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General Oracle BI Scheduler Job Properties

In the Add Job or Modify Job dialog box, use the fields to configure or modify the general properties for a job. Table 13 describes the general job properties.

In addition, Table 14 describes the job action properties, and Table 15 describes the recurrent job triggers.

Table 13. General Oracle BI Scheduler Job Properties


Short, descriptive name for the job. This field also appears in the Job List display in the right pane of the Job Manager window.


Brief description of the job that describes its actions to end users. This field also appears in the Job List display in the right pane of the Job Manager window.


Required for all jobs. For jobs that communicate with the Oracle BI Server or the Oracle BI Presentation Services, the UserID needs to be a valid Oracle Oracle Business Intelligence user ID. This field also appears in the Job List display in the right pane of the Job Manager window.
When this job runs, Oracle BI Scheduler executes it on behalf of the user ID specified in this field.

Maximum Run Time MS

Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds this job should run before it is canceled forcibly. If a job exceeds its run time, it fails with a time-out reason code.
To prevent the job from timing out, set this field to 0 (zero).

NOTE:  One second equals 1,000 milliseconds.

Last Run Time

Display-only field that shows the last time this job began execution. This field also appears in the Job List display in the right pane of the Job Manager window.

Next Run Time

Display-only field that shows recurrent jobs and the next time this job executes. The trigger is used to determine this value.

Running Instance Count

Display-only field that shows the number of currently running instances of this job.

Delete Job When Done

When you select this option, Oracle BI Scheduler deletes the job after its last scheduled execution as defined by its trigger. When there is no next run time, the job is done. When a job is deleted, all instances are deleted as well. For most jobs, you should not select this option, because you can delete a job manually through the Job Manager.


When you select this option, the job script does not execute when its trigger expires. However, the next run time is still updated according to the trigger settings. The Disabled field is useful when testing or debugging a new job because an Oracle BI administrator can quickly disable a job without losing all information.

Execute When Missed

If you select this option while Oracle BI Scheduler is stopped (either all scheduling pauses or the Scheduler application stops), and if the job's next run time was missed, the job runs after Oracle BI Scheduler comes back up. If you do not select this option, the job executes at the its next run time, defined by its trigger.

Delete Script When Job is Removed

If you select this option, when a job is removed its associated job script is also removed. If many jobs reference the same job script, this option should not be set.

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