Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Running the ETL Jobs Using Oracle Workflow Manager >

Retrying the OLTP_LD_2 Job Process

The OLTP_LD_2 process runs automatically as part of the following jobs:

  • ETL_SUPER_PF_2. When run with the default automatic acceptance, the ETL loader job completes the acceptance and OLTP load automatically.
  • OLAP_ACCEPT_REJECT. When you accept a file manually using the OLAP_ACCEPT_REJECT job, the job runs this process to complete the ETL load by updating the OLTP database. (The ETL loader job, ETL_SUPER_PF_2, ran using manual acceptance in this situation.)

If a failure occurs during the OLTP load in either job, follow these instructions to retry the OLTP_LD_2 job process independently.

To retry the OLTP_LD_2 job

  1. Log in to the Oracle Workflow Builder Design Center as the repository owner.
  2. Go to the Control Center from the Tools menu.
  3. Go to the ebilling_etl_location/OLTP_LD2/OLTP_LD_2 directory.
  4. Click Start to run the OLTP_LD_2 job.
  5. Specify the following input parameters.
    What to Enter or Select


    B2B or B2C


    TRUE or FALSE (Default is TRUE).


    The full name of the data file, for example, EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20110710.DAT


    Valid email address


    Valid email address


    Valid email address


    Port number (default value is 25)


    SMTP server name

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