
Interface Summary
InheritanceModel The InheritanceModel describes what type of attribute inheritance model a MetaObject tree will follow.
MetaObject A MetaObject represents a generic hierarchical object.
SubjectType This interface defines subject type constants.

Class Summary
AbstractPolicy Base class of AuthorizationPolicy and MembershipRule.
Action This class represents an action.
ActionGroupManager This class manages action groups.
ActionGroupQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on action groups.
ActionManager This class manages actions.
ActionQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on actions.
AdminRole This class represents Administration Role for Scope.
AdminRoleMembershipRule This class represents an membership Rule for Admin Role.
AttributeQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on attributes.
AttributeValueType This class represents type of an attribute value in ALES management API.
AuthorizationPolicy This class represents an authorization policy.
AuthorizationPolicyQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on authorization policies.
Constant This class represents a constant.
ConstantManager This class manages constants.
ConstantQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on constants.
Directory This class represents an identity directory which contains a collection of users and groups.
DirectoryManager This class manage identity Directory.
DirectoryQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on directories.
DistributionStatus This class represents the distribution status for a specific distribution id.
DynamicAttributeQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on dynamic attributes.
EvaluationFunction This class represents an evaluation function.
EvaluationFunctionQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on evaluation functions.
ExtensionsManager This class manages dynamic attribute and evaluation function.
Group Group is typically a collection of users that share some common property.
GroupManager This class manages groups in a specified directory.
GroupQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on groups.
IdentityQueryContainer This class is the place holder for both the UserQueryResult and GroupQueryResult.
InstanceStatus This class represents the latest distribution status of the instance of an engine.
MembershipRule This class represents a membership rule.
MembershipRuleQueryResult This class represents the result of excuting a query on membership rule.
MetaObjectFactory The MetaObjectFactory can create MetObject root instances.
MetaObjectQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on meta objects.
PoliciesManager This class manage authorization policies and membership rules.
PolicyDistributor This class represents policy distributor which is responsible for distributing policies and related resources, actions and declarations to related ALES SSMs.
PolicyEffectType This class represents policy effect type.
PolicyQuery This class represents a policy query.
PolicyQuery.OrderType This class represents the order type of a policy query.
PolicyQuery.ResultType This class represents the result type of a policy query.
PolicyType This class represents ALES policy type.
RBAC_Context This class represents a context of a series management API calls.
RBAC_Manager This class manages the management API context.
Resource This class represents a resource object.
ResourceManager This class manages resources.
ResourceQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on resources.
Role This class represents role.
RoleGroupQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on groups.
RoleManager This class manages roles.
RoleQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on roles.
Subject This is the base class of User and Group.
User This class represent a user.
UserManager UserManager manage users in the specified directory.
UserQueryResult This class represents the result of executing a query on users.

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