Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide > Query Caching in the Oracle BI Server >

Using the Cache Manager

The Cache Manager provides Oracle BI Administrators the capability of viewing information about the entire query cache, as well as information about individual entries in the query cache associated with the open repository. It also provides the ability to select specific cache entries and perform various operations on those entries, such as viewing and saving the cached SQL call, or purging them.

To open the Cache Manager

  • In the Administration Tool toolbar, select Manage > Cache.

Select the Cache tab on the left explorer pane to view the cache entries for the current repository, business models, and users. The associated cache entries are reflected in the right pane, with the total number of entries shown in the view-only field at the top.

The cache entry information and its display sequence is controlled by your Options settings (select Edit > Options... from the Cache Manager, or Tools > Options > Cache Manager tab from the Administration Tool). Information may include the options in Table 28.

Table 28. Cache Options

Business model

The name of the business model associated with the cache entry.

Column count

The number of columns in each row of this cache entry's result set.


The time the cache entry's result set was created.

Creation elapsed time

The time, in seconds, needed to create the result set for this cache entry.

NOTE:  The value stored in the cache object descriptor on disk is in units of milliseconds. The value is converted to seconds for display purposes.

Full size

Full size is the maximum size used, considering variable length columns, compression algorithm, and other factors. The actual size of the result set will be smaller than Full, in seconds, needed to create the result set for this cache entry.

Last used

The last time the cache entry's result set satisfied a query. (After an unexpected shutdown of the Oracle BI Server, the last used time may temporarily have a stale value—a value that is older than the true value.)

Query Server

The Oracle BI Server that serviced the query.

Row count

The number of rows generated by the query.

Row size

The size of each row (in bytes) in this cache entry's result set.


The SQL statement associated with this cache entry.

Use count

The number of times this cache entry's result set has satisfied a query (since Oracle BI Server startup).


The ID of the user who submitted the query that resulted in the cache entry.

Expand the repository tree to display all the business models with cache entries, and expand the business models to display all users with cache entries. The right pane displays only the cache entries associated with the selected item in the hierarchical tree.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.