Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide > Integrating Siebel Analytics with Siebel Operational Applications > Process of Upgrading Siebel Analytics Seed Data >

Updating Previous Siebel Analytics Seed Data

This process is required for customers of Siebel Analytics version 7.0.3 only, who are upgrading to version 7.7 through intermediate versions of the software.

The file Analytics_seed_update and supporting utilities are available on the main Siebel operational application installation CD-ROM.

NOTE:  The seed data update should be done by your Siebel operational application administrators, who normally upgrade Siebel operational application seed data.

To update Siebel Analytics 7.0.3 seed data

 Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide, Version 7.7, Rev. A 
 Published: 11 March 2004