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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface ResourceFinder

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ResourceFinder

A stateless, threadsafe interface to query for resources (by name, or QueryAttributes).

Method Summary
 ResourceEntry getResource(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, java.lang.String name)
          Get the resource given the name and the type of the resource.
 java.util.List getResources(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, ResourceSearchQuery query)
          Search for resources based on SearchQuery.
 java.util.List getSearchableAttributes()
          Returns a list of query attributes that are supported by the underlying resource store.
 void initialize(java.util.Map props)
          This method is called by JPS before calling any other methods on the Finder.


Method Detail


java.util.List getResources(java.lang.String resourceTypeName,
                            ResourceSearchQuery query)
                            throws PolicyStoreException,
Search for resources based on SearchQuery. A new search must be independent of any previous search (no result caching -- stateless requirement) and should not get affected by simultaneous searches through other threads (thread-safety requirement).
Note: 1)Resource query across different resource type is not allowed.
2)any ResourceEntry that is returned as a result should exhibit following behavior: ResourceEntry.getResourceTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(resourceTypeName) == true; must hold for every resource entry returned.
If the search does not find any resources matching the query, then the method returns an empty list Query must not be null. To get all resources, defined in the scope, set matcher to ANY and value to match to null. If resourceTypeName is null and Query search property is set to ALL, matcher to ANY, then this method will return all resources in the default store.
resourceTypeName - resource type name.
query - -- the search criteria for searching resources, must not be null. ResourceSerachQuery.SEARCH_PROPERTY.RESOURCE_TYPE must not be specified in query.
a list of resource entries
PolicyStoreException - if there was an error while searching for the resource.
PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException - -- if the resource finder is unable to handle the search query -- e.g., attribute to search on is not supported, or criteria such as 'beginsWith', 'endsWith' etc. are not supported.
InvalidArgumentException - if query is null.


ResourceEntry getResource(java.lang.String resourceTypeName,
                          java.lang.String name)
                          throws PolicyStoreException,
Get the resource given the name and the type of the resource. (Search must not be affected by a simultaneous search on the same Resource store) Note: the search result must exhibit this behavior: ResourceEntry.getResourceTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(resourceTypeName) == true; must hold for the resource entry returned.
If the search does not find any resource matching the name and type, the method throws PolicyObjectNotFoundException
resourceTypeName - -- name of the resource type (to restrict the search to a resource type)
name-- - name of the resource (to be found).
resource entry (result of the search)
PolicyStoreException - if there was an error while searching for the resource.
PolicyObjectNotFoundException - if the resource with given name and type does not exit.
ResourceFinderException - if resource type cannot be found.


void initialize(java.util.Map props)
                throws ResourceFinderException
This method is called by JPS before calling any other methods on the Finder. This method is invoked with a map of properties registered by the provider in the config file. The finder will initialize itself using these properties. E.g.: A resource finder that queries a relational database would configure the host, port, SID, and credentials for connection to the DB.
The ResourceFinder implementation must ensure that the set of properties presented in this method match with the properties the implementation expects. If there's a mismatch the implementation should throw a ResourceFinderException exception.
Every ResourceFinder must initialize the list of SEARCH_PROPERTY values(See method getSearchableAttributes()).
props - - a map of properties required to initialize the Resource Finder. These are configured during registration of the finder.
ResourceFinderException - - if the method fails to initialize ResourceFinder.


java.util.List getSearchableAttributes()
Returns a list of query attributes that are supported by the underlying resource store. Clients should call getResources(String resourceTypeName, ResourceSearchQuery query) with ResourceSearchQuery query that conforms to the set of supported query properties (attributes).
a list of query attributes (SEARCH_PROPERTY).

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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