
Class Summary
DesktopDefinitionID Identifies portal desktop definition resources.
DesktopDefinitionIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal resource definitions.
DesktopDefinitionResourceType ResourceType for a portal desktop definition.
DesktopDefinitionsID Identifies a collection of portal desktop definition resources.
DesktopDefinitionsIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal resource definitions.
DesktopDefinitionsResourceType ResourceType for the collection of portal desktop definitions.
DesktopID Deprecated - use DesktopDefinitionID
DesktopIDBuilder Deprecated - use DesktopDefinitionIDBuilder
DesktopResourceType Deprecated - use DesktopDefinitionResourceType
DesktopTemplateID Identifies portal desktop template resources.
DesktopTemplateIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal resource definitions.
DesktopTemplateResourceType ResourceType for a portal desktop template under a portal instance.
DesktopTemplatesID Builds and parses DesktopTemplatesID.
DesktopTemplatesIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal desktop templates.
DesktopTemplatesResourceType ResourceType for the collection of portal desktop templates under a portal instance.
LibraryDesktopTemplateID Identifies library desktop template resource definitions.
LibraryDesktopTemplateIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal resource definitions.
LibraryDesktopTemplateResourceType ResourceType for a portal desktop definition.
LibraryDesktopTemplatesID Builds and parses LibraryDesktopTemplatesID.
LibraryDesktopTemplatesIDBuilder Identifies the collection of portal desktop templates.
LibraryDesktopTemplatesResourceType ResourceType for a collection of Desktop Templates in the Library

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