Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


Class LEDGauge

  extended by oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeType
      extended by oracle.dss.gauge.LEDGauge

public class LEDGauge
extends GaugeType

For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeType
_bottomLabelBounds, _btmLblDim, _csParser, _engine, _gaugeBundle, _gaugeFrameBounds, _hasLowerReflection, _innerBounds, _layout, _lowerFrameDim, _lowerLabelFrameBounds, _metLblDim, _metricLabelBounds, _moveTransform, _scaleTransform, _titleSeparatorBounds, _topLabelBounds, _topLblDim, _upperFrameDim, _upperLabelFrameBounds, _utilBundle, DEF_TICK_LABEL, DIR_BOTTOM, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_TOP, HEIGHT_LOWERLABELFRAME_REFLECTION, HEIGHT_TITLESEPARATOR, LABEL_SPACE, LED_GAUGESET_GAP, m_bBlended, m_locale, SHADOW_OFFSET, TICK_MARK_LENGTH
Constructor Summary
LEDGauge(GaugeEngine engine)
Method Summary
protected  java.awt.Rectangle _getPlotAreaBounds(java.awt.Rectangle gaugeFrameBounds, java.util.Map map, java.awt.Graphics2D g)
          Calculates and returns the bounding box of the plotArea.
protected  java.awt.Dimension autoLayout(java.awt.Graphics2D g, java.awt.Rectangle rect, java.util.Map map)
          Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component.
protected  java.util.Collection getGaugeFrameObject(java.util.Map map)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render the frame behind the gauge.
protected  java.util.Collection getGaugeLinkObject(java.util.Map map, java.awt.Rectangle outerBounds)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render the frame behind the gauge.
protected  int getGaugeRadius(int availWidth, int availHeight)
          Allows a gauge type to determine the radius of the gauge.
protected  int getGaugeSetGap(java.util.Map map, java.awt.Graphics2D g, int dir)
          Returns the space between gauges in a gaugeSet, and the space bordering each gauge.
 int getGaugeType()
          Returns the type of this gauge type implementation.
protected  java.util.Collection getIndicatorObject(java.util.Map map, int metricIndex)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render an Indicator.
protected  java.awt.Rectangle getInnerBounds(java.util.Map map, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int reqAboveSpace, int reqBelowSpace, int reqLeftSpace, int reqRightSpace)
          Allows a gauge type implementation to determine the area in which to draw the actual gauge.
protected  int getMaxNumberOfSteps()
          Allows a customization of the maximum number of steps to use for the tick labels and marks for this gauge type.
protected  DrawableObject getNoDataLabelObject(java.util.Map map)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render a No Data label.
protected  java.util.Collection getPlotAreaObject(java.util.Map map, int type)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render a PlotArea.
protected  java.util.Collection getTickLabelObjects(java.util.Map map)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render Tick Labels.
protected  java.util.Collection getTickMarkObjects(java.util.Map map)
          Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render Tick Marks.
protected static java.awt.Image loadImage(java.lang.String strURL)
          Loads an image from the given URL, saving it in a static HashMap for future faster and more efficient lookup.
Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.gauge.GaugeType
_blendColors, _calcCustomShapesLabelBounds, _calcLabelDimensions, _getIndicatorColor, _getIndicatorColor, _getMetricLabelBounds, _getPlotAreaCenter, _getTopLabelBounds, _getUpperLabelFrameBounds, _hasGaugeFrame, createTickMark, getBackgroundObject, getFrameHeight, getLabelObjects, getOverlayEffectObjects, getScalingTransform, getScalingTransform, getSpaceAboveGauge, getSpaceBelowGauge, getSpaceLeftOfGauge, getSpaceRightOfGauge, getThresholdAttribute, getTickLabelWidth, getTranslateTransform, setCustomShapesParser, setLocale, updateResourceBundle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LEDGauge(GaugeEngine engine)
Method Detail


public int getGaugeType()
Returns the type of this gauge type implementation.

Specified by:
getGaugeType in class GaugeType
Integer representing the gauge type; valid constants are those in this class beginning with TYPE_.


protected java.awt.Dimension autoLayout(java.awt.Graphics2D g,
                                        java.awt.Rectangle rect,
                                        java.util.Map map)
Figures out the size of the gauge based on the size of each component. Each gauge type will be responsible for determining this figure, which should include the total space taken up by the gauge, including any labels around it.

autoLayout in class GaugeType
rect - Rectangle in which to base the layout
map - attribute map


protected java.util.Collection getPlotAreaObject(java.util.Map map,
                                                 int type)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render a PlotArea.

Specified by:
getPlotAreaObject in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
type - Type of plot area to generate. Can be FILL_ONLY, BORDER_ONLY, and FILL_AND_BORDER
Array of DrawableObject instances


protected java.util.Collection getIndicatorObject(java.util.Map map,
                                                  int metricIndex)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render an Indicator.

Specified by:
getIndicatorObject in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
metricIndex - Index of the indicator
Array of DrawableObject instances


protected java.util.Collection getTickLabelObjects(java.util.Map map)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render Tick Labels.

Specified by:
getTickLabelObjects in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
Array of DrawableObject instances


protected java.util.Collection getTickMarkObjects(java.util.Map map)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render Tick Marks.

Specified by:
getTickMarkObjects in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
Collection of DrawableObject instances


protected DrawableObject getNoDataLabelObject(java.util.Map map)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render a No Data label.

Specified by:
getNoDataLabelObject in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
Array of DrawableObject instances


protected java.util.Collection getGaugeFrameObject(java.util.Map map)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render the frame behind the gauge.

Specified by:
getGaugeFrameObject in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
Collection of DrawableObject instances


protected java.util.Collection getGaugeLinkObject(java.util.Map map,
                                                  java.awt.Rectangle outerBounds)
Generates the DrawableObject instances necessary to render the frame behind the gauge.

Specified by:
getGaugeLinkObject in class GaugeType
map - Map of attributes for this gauge
outerBounds - Rectangle representing gauge and its background
Collection of DrawableObject instances


protected int getGaugeRadius(int availWidth,
                             int availHeight)
Allows a gauge type to determine the radius of the gauge.

Specified by:
getGaugeRadius in class GaugeType
availHeight - Integer representing the height available for drawing the actual gauge
availWidth - Integer representing the width available for drawing the actual gauge
Integer representing the radius of the gauge.


protected java.awt.Rectangle getInnerBounds(java.util.Map map,
                                            java.awt.Rectangle rect,
                                            int reqAboveSpace,
                                            int reqBelowSpace,
                                            int reqLeftSpace,
                                            int reqRightSpace)
Allows a gauge type implementation to determine the area in which to draw the actual gauge.

Specified by:
getInnerBounds in class GaugeType
reqRightSpace - Integer indicating the space required to the right of the gauge
reqLeftSpace - Integer indicating the space required to the left of the gauge
reqBelowSpace - Integer indicating the space required below the gauge
reqAboveSpace - Integer indicating the space required above the gauge
rect - Rectangle indicating the initial working area
Rectangle representing the area in which to draw the gauge


protected int getMaxNumberOfSteps()
Allows a customization of the maximum number of steps to use for the tick labels and marks for this gauge type.

Specified by:
getMaxNumberOfSteps in class GaugeType
Integer representing maximum number of tick steps


protected int getGaugeSetGap(java.util.Map map,
                             java.awt.Graphics2D g,
                             int dir)
Returns the space between gauges in a gaugeSet, and the space bordering each gauge.

getGaugeSetGap in class GaugeType
map - Map instance containing gauge attributes
g - Instance of Graphics2D to use for various font calculations
dir - int gap for which side of the gauge


protected static java.awt.Image loadImage(java.lang.String strURL)
Loads an image from the given URL, saving it in a static HashMap for future faster and more efficient lookup.

strURL - String resolving to image needing to be loaded
Instance of Image


protected java.awt.Rectangle _getPlotAreaBounds(java.awt.Rectangle gaugeFrameBounds,
                                                java.util.Map map,
                                                java.awt.Graphics2D g)
Calculates and returns the bounding box of the plotArea. This method reserves space for everything inside the gaugeFrame, and returns the remaining box as the bounds of the plotArea.

_getPlotAreaBounds in class GaugeType
gaugeFrameBounds -
map -

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 1 (


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