Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring BI Publisher Reporting Tool >

Roadmap to Configuring BI Publisher

Oracle BI Publisher is installed with the main Oracle Business Intelligence Suite EE installer, as described in the topic About the Oracle BI Installer and Oracle BI Publisher.

The BI Publisher configuration process consists of the following high-level steps.

NOTE:  More detailed descriptions follow this section.

Create a database user (for example, bipuser).

  • NOTE:  The database configuration is required to send or schedule reports. This procedure uses Oracle 10g database as an example. The scheduler database also may be Microsoft SQL Server or IBM DB2.

  • After creating the database user, grant the user connection rights.

    NOTE:  The scheduler referenced for the Database component is not the Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler. It is the scheduler used only by BI Publisher.

  • In the System Maintenance > Scheduler Configuration page of the BI Publisher Admin screen, change the settings to point to the database and the BI Publisher directory location.
  • In the Data Sources > JDBC Connection page of the BI Publisher Admin screen, add the Oracle BI users to BI Publisher.
  • Configure demo data.

    The following topics describe the process of configuring the Oracle BI Publisher software to perform with Oracle Business Intelligence:

    About the Oracle BI Installer and Oracle BI Publisher

    • The Oracle BI Publisher installation includes the following components:
      • BI Publisher Enterprise server application
      • Documentation: User's Guide, Javadocs, demos, and samples
    • The Oracle BI installer performs the following tasks automatically for BI Publisher:
      • Installs Oracle Containers for J2EE (OC4J) version for the Basic installation type only.
      • Deploys an .ear file in the OC4J container (sets default and asks for port).
      • Copies fonts to the J2EE JRE directory (/jdk/jre/lib/fonts).
      • Installs the BI Publisher Reports folder.
      • Sets the BI Publisher folder in the following location:
        • Under Windows:


      • Under Linux:


      NOTE:  If Oracle BI is being deployed with Oracle Application Server, the BI Publisher folder is set to IAS_HOME rather than OracleBI_HOME.

      • Sets up BI Server as a JDBC data source.

        In the BI Publisher interface, you can build queries directly against the Subject Areas defined in the BI Server semantic layer.

      • Sets up the integration with BI Presentation Services.

        Answers Requests can be used as a data source for BI Publisher reports.

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.