This process is part of the Roadmap for Configuring Oracle BI Infrastructure Components.

This process describes the configuration of the components required to run the Oracle BI Presentation Services. If you included the Oracle BI Presentation Services component during the Oracle Business Intelligence Platform installation, you may be required to follow this process.

The Oracle BI Presentation Services functions as the connection between any user of Oracle Business Intelligence and the processes of the Oracle Business Intelligence Server. After the installer is finished with the Oracle BI infrastructure installation, depending on your particular deployment, there may be a number of additional tasks to complete in order to properly configure the Oracle BI Presentation Services components.

The Oracle BI Presentation Services is configured to specific default settings by the installer. The general default configuration of the Web server with the HTTP server is as follows:

  1. A third-party Web integration server is configured.
  2. A link from the third-party Web server to the Oracle BI Presentation Services is created.

You need to change this default configuration only if you plan to deploy the WAR file to an alternative third-party Web server. In this case, you change the following settings:

  • sawserver.Port
  • sawserver.Host

This topic area includes the following topics:

About Oracle BI Presentation Services Components

The Oracle Business Intelligence Web component consists of the Oracle BI Presentation Services and Oracle BI Presentation Services Plug-in running in the Web (or HTTP) integration server. The Presentation Services and Plug-in run as separate processes.

NOTE:  The Oracle BI Presentation Services, Oracle BI Client, and Oracle BI Server components can be installed to run on separate machines.

  • The Oracle BI Presentation Services process hosts most of the business logic of the Web server and performs all the functions.
    • Under Windows, the process is sawserver.exe
    • Under Linux, the process is sawserver
  • The Oracle BI Presentation Services Plug-in consists of an ISAPI Plug-in for Microsoft IIS Web Servers and a Java Servlet for J2EE application servers. HTTP requests are redirected to Oracle BI Presentation Services. The servlet conforms to the Java Servlet 2.2 specification, and therefore any additional configuration must take this servlet into account.

The Oracle BI Presentation Services Plug-in communicates with Oracle BI Presentation Services using a proprietary TCP/IP based protocol. In this protocol the HTTP server acts as a client and initiates new connections, while the Oracle BI Presentation Services listens for incoming requests.

NOTE:  Make sure that this special TCP/IP protocol is allowed by all firewalls or proxy servers in use.
The default TCP/IP listening port for Oracle BI Presentation Services is 9710.

Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.