Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class MessagePage

  extended by oracle.ide.view.View
      extended by oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
          extended by oracle.ide.log.MessagePage
All Implemented Interfaces:
ControllerProvider, Helpable, LogPage
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MessagePage
extends AbstractLogPage

The MessagePage class provides a log page based on a text area. The text area supports styled text.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class MessagePage.CustomTextPane
Field Summary
protected  JAutoScrollPane _scrollPane
          Deprecated. with no replacement. This field should not have been exposed to subclasses.
protected  javax.swing.text.JTextComponent _textComponent
          Deprecated. with no replacement. This field should not have been exposed to subclasses.
static java.lang.String MESSAGE_PAGE_ID
Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.view.View
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId)
          Creates a MessagePage using thle specified ViewId.
protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId, javax.swing.Icon icon)
          Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.
  MessagePage(ViewId viewId, javax.swing.Icon icon, boolean addPage)
          Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.
protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId, javax.swing.Icon icon, boolean addPage, boolean showStyledText)
          Deprecated. use #MessagePage(ViewId,Icon,boolean). The showStyledText parameter has been deprecated, since all message pages are now capable of showing styled text by default.
Method Summary
 void addHref(Href href)
          Adds the specified Href to the message page.
 void addMouseListener(java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
          Adds the mouse listener to the message page Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses.
 void addStyle(StyledMessage styledMessage)
          Adds the specified StyledMessage to the message page
protected  void appendToTextComponent(java.lang.String msg, int maxLogLines)
          Adds the given message to the message page, removing lines from the top, if necessary, so it contains no more than maxLogLines
protected  boolean checkLogOpen()
          Makes sure the log file is open if it's name has been set
 void clearAll()
          Clears the message page * Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses.
protected  void clearTextComponent()
          Clears the text component
protected  MessagePage.CustomTextPane createStyledTextPane()
protected  void createToolbar()
          Create the toolbar for this view.
protected  void deleteFromStartOfTextComponent(int linesToDelete, int offset)
          Deletes the linesToDelete from the message page
protected  Href findHrefByOffset(int offset)
 MenuToolButton getActionButton()
 ContextMenu getContextMenu()
          Gets the ContextMenu object, if any, managed by this instance.
 Controller getController()
          Gets the Controller for the message page
 java.awt.Component getGUI()
          Gets the component that provides the UI for the message page.
 HelpInfo getHelpInfo()
          Gets the HelpInfo associated with the message page
protected  java.lang.String getText()
          Gets the content of the message page as a String
 Toolbar getToolbar()
          Get the toolbar associated with this view.
 SearchField getToolbarSearchField()
          Get the SearchField that searches the log.
protected  boolean getWrapLines()
          Gets the line wrap policy for the message page
protected  void logMsg(java.lang.Object msg)
          Adds the given msg to the message page.
 void removeMouseListener(java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
          Removes the mouse listener from the message page Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses.
protected  void replaceTextComponentDocument()
          Replaces the document of the text component
 void setController(Controller controller)
protected  void setLogFileName(java.lang.String fn)
          Sets the name of the log file
 void setToolbarVisible(boolean visible)
protected  void setWrapLines(boolean wrap)
          Sets the line wrap policy for the message page
protected  void updateToolTipText()
          Updates the tool tip text
 void updateVisibleActions(UpdateMessage updateMessage)
          Called when the IDE or an extension requests that the View updates the enabled state of any actions that are visible on screen.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.log.AbstractLogPage
close, getBottomComponent, getLogPageView, getTabIcon, getTabName, getTitleName, getToolTip, getTopComponent, isDisplayComponentScrollable, isVisible, log, log, logQuietly, requestShow, requestShow, setOwner, show, tabNameUpdated
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.view.View
activate, addViewListener, addViewSelectionListener, addViewStateListener, deactivate, fireViewCollapsed, fireViewExpanded, fireViewSelectionChanged, getContext, getContext, getId, getSelection, getSelectionFromUI, getViewWithoutDecoration, loadLayout, loadManifestToolbar, loadManifestToolbar, newId, owner, removeViewListener, removeViewSelectionListener, removeViewStateListener, saveLayout, scheduleUpdateSelection, setId, setOwner, toString, updateSelection, updateSelectionImpl, updateTitle, updateToolbarActions, updateVisibleActions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String MESSAGE_PAGE_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected javax.swing.text.JTextComponent _textComponent
Deprecated. with no replacement. This field should not have been exposed to subclasses.


protected JAutoScrollPane _scrollPane
Deprecated. with no replacement. This field should not have been exposed to subclasses.
Constructor Detail


public MessagePage()
Default constructor. Creates a MessagePage using the message page view identifier.


protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId)
Creates a MessagePage using thle specified ViewId.


protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId,
                      javax.swing.Icon icon)
Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.


public MessagePage(ViewId viewId,
                   javax.swing.Icon icon,
                   boolean addPage)
Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.


protected MessagePage(ViewId viewId,
                      javax.swing.Icon icon,
                      boolean addPage,
                      boolean showStyledText)
Deprecated. use #MessagePage(ViewId,Icon,boolean). The showStyledText parameter has been deprecated, since all message pages are now capable of showing styled text by default.

Creates a MessagePage using the specified ViewId and Icon.

Some subclasses will pass false for the addPage argument, which means DO NOT add the page to the log manager during the execution of the constructor. The reason why a subclass would pass false is because they are overriding methods which are called during the addPage process and the overriding methods depend on field initialization which does not take place until after the super constructor returns. For example, a subclass which overrides getToolTip will likely want to pass false for the addPage argument.

Method Detail


public final MenuToolButton getActionButton()
the actions button that is permanently shown on the toolbar. Sub-classes can use this method to customize the actions that appear in the list.


public ContextMenu getContextMenu()
Gets the ContextMenu object, if any, managed by this instance.

getContextMenu in class View
the ContextMenu, if any.


protected boolean checkLogOpen()
Makes sure the log file is open if it's name has been set

true if the log file's name has been set; false otherwise


protected void setLogFileName(java.lang.String fn)
Sets the name of the log file

fn - the name of the log file


public void clearAll()
Clears the message page * Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses. It should be considered final.

Specified by:
clearAll in interface LogPage
clearAll in class AbstractLogPage


public void addMouseListener(java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
Adds the mouse listener to the message page Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses. It should be considered final.

Specified by:
addMouseListener in interface LogPage
addMouseListener in class AbstractLogPage
listener -


public void removeMouseListener(java.awt.event.MouseListener listener)
Removes the mouse listener from the message page Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses. It should be considered final.

Specified by:
removeMouseListener in interface LogPage
removeMouseListener in class AbstractLogPage
listener -


public java.awt.Component getGUI()
Gets the component that provides the UI for the message page. Note: despite the fact that it is not final, this method is not designed to be overridden by subclasses. It should be considered final.

Specified by:
getGUI in class View
component that provides the UI for the message page


protected void createToolbar()
Create the toolbar for this view.


public HelpInfo getHelpInfo()
Gets the HelpInfo associated with the message page

Specified by:
getHelpInfo in interface Helpable
getHelpInfo in class View
the help info associated with the message page


public Controller getController()
Gets the Controller for the message page

Specified by:
getController in interface ControllerProvider
getController in class AbstractLogPage
the controller for the message page


public void setController(Controller controller)


protected void logMsg(java.lang.Object msg)
Adds the given msg to the message page. The msg object should be either a StyledMessage or a String

logMsg in class AbstractLogPage
msg -


protected MessagePage.CustomTextPane createStyledTextPane()
the text pane used for displaying styled text.


protected void updateToolTipText()
Updates the tool tip text


protected boolean getWrapLines()
Gets the line wrap policy for the message page

true if lines will be wrapped; false otherwise


protected void setWrapLines(boolean wrap)
Sets the line wrap policy for the message page

wrap - true to wrap lines; false otherwise


protected final java.lang.String getText()
Gets the content of the message page as a String

string of the message page content


protected void appendToTextComponent(java.lang.String msg,
                                     int maxLogLines)
Adds the given message to the message page, removing lines from the top, if necessary, so it contains no more than maxLogLines

msg - the message to add
maxLogLines - the maximum number of lines to display


protected void deleteFromStartOfTextComponent(int linesToDelete,
                                              int offset)
Deletes the linesToDelete from the message page

linesToDelete -
offset -


protected void replaceTextComponentDocument()
Replaces the document of the text component


protected void clearTextComponent()
Clears the text component


public void addHref(Href href)
Adds the specified Href to the message page.

href - to add to the message page


public void addStyle(StyledMessage styledMessage)
Adds the specified StyledMessage to the message page

styledMessage - to add to the message page


protected Href findHrefByOffset(int offset)


public Toolbar getToolbar()
Description copied from class: View
Get the toolbar associated with this view.

getToolbar in class View


public void setToolbarVisible(boolean visible)
setToolbarVisible in class View


public void updateVisibleActions(UpdateMessage updateMessage)
Description copied from class: View
Called when the IDE or an extension requests that the View updates the enabled state of any actions that are visible on screen. Typically this will involve updating actions that are in visible toolbars. If a View contains or manages other nested instances of View, the outer call to updateVisibleActions should propagate inward to call the updateVisibleActions of all visible, nested Views.

updateVisibleActions in class View
updateMessage - information on what is triggering the update. Implementations may make use of this information to decide whether or not an update is necessary, since updating the enabled state of a toolbar button may be a lengthy operation. For example, buttons that control a remote debugger would involve network I/O and evaluating their updated state could be avoided if the updateMessage indicates that the source of the update is not relevant to the debugger.


public SearchField getToolbarSearchField()
Get the SearchField that searches the log. The SearchField is already added to the toolbar by default. Subclasses may remove it, move-it or re-add it as they see fit.

the toolbar SearchField

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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