Introduction to Oracle JRockit Mission Control

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Introduction to Oracle JRockit Mission Control

The Oracle JRockit Mission Control tools suite was introduced with Oracle JRockit JVM R26.0.0. It includes tools to monitor, manage, profile, and eliminate memory leaks in your Java application without introducing the performance overhead normally associated with these types of tools.

The JRockit Mission Control’s low performance overhead is a result of using data collected as part of the JRockit JVM’s normal adaptive dynamic optimization. This also eliminates the problem with the Heisenberg anomaly that can occur when tools using byte code instrumentation alters the execution characteristics of the system. The JRockit Mission Control functionality can always be available on-demand and the small performance overhead is only in effect while the tools are running.

This section contains information on the following subjects:


Installation Information

JRockit Mission Control is installed as part of Oracle JRockit. Installation instructions can be found in Installing Oracle JRockit.


JRockit Mission Control License Information

Note: The technical license check has been removed.

The following license types are currently available:

To download the license you need, please visit:

You need an Enterprise License to run the Latency Analyzer (Mission Control 3.0).


Starting the JRockit Mission Control Client

The JRockit Mission Control Client executable is located in JROCKIT_HOME/bin. If this directory is on your system path, you can start JRockit Mission Control by simply typing jrmc in a command (shell) prompt.

Otherwise, you have to type the full path to the executable file, as shown below:

JROCKIT_HOME\bin\jrmc.exe (Windows)

JROCKIT_HOME/bin/jrmc (Linux)

On Windows installations, you can start JRockit Mission Control from the Start menu.


JRockit Mission Control FAQ

This topic lists and provides answers to questions frequently asked about JRockit Mission Control.

I can not connect the JRockit Mission Control Client. What could be the problem?

Consider the following:

When attempting to connect to JRockit Mission Control I get a stack trace indicating that JRockit Mission Control attempts to communicate with a strange IP or host name.

Sometimes RMI can have a problem determining which address to use. This can happen because of

If all else fails you can try specifying the java.rmi.server.hostname system property. Please note that this can affect applications running in the JVM.

I'm getting exceptions during startup about classes not being found

Make sure you are using the proper launcher to start up the JRockit Mission Control Client. You must only use JROCKIT_HOME/bin/jrmc.

JRockit Mission Control can't find any local JVMs

Make sure you are using the proper launcher to start up the JRockit Mission Control Client. You must only use JROCKIT_HOME/bin/jrmc.

Why can't I see any Method Profiling information in my JRA recording?

By default, the JRockit Mission Control Client doesn’t show tabs if no data has been recorded for them. Ensure that method profiling was enabled for your JRA recording and that the application was under load. If the JRockit JVM is spending most of the time with none of the threads doing any work, no samples will be recorded. If you still want to create a JRA recording with method sampling and a low load, try increasing the sampling frequency.

When using the Memory Leak Detector, nothing happens in the growth column of the trend table

The algorithm needs at least three data points to kick in and the data is collected as part of the old space mark phase of the garbage collection. If you see no data, possibly not enough garbage has been collected for these collections to occur. To speed up the process, try clicking the garbage can in the toolbar of the Memory Leak application to force three successive garbage collections, with a brief pause in between each collection.


JRockit Mission Control Documentation

Documentation for JRockit Mission Control 1 is available on eDocs:

Documentation for JRockit Mission Control 2 and 3 is available both as online help with the installation of the tool and as pdfs on eDocs:

Note: The pdfs for JRockit Mission Control 2 on eDocs are not the full versions. Look in the Help menu for full documentation.


JRockit Mission Control Support

You are entitled to support if you have an Enterprise licence.


Is There a Forum Where I can Discuss JRockit Mission Control?

If you have any questions you are welcome to share them in the JRockit general interest news group, which is monitored by the Oracle JRockit engineering team. To access the news group, go to:


Giving Feedback the JRockit Mission Control Development Team

If you have any suggestions about how to improve the JRockit Mission Control plug-ins or information on how it is most commonly used in your development environments, we would be grateful to receive your input. This information would contribute to our understanding on how to best further improve these tools in the future.

Please, send an e-mail with feedback and your ideas on how to use it to:

The feedback will be considered by the development team designing the Oracle JRockit Mission Control plug-ins. We will look at collected ideas and improve the plug-ins to make them even easier to use. Oracle’s goal with these plug-ins is to simplify the tasks in getting your applications to run as smoothly as possible on the Oracle JRockit JVM.

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