcr.ItemExistsException - if a property already exists at destAbsPath or a node already exist there, and same name siblings are not allowed and this implementation performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until save.
javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException - if either srcAbsPath or destAbsPath cannot be found and this implementation performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until save.
javax.jcr.version.VersionException - if the parent node of destAbsPath or the parent node of srcAbsPath is versionable and checked-in and this implementation performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until save.
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException - if a node-type constraint violation is detected immediately and this implementation performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until save.
javax.jcr.lock.LockException - if the move operation would violate a lock and this implementation performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until save.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void save()
          throws javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException,
Validates all pending changes currently recorded in this Session. If validation of all pending changes succeeds, then this change information is cleared from the Session. After the save, the changes are persisted and thus made visible to other Sessions.

If validation fails, then this is best-effort or partial save and not atomic.

When an item is saved the item in persistent storage to which pending changes are written is determined as follows:

As a result of these rules, a save of an item that has a UUID will succeed even if that item has, in the meantime, been moved in persistent storage to a new location (that is, its path has changed). However, a save of a non-UUID item will fail (throwing an InvalidItemStateException) if it has, in the meantime, been moved in persistent storage to a new location. A save of a non-UUID item will also fail if it has, in addition to being moved, been replaced in its original position by a UUID-bearing item.

An AccessDeniedException will be thrown if any of the changes to be persisted would violate the access privileges of this Session.

An ItemExistsException will be thrown if any of the changes to be persisted would be prevented by the presence of an already existing item in the workspace.

A ConstraintViolationException will be thrown if any of the changes to be persisted would violate a node type restriction.

A LockException is thrown if any of the changes to be persisted would violate a lock.

An InvalidItemStateException is thrown if any of the changes to be persisted conflicts with a change already persisted through another session and the implementation is such that this conflict can only be detected at save-time and therefore was not detected earlier, at change-time.

A VersionException is thrown if the save would make a result in a change to persistent storage that would violate the read-only status of a checked-in node.

A LockException is thrown if the save would result in a change to persistent storage that would violate a lock.

A NoSuchNodeTypeException is thrown if the save would result in the addition of a node with an unrecognized node type.

A RepositoryException will be thrown if another error occurs.

Specified by:
save in interface javax.jcr.Session
javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException - if any of the changes to be persisted would violate the access privileges of the this Session.
javax.jcr.ItemExistsException - if any of the changes to be persisted would be prevented by the presence of an already existing item in the workspace.
javax.jcr.lock.LockException - if any of the changes to be persisted would violate a lock.
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException - if any of the changes to be persisted would violate a node type or restriction. Additionally, a repository may use this exception to enforce implementation.
javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException - if any of the changes to be persisted conflicts with a change already persisted through another session and the implementation is such that this conflict can only be detected at save-time and therefore was not detected earlier, at change-time.
javax.jcr.version.VersionException - if the save would make a result in a change to persistent storage that would violate the read-only status of a checked-in node.
javax.jcr.lock.LockException - if the save would result in a change to persistent storage that would violate a lock.
javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException - if the save would result in the addition of a node with an unrecognized node type.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void refresh(boolean keepChanges)
             throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
If keepChanges is false, this method discards all pending changes currently recorded in this Session and returns all items to reflect the current saved state.

If keepChanges is true then pending change are not discarded but items that do not have changes pending have their state refreshed to reflect the current saved state, thus revealing changes made by other sessions.

Specified by:
refresh in interface javax.jcr.Session
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs.


boolean hasPendingChanges()
                          throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
Returns true if this session holds pending (that is, unsaved) changes; otherwise returns false.
Specified by:
hasPendingChanges in interface javax.jcr.Session
a boolean
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs


javax.jcr.ValueFactory getValueFactory()
                                       throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
This method returns a ValueFactory that is used to create Value objects for use when setting repository properties. <p/>
Specified by:
getValueFactory in interface javax.jcr.Session
a ValueFactory
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void checkPermission(java.lang.String absPath,
                     java.lang.String actions)
Determines whether this Session has permission to perform the specified actions at the specified absPath. This method quietly returns if the access request is permitted, or throws a suitable otherwise. <p/> The actions parameter is a comma separated list of action strings. The following action strings are defined: When more than one action is specified in the actions parameter, this method will only return quietly if this Session has permission to perform all of the listed actions at the specified path. <p/> The information returned through this method will only reflect access control policies and not other restrictions that may exist. For example, even though checkPermission may indicate that a particular Session may add a property at /A/B/C, the node type of the node at /A/B may prevent the addition of a property called C.
Specified by:
checkPermission in interface javax.jcr.Session
Throws: - If permission is denied.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


org.xml.sax.ContentHandler getImportContentHandler(java.lang.String parentAbsPath,
                                                   int uuidBehavior)
                                                   throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
Returns null for org.xml.sax.ContentHandler since import operation is not supported.
Specified by:
getImportContentHandler in interface javax.jcr.Session
parentAbsPath - the absolute path of a node under which (as child) the imported subtree will be built.
uuidBehavior - a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.
an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler whose methods may be called to feed SAX events into the deserializer.


void importXML(java.lang.String parentAbsPath,
               int uuidBehavior)
               throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at parentAbsPath. This operation is not supported.
Specified by:
importXML in interface javax.jcr.Session
parentAbsPath - the absolute path of the node below which the deserialized subtree is added.
in - The Inputstream from which the XML to be deserilaized is read.
uuidBehavior - a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.


void exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath,
                      org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler,
                      boolean skipBinary,
                      boolean noRecurse)
                      throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
This operation is not supported
Specified by:
exportSystemView in interface javax.jcr.Session
skipBinary - A boolean governing whether binary properties are to be serialized.
noRecurse - A boolean governing whether the subtree at absPath is to be recursed.


void exportSystemView(java.lang.String absPath,
                      boolean skipBinary,
                      boolean noRecurse)
                      throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
This operation is not supported
Specified by:
exportSystemView in interface javax.jcr.Session
absPath - The path of the root of the subtree to be serialized. This must be the path to a node, not a property
out - The OutputStream to which the XML serialization of the subtree will be output.
skipBinary - A boolean governing whether binary properties are to be serialized.
noRecurse - A boolean governing whether the subtree at absPath is to be recursed.


void exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath,
                        org.xml.sax.ContentHandler contentHandler,
                        boolean skipBinary,
                        boolean noRecurse)
                        throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
This operation is not supported
Specified by:
exportDocumentView in interface javax.jcr.Session
absPath - The path of the root of the subtree to be serialized. This must be the path to a node, not a property
contentHandler - The org.xml.sax.ContentHandler to which the SAX events representing the XML serialization of the subtree will be output.
skipBinary - A boolean governing whether binary properties are to be serialized.
noRecurse - A boolean governing whether the subtree at absPath is to be recursed.


void exportDocumentView(java.lang.String absPath,
                        boolean skipBinary,
                        boolean noRecurse)
                        throws javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException
This operation is not supported
Specified by:
exportDocumentView in interface javax.jcr.Session
absPath - The path of the root of the subtree to be serialized. This must be the path to a node, not a property
out - The OutputStream to which the XML serialization of the subtree will be output.
skipBinary - A boolean governing whether binary properties are to be serialized.
noRecurse - A boolean governing whether the subtree at absPath is to be recursed.


void setNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String prefix,
                        java.lang.String uri)
                        throws javax.jcr.NamespaceException,
Within the scope of this session, rename a persistently registered namespace URI to the new prefix. The renaming only affects operations done through this session. To clear all renamings the client must acquire a new session.

A prefix that is currently already mapped to some URI (either persistently in the repository NamespaceRegistry or transiently within this Session) cannot be remapped to a new URI using this method, since this would make any content stored using the old URI unreadable. An attempt to do this will throw a NamespaceException.

As well, a NamespaceException will be thrown if an attempt is made to remap an existing namespace URI to a prefix beginning with the characters "xml" (in any combination of case).

A NamespaceException will also be thrown if the specified uri is not among those registered in the NamespaceRegistry.

Specified by:
setNamespacePrefix in interface javax.jcr.Session
prefix - a string
uri - a string
javax.jcr.NamespaceException - if the specified uri is not registered or an attempt is made to remap to an illegal prefix.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


java.lang.String[] getNamespacePrefixes()
                                        throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
Returns all prefixes currently set for this session. This includes all those registered in the NamespaceRegistry but not over-ridden by a Session.setNamespacePrefix, plus those currently set locally by Session.setNamespacePrefix.
Specified by:
getNamespacePrefixes in interface javax.jcr.Session
a string array
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if an error occurs


java.lang.String getNamespaceURI(java.lang.String prefix)
                                 throws javax.jcr.NamespaceException,
For a given prefix, returns the URI to which it is mapped as currently set in this Session. If the prefix is unknown, a NamespaceException is thrown.
Specified by:
getNamespaceURI in interface javax.jcr.Session
prefix - a string
a string
javax.jcr.NamespaceException - if the prefix is unknown.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs


java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(java.lang.String uri)
                                    throws javax.jcr.NamespaceException,
Returns the prefix to which the given URI is mapped
Specified by:
getNamespacePrefix in interface javax.jcr.Session
uri - a string
a string
javax.jcr.NamespaceException - if the URI is unknown.
javax.jcr.RepositoryException - if another error occurs


void logout()
Releases all resources associated with this Session. This method should be called when a Session is no longer needed.
Specified by:
logout in interface javax.jcr.Session


boolean isLive()
Returns true if this Session object is usable by the client. Otherwise, returns false. A usable Session is one that is neither logged-out, timed-out nor in any other way disconnected from the repository.
Specified by:
isLive in interface javax.jcr.Session
true if this Session is usable, false otherwise.


void addLockToken(java.lang.String lt)
Adds the specified lock token to this session. Holding a lock token allows the Session object of the lock owner to alter nodes that are locked by the lock specified by that particular lock token.
Specified by:
addLockToken in interface javax.jcr.Session
lt - a lock token (a string)


java.lang.String[] getLockTokens()
Returns an array containing all lock tokens currently held by this session.
Specified by:
getLockTokens in interface javax.jcr.Session
an array of lock tokens (strings)


void removeLockToken(java.lang.String lt)
Removes the specified lock token from this session.
Specified by:
removeLockToken in interface javax.jcr.Session
lt - a lock token (a string)

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Oracle Beehive Java Content Repository Java API Reference
Release 1 (1.3)


Copyright © 2007, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.