Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing and Configuring Oracle BI Applications on Windows > Configuring the DAC Metadata Repository >

Specifying Transactional and Data Warehouse Data Sources in the DAC

Follow this procedure to specify the transactional and data warehouse data sources in the DAC.

Oracle BI Applications is installed with a set of template data sources that you can edit to specify the data source details. Alternatively, you can specify new data sources.

To specify transactional and data warehouse data sources

NOTE:  You need to perform this procedure once for the transactional database and once for the data warehouse database. When you specify a database connection for the transactional database, select the 'Source' option from the Type drop down list on the Edit subtab. When you specify a database connection for the data warehouse database, select 'the Warehouse' option from the Type drop down list on the Edit subtab.

  1. Launch the DAC client.
  2. Click Setup on the toolbar, and then click the Physical Datasources tab.
  3. Click New.
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  1. In the Edit subtab, enter the following:

    Logical Name

    Logical name for the database connection.


    • Select Source when you create the database connection for the transactional database.
    • Select Warehouse when you create the database connection for the data warehouse database.

    Connection Type

    Type of database. Possible values are:

    • Oracle (OCI8)
    • Oracle (Thin)
    • DB2
    • DB2-390
    • MSSQL
    • Teradata
    • Flat File

    Database Name

    Name of database that you have created for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse or transactional system (for more information, see Creating the Required Databases).

    Table Owner

    Valid database user.

    Table Owner Password

    Valid database user password.

    Max Num Connections

    Maximum number of database connections this connection pool can contain.

    DB Host

    Machine name where the database resides.


    Port number where the database listens.


    Number used to generate dependencies when designing execution plans.

    Datasource Number

    Unique number assigned to the source connection so that the data coming from this source can be identified in the data warehouse.

    A system column called DATASOURCE_NUM_ID stores a number value that identifies where data originated. This value is passed as a parameter to an Informatica workflow. If you are using multiple sources, each data sources has a unique number. Typically, all source dependent extracts will use this parameter to populate the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID column, and the source independent workflows will carry these values to the final dimension and fact tables.

    Default Index Space

    (Oracle specific) Specifies the table space in which the DAC drops and creates indices against this database connection

    To use the default table space, leave this field blank.

    NOTE:  Alternatively, you can edit the template data sources that are installed and fill in the values for the data sources that you are using. For example, to specify the data warehouse data source, you can edit the DataWarehouse data source, fill in the data sources details, and click Save. Do not change the value in the Logical field.

  2. Click Test Connection to make sure the connection works.
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