Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide > Completing Setup and Managing Oracle BI Repository Files >

Merging Oracle BI Repositories

This section is intended for organizations that use an Oracle BI Applications repository. However, the Merge Repository option can also be used by customers to upgrade their custom repositories.

The merge process involves three versions of an Oracle BI repository. The terms used in the following descriptions are the terms used in the Administration Tool user interface.

  • Original repository. The repository you received with the previous version of Oracle BI Applications. This section uses Oracle's SiebelAnalytics.Original.rpd as an example.
  • Modified repository. The repository that contains the customizations you made to the original repository. This section uses Oracle's SiebelAnalytics.Modified.rpd as an example.
  • Current repository. The repository that is installed with this version and is currently opened as the main repository. This section uses Oracle's SiebelAnalytics.Current.rpd as an example.

During the merge process, you can compare the original repository with the modified repository and the original repository with the current repository. The Merge Repository option allows you to decide on an object-by-object basis if you want to merge your customizations with the current repository.

Figure 14 shows the following parts of the Merge repositories dialog box. Table 21 contains descriptions of columns and buttons on the Merge repositories dialog box.

Figure 14. Merge Repositories Dialog Box
Click for full size image
  • The Original repository and Modified repository fields appear at the top of the dialog box. The Select buttons at the right of the fields allow you to select repositories.
  • The read-only text box describes the type of merge that you selected.
  • The decision table in the middle of the dialog box dynamically changes based on the choices you make in this window. For example, if you select the option to merge repository contents, the decision table displays the following information:
    Table 21. Merge Repositories Decision Table
    Column Name


    Allows you to select an action you want to perform on the selected repository change. For examples of some results that will occur, refer to Examples of the Results of Some Decision Choices.

    • Current. This type has no suffix. Selecting this type means that you want to leave the object in the current repository as is).
    • Modified. This type can have an A (add), a D (delete), or an AR (after renaming) suffix.

      NOTE:  AR means that the Modified version will be accepted but because it conflicts with another name in the repository, it will be renamed. For example, if both the Current and Modified repositories add the same object with the same name and the user chooses to accept both versions, both would be added and the object from the Modified repository would be renamed.

    • Mix. The object was not added or deleted but at least one of its properties was modified. For example, you can select the choices for the properties.


    Description of the changes between the original repository and the modified repository, and between the original repository and the current repository.

    Diff (button)

    Shows which properties of an object have been modified. Available for objects that are labelled Mix (not added or deleted).

    Find (button)

    Search by an object Name and Type (such as Initialization Block.

    Find Again (button)

    Search again for the most recent Find value.

    Load (button)

    Loads a saved decisions file from the Repository subdirectory so that you can continue processing a repository merge.


    Object name

    Save (button)

    Saves a file containing interim changes in the Repository subdirectory so that you can stop work on the merge and continue it later. After saving the changes (decisions) you need to close the Merge repositories dialog box by clicking Cancel.

    Stats (button)

    In multiuser development, this allows you to view an overview of the merge decisions that will take place.


    Object type

  • When you select an object in the decision table, the read-only text box below the decision table describes what changes were made to that object in the current repository.

Examples of the Results of Some Decision Choices

The following examples show the results of some decision choices when the current and modified repositories are different:

  • If the Description column for an object contains Added to Current, the following are choices in the Decision column and their results:
    • Selecting Current keeps the addition in the current repository.
    • Selecting Modified (D) deletes the added object from the current repository.
  • If the Description column for an object contains Deleted from Modified, the following are choices in the Decision column and their results:
    • Selecting Current keeps the repository as is without deleting the object.
    • Selecting Modified (D) deletes the object from the current repository.
  • If the Description column for an object contains Deleted from Current, the following are choices in the Decision column and their results:
    • Selecting Current keeps the repository as is without adding the object back into the current repository.
    • Selecting Modified (A) adds the object back into the current repository.
  • If the Description column for an object contains Added to Modified, the following are choices in the Decision column and their results:
    • Selecting Current keeps the repository as is without adding the object back into the current repository.
    • Modified (A). Selecting Modified (A) adds the object back into the current repository.

NOTE:  If a decision choice is Mix, the choices apply to each property level on an object. Click the ellipses button to open the Properties dialog box.

The procedure in this section explains how to use the Merge Repository option of the Administration Tool to merge your repository customizations from a prior release with a new version of the Oracle BI repository.

To merge versions of the Oracle BI repository

  1. In the Administration Tool, open the newly installed Oracle BI repository (for example SiebelAnalytics.Current.rpd) in offline mode.
  2. From the Administration Tool menu bar, choose File > Merge.
  3. In the Select Original Repository dialog box, select the repository received with your previous version of the software (for example, SiebelAnalytics.Original.rpd).
  4. Type the password and click OK.
  5. Click Select for the Modified Repository field.
  6. In the Select Modified Repository dialog box, select the repository that contains the customizations you made to the previous version of the repository (for example, SiebelAnalytics.Modified.rpd).
  7. Click Open, type the password, and then click OK.
  8. In the Decision drop-down list, select the action you want to take regarding the repository change, or accept the default action.
  9. To locate subsequent rows with empty Decision fields, click the Decision header cell.

    When all rows have a value in the Decision field, the Merge button is enabled.

  10. Click Merge.

    A message appears to let you know that the merge is complete.

  11. From the File menu, choose Save As, and save the current repository under a new name.
Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.