Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Individual Oracle BI Components >

Installing the Disconnected Client

Operating System: Windows only.

This topic is part of Installing Individual Oracle BI Components.

To install the Disconnected Client

  1. Access the installation files, and run the startup program setup.exe.
  2. The InstallShield window appears and prompts you through each screen.

    The meanings and default for each screen and prompt for the Disconnected Client component installation are listed in Table 10.

  3. Perform the following substeps:
    • Provide the requested input for each screen.
    • To continue to the next screen, click Next. To return to a previous screen, click Back.
    • To exit from the installer, click Cancel.
    • To view the help page for each screen, click Help.
  4. Proceed to Initializing the Oracle Business Intelligence Installation.
Table 10. Screens and Prompts for Disconnected Client Installation
Your Action

Oracle Business Intelligence Installation

  • Browse or type the path for the installation and data directories, or accept the default installation to the C:\ drive.

    The defaults are:

    • OracleBI
    • OracleBIData
  • Select the installation type:
    • Basic

      The default is Basic.

NOTE:  Disconnected Client installation does not use Oracle Application Server.

TIP:   To change the default installation and data directories, click Browse and establish the installation path, then click Next.

Install Type refers to the application server instance under which Oracle Business Intelligence is to run. See the section Basic and Advanced Types of Oracle BI Installation.

Setup Type

Select Oracle Business Intelligence Disconnected Client.


Java Development Kit (JDK) Location

  • Java SDK 1.5 or higher must already be installed on your installation machine, otherwise the installation does not proceed.
  • Browse or type the path for the directory where Java is installed.
  • The Administrator password must be minimum of 6 and a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters and include at least one digit.

TIP:   The Sun release name was originally Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.5.0 (J2SE Development Kit 1.5.0). The numbering system was changed to 5.0 (J2SE 5.0). Both 1.5.0 and 5.0 refer to the same platform and products.

Error Message Language

The default is English.


Pre-Installation Summary

Click Next after reading the summary information.

The summary includes the following:

  • Oracle BI ODBC Driver
  • Oracle BI Server
  • Oracle BI Administration Tool
  • Oracle BI Client
  • Oracle BI Presentation Services


Click the Next button when it is no longer grayed out.

This is a placeholder that appears while the features you have selected are installed.

Post-Installation Summary Information

Click Next after reading the summary information.

This screen indicates a successful Oracle BI installation.

Restart Computer

Choose whether or not to immediately restart your computer.

If you attempt to run Oracle BI without restarting your computer, several services may fail to work correctly.

Click Finish.

  • If you click Yes, the computer shuts down and restarts.
  • If you click No, you need to restart the computer before you use Oracle BI.
Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.