Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications on Windows > Configuring the DAC Metadata Repository >

Setting Up DAC System Properties

Follow this procedure to set up the DAC system properties, which determine the behavior of the DAC server. If you do not change a property value, Oracle BI Applications uses the property value that is automatically set during the Oracle BI Application installation.

To set up the DAC system properties

  1. Launch the DAC client.
  2. Click Setup on the DAC toolbar.

    The DAC System Properties tab is active.

    Click for full size image
  3. If required, change the property values, as described below.

    NOTE:  Possible values for all properties have to be keyed in exactly as described in the description tab (at the bottom) of each property. For example Auto Restart has possible values of false and true (case sensitive), and Server Log Level has the following possible values SEVERE, FINEST, FINER,FINE, INFO, WARNING (case sensitive).


    Analyze Frequency (in days)

    For DAC metadata tables, the frequency (in days) the DAC client automatically updates the table and index statistics for the DAC repository. The value must be numerical.

    Auto Restart ETL

    Possible values are TRUE and FALSE.

    When set to TRUE: An ETL that is running when the DAC server abnormally terminates will continue running when the DAC server is restarted.

    When set to FALSE: An ETL that is running when the DAC server abnormally terminates will not automatically restart when the DAC server restarts. The ETL status will be updated to Failed. An administrator will have to manually restart the ETL.


    Possible values are True and False.

    During the ETL process, the DAC server automatically drops and creates indices. When set to True, this property groups all indices of the Query type and creates them after the ETL is complete.

    The DropAndCreateIndexes property takes precedence over this property. Therefore, if the DropAndCreateIndexes property is set to False, you cannot set the property CreateQueryIndexesAtTheEnd to True to have indices of the Query type created at the end of the ETL process.
    Also, be aware that when this property is set to True, tables will be analyzed twice, (once at the end of the ETL indexes and once at the end of query indexes).

    If any indices are marked as Query type indices, and are used by ETL processes, it can adversely affect the performance of the ETL process.

    DAC Alternate Server Hosts

    The failover server for the DAC.

    DAC Server Host

    Host name of the machine where the DAC server resides. You cannot use an IP address for this property.

    NOTE:  The DAC server and a given DAC repository have a one-to-one mapping. That is, you can only run one DAC server against any given DAC repository. Thus, in the repository you must specify the network host name of the machine where the DAC sever is to be run.

    NOTE:  This property also takes the value localhost. However, this value is provided for development and testing purposes and should not be used in a production environment.

    DAC Server OS

    Operating system of the machine where the DAC server resides. Possible values are Windows, Solaris, HP, AIX, Linux.

    NOTE:  If you move the DAC server from another operating system to AIX, you need to do the following: change the DAC server host to the appropriate value; restart the DAC client; reenter all the password fields for the Informatica servers and database connections; and reconfigure the DAC server on the AIX machine by running

    DAC Server Port

    Network port to which the DAC server binds in order to listen to client requests. The default value is 3141. If this port has been assigned to another process, you can enter any numerical port value greater than 1024.

    Drop and Create Change Capture Views Always

    Possible values are True and False.

    When set to True (the default value), the DAC server drops and creates change capture views every time it performs a change capture process, including for both full and incremental loads.

    Setting this property to True can create system catalog lock up for DB2-UDB and DB2-390 databases. Therefore, by setting the property to False, the DAC server will drop and create views selectively.

    NOTE:  This setting only applies to Siebel Adaptors. Change Capture Views are built on the Siebel (CRM) or Oracle E-Business Suite OLTP database.


    Possible values are True and False.

    Indicates whether tasks are executed without invoking Informatica workflows. The following processes are executed: change capture, truncation of tables, drop and creation of indices, and analyze statements. Possible values are True and False.

    NOTE:  This option should be used for debugging purposes only and not used in a production environment.

    Generic Task Concurrency Limit

    Determines how many tasks with execution types other than Informatica can be run concurrently. The value must be numerical.

    To set this value, you should consider what the external tasks do. For example, if the tasks open connections to a database, you should consider how this would affect the preconfigured tasks.


    Frequency (in seconds) the DAC server checks on the health of the database connections. The value must be numerical. For example, a value of 300 (the default value) indicates the system will perform subsystem diagnostics and recovery procedures every 300 seconds.


    This file location can be any file system location that is accessible to both Informatica server and the DAC server. it is the same location that is entered as the Source File Directory the Informatica in the Informatica workflow manager.

    NOTE:  This file location also should not have spaces.

    Output Redirect

    Indicates whether logging information and standard output and errors are redirected to files in the log directory (when property is set to True). The file containing standard output starts with out_ and ends with the .log extension. The standard error messages are in the file starting with err_ and ending with the .log extension.

    If this property is set to False, the logging information is directed to the machine's standard output and error files, which typically defaults to the console from which the DAC server was launched if the server was launched in a visible console mode.

    Repository DB Pool Size

    Maximum number of connections to the DAC repository the DAC server will maintain. The value must be numerical.

    NOTE:  As the DAC server runs, it needs to perform transactions and queries on the DAC repository. In order for it to do so efficiently, it internally maintains a pool of preexisting database connections. This pool of database connections reduces latency and leads to better use of resources through connection sharing. However, you need to specify the maximum size of the connection pool. This setting should be determined in consultation with the database administrator of the database where the DAC repository resides.

    NOTE:  This property was depracated as of version

    Repository Name

    Unique name for the DAC repository (for example DAC).


    Frequency (in seconds) the DAC server polls for changes in the schedule configuration.

    Script After Every ETL

    The name of the script or executable to be run after every execution plan.

    For more information, see the description of the property Script Before Every ETL.

    Script Before Every ETL

    The name of the script or executable to be run before every execution plan.

    For example, before running an execution plan, you might want to run a process or perform certain tasks. These can be contained in a script or executable. This file should be placed in the scripts subdirectory of the DAC server.

    The execution plan runs only after the external process has finished. Therefore, it is important that the script or executable does not fail.

    Server Log Level

    Output logging level. Possible values are Finest, Finer, Fine, Config, Info, Warning, and Severe. The Severe value produces minimal log details, and Finest produces the most extensive amount of reporting.

    SQL Trace

    Possible values are True and False.

    Indicates whether the SQL statements to the DAC repository and database connections are added to the log file. Possible values are True and False. The True value sends a hint to the database connectivity layer of the DAC server to enable SQL tracing; thus, every SQL statement that is run by the DAC server is spooled to the appropriate output log file.

    It is recommended that you set this property to False.

    Verify and Create Non-Existing Indices

    Possible values are True and False.

    Indicates whether indices defined in the DAC repository will be automatically created in the data warehouse database during an incremental load.

    NOTE:  When this system property is set to True, the DAC server verifies whether indices defined in the DAC repository are also defined in the data warehouse database. This verification process can delay the execution of an execution plan.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.