Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide > Deploying Oracle Business Intelligence for High Availability > Installation of Oracle BI Components >

Installing Oracle BI Scheduler

Install BI Scheduler instances on each of the machines that you have identified to host this component by following the installation steps identified in this topic. The BI Scheduler component participates in the BI Cluster in active-passive mode. Install BI Scheduler on two machines, one will be identified as the active node and the other as the passive node.

Oracle BI components are installed using the Oracle Business Intelligence Installer.

  1. For Oracle BI Scheduler, select either Basic or Advanced installation type, depending on your deployment

    NOTE:  If the Advanced installation type has been chosen for installing the BI Scheduler, then the Systems Management component for BI Scheduler will be deployed in the Oracle Application Server installed on the machine. If the Basic installation type has been chosen for installing the BI Scheduler, then the Systems Management component for BI Scheduler will be deployed in OC4J.

  2. For Oracle BI Scheduler, select the setup type Custom.
    • Select the feature Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler for installation.
    • If you are co-locating other BI components on this machine (for example, BI Server) select the other desired components for installation.
  3. On Windows machines, the Oracle BI Services screen is part of the installation.
    • Enter a domain account to run the BI services. Do not specify a LocalSystem account.
    • Select the start up type for the services—either manual or automatic.
  4. Complete the additional configuration steps. Refer to chapter on configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler in the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

The installed BI Scheduler instances will be configured to participate in the BI Cluster. This is described in the topic Configuring BI Scheduler.

NOTE:  For reference purposes, this topic assumes that two BI Schedulers have been installed on machines BI-SCHEDULER-01 and BI-SCHEDULER-02.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.