Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler >

Oracle BI Scheduler Components and Functions

This section contains the following general topics:

Oracle BI Scheduler Server Components

The Scheduler components consist of:

  • Scheduler Job Manager
  • The Oracle BI Scheduler Service process:
    • Windows operating systems: nqscheduler.exe
    • Linux operating systems: nqscheduler
  • Scheduler Configuration (command line):
    • Windows operating systems: schconfig.exe
    • Linux operating systems: schconfig
  • Scheduler Configuration (command line):
    • Windows operating systems: saschinvoke.exe
    • Linux operating systems: saschinvoke

Oracle BI Scheduler Server Functions

The Scheduler uses a single commercial back-end database to store pertinent information about a job, its instances, and its parameters. The Scheduler works with all the supported databases for Oracle Business Intelligence. For the complete list of supported databases, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms.

The Scheduler service starts only if the back-end database satisfies the following conditions:

  • Configured. There is a one-to-one relationship between the back-end database and Oracle BI Scheduler. Do not configure multiple Oracle BI Scheduler applications to use a single back-end database.
  • Operational. For information about the specific back-end databases supported by Oracle BI Scheduler, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms on OTN.
  • Mixed Authentication Mode. For example, if the database is SQL Server, then the security mode should be set to allow both SQL Server and Windows Authentication for logon.

NOTE:  Do not use operating system authentication for the back-end database login. If you do, the Scheduler service may not start.

Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.