Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Customizing the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse >

Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Customization Scenarios

In customizing the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, various scenarios are available based on the type of your data source:

  • Packaged applications (for example, Siebel or Oracle) use prepackaged adaptors.
  • Non-packaged data sources use the Universal adaptor.

Figure 5 shows the categories of supported customization scenarios, based on the data source.

For detailed information about tables and naming conventions, see Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Data Model Reference.

Figure 5. Data Warehouse Customization Scenarios
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Types of Customizations

  • Type I. In a Type I customization, you add additional columns (that are already mapped) from a source system and load the data into existing data warehouse tables.
  • Type II. In a Type II customization, you use prepackaged adaptors to add new fact or dimension tables to the data warehouse, regardless of whether they are already mapped. Type II customizations normally require that you build new SDE and SIL mappings.
  • Type III. In a Type III customization, you use the Universal adaptor to create new mappings.

Upgrade Consideration

One of the most difficult aspects about working with customizations is handling the customizations at the time of an upgrade. Informatica does not provide a 'diff-merge' capability that would automatically detect changes introduced by customers and add them into upgraded mappings. Therefore, customizations must be reapplied manually to upgraded mappings. Oracle Business Intelligence Applications attempts to minimize the amount of effort required to reapply customizations after an upgrade. As long as the customization methodology is followed, the effort at upgrade time should be minimal and in many cases there may be no manual effort required at all.

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