8 Installing and Configuring Performance Management Components

This chapter provides an overview of the process to follow to install and configure the application performance management components provided with Enterprise Manager Grid Control. These components include:

These components are installed and configured on an existing Enterprise Manager Grid Control installation. This means that you must have the core components of Enterprise Manager Grid Control (Oracle Management Service, Oracle Management Agents, and Oracle Management Repository) fully installed and configured before installing or configuring the performance management components.

The recommended installation and configuration processes are as follows:

  1. Install Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

    The installation process is fully documented in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control Basic Installation Guide.

    Ensure that all prerequisites defined in the document have been met before beginning the installation.

  2. Configure JVM Diagnostics.

    This process is documented in Chapter 9, "Configuring JVM Diagnostics".

  3. Install and Configure Application Dependency and Performance.

    This is documented in Chapter 10, "Installing and Configuring Application Dependency and Performance".

  4. Configure Request Monitoring.

    This is documented in Chapter 11, "Configuring Request Monitoring".