Class ClientBSTCredentialProvider

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class ClientBSTCredentialProvider
extends BST11CredentialProvider

Client CredentialProvider for BinarySecurityTokens with ValueTypes #X509v3, #X509PKIPathv1, #PKCS7, #X509SubjectKeyIdentifier and #ThumbprintSHA1.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(CertPath certPath, PrivateKey pk)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file and private key.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String clientCertPath, String clientPrivateKeyPath)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file and PKCS8 private key file.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String clientCertPath, String clientPrivateKeyPath, String serverCertPath)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file, PKCS8 private key file and server certificate.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName, String keyStorePasswd, String certAlias, String keyPasswd)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore and certificate alias.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName, String keyStorePasswd, String certAlias, String keyPasswd, String keyStoreType)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore and certificate alias.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName, String keyStorePasswd, String certAlias, String keyPasswd, String keyStoreType, X509Certificate serverCert)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore, certificate alias and server certificate.
ClientBSTCredentialProvider(X509Certificate clientCert, PrivateKey clientPrivateKey, X509Certificate serverCert)
          Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file, PKCS8 private key file and server certificate.
Method Summary
 Object getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class
isForDecryption, isForEncryption, isForIdentity, isForResponseEncryption, isForSigning, isForVerification
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName,
                                   String keyStorePasswd,
                                   String certAlias,
                                   String keyPasswd)
                            throws Exception
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore and certificate alias. Keystore is assumed to be of type, "JKS".

keyStoreFileName - Keystore file name
keyStorePasswd - Keystore password
certAlias - Certificate alias
keyPasswd - Certificate entry password
Exception - thrown if keystore or certificate entry is missing or corrupt or if passwords are incorrect


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName,
                                   String keyStorePasswd,
                                   String certAlias,
                                   String keyPasswd,
                                   String keyStoreType)
                            throws Exception
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore and certificate alias.

keyStoreFileName - Keystore file name
keyStorePasswd - Keystore password
certAlias - Certificate alias
keyPasswd - Certificate entry password
keyStoreType - Keystore type, e.g. "JKS"
Exception - thrown if keystore or certificate entry is missing or corrupt or if passwords are incorrect


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String keyStoreFileName,
                                   String keyStorePasswd,
                                   String certAlias,
                                   String keyPasswd,
                                   String keyStoreType,
                                   X509Certificate serverCert)
                            throws Exception
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated keystore, certificate alias and server certificate. If security policy requires message-level encryption for this client's request, the certificate passed for the parameter serverCert will be used to encrypt the message body contents. If security policy requires message-level integrity (signature) for the server's response, the certificate passed for the parameter serverCert will be used to verify the received signature. Any KeyInfo received as part of the in-bound signature (e.g. certificate thumbprint) must correctly identify the same server certificate.

keyStoreFileName - Keystore file name
keyStorePasswd - Keystore password
certAlias - Certificate alias
keyPasswd - Certificate entry password
keyStoreType - Keystore type, e.g. "JKS"
serverCert - Server's public X509 certificate
Exception - thrown if keystore or certificate entry is missing or corrupt or if passwords are incorrect


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String clientCertPath,
                                   String clientPrivateKeyPath)
                            throws Exception
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file and PKCS8 private key file.

clientCertPath - File name contiaining client's X509 public certificate
clientPrivateKeyPath - PKCS8 file name continaing client's private key
Exception - thrown if certificate or key file are missing or corrupt


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(String clientCertPath,
                                   String clientPrivateKeyPath,
                                   String serverCertPath)
                            throws Exception
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file, PKCS8 private key file and server certificate. If security policy requires message-level encryption for this client's request, the certificate read from the file serverCertPath will be used to encrypt the message body contents. If security policy requires message-level integrity (signature) for the server's response, the certificate read from the file serverCertPath will be used to verify the received signature. Any KeyInfo received as part of the in-bound signature (e.g. certificate thumbprint) must correctly identify the same server certificate.

clientCertPath - File name contiaining client's X509 public certificate
clientPrivateKeyPath - PKCS8 file name continaing client's private key
serverCertPath - File name containging server's X509 public certificate
Exception - thrown if the client certificate, key, or server certificate files are missing or corrupt


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(X509Certificate clientCert,
                                   PrivateKey clientPrivateKey,
                                   X509Certificate serverCert)
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file, PKCS8 private key file and server certificate. If security policy requires message-level encryption for this client's request, the certificate passed for the parameter serverCert will be used to encrypt the message body contents. If security policy requires message-level integrity (signature) for the server's response, the certificate passed for the parameter serverCert will be used to verify the received signature. Any KeyInfo received as part of the in-bound signature (e.g. certificate thumbprint) must correctly identify the same server certificate.

clientCert - client's X509 public certificate
clientPrivateKey - client's private key
serverCert - Server's public X509 certificate


public ClientBSTCredentialProvider(CertPath certPath,
                                   PrivateKey pk)
Creates client BST credential provider for the indicated certificate file and private key.

certPath - File name contiaining client's X509 public certificate
pk - Client's private key
Method Detail


public Object getCredential(String tokenType,
                            String issuerName,
                            ContextHandler ctxHandler,
                            Purpose p)


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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