Class ObjectClass

  extended by com.bea.content.ContentEntity
      extended by com.bea.content.ObjectClass
All Implemented Interfaces
Serializable, Cloneable

public class ObjectClass
extends ContentEntity
implements Cloneable

ObjectClass is the type for a Node. It has both an id and a name that uniquely identifies it within a content repository.

An ObjectClass may have PropertyDefinitions associated with it that define the shape of Properties required for a Node. This does not mean that the Property must contain a value, but simply that the Property must exist for the Node.

The ObjectClass may have PropertyDefinitions without them actually being attached in memory. In this case, hasPropertyDefinitions would be true and a call to get the PropertyDefinitions would lazy load them. If there is a need to check if the PropertyDefinitions are currently set then a call to isPropertyDefinitionsNull() is appropriate as it will not try to load the PropertyDefinitions.

It may also have a primary PropertyDefinition that defines the primary content Property for a Node. This allows for the definition of content in the type since the api does not distinguish between content and meta-content.

A Node is only considered valid in the repository if its Properties conform to its ObjectClass PropertyDefinitions.

ObjectClass PropertyDefinitions may be lazy loaded, depending on the implementation of the underyling operation that retrieved the ObjectClass.

Methods which return an ISortableFilterablePagedList from ITypeManager can sort and filter the responses. For a discussion on paging, sorting and filtering, see com.bea.content.paging and ContentListKeys. Native sortable properties for the WLP Repository are found via the ISortablePagedList.getNativeSortableProperties() method on a paged list of Node objects.

For Types in the WLP Repository, the current list of native sortable and filterable properties is:

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static String FOLDER
static String PATH_DELIMITER
          The delimiter used to separate path components for Object Class paths.
Fields inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
Constructor Summary
ObjectClass(ID id, String name)
          Basic constructor.
ObjectClass(ID id, String name, PropertyDefinition primaryPropertyDefinition, PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions)
          Constructor without hasPropertyDefinitions.
ObjectClass(ID id, String name, PropertyDefinition primaryPropertyDefinition, PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions, boolean hasPropertyDefinitions)
          Constructor without propertyDefinitions.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
          Add a property definition to the object class.
 Object clone()
          Clones an ObjectClass with its property definitions and property choices.
 Calendar getCreationDate()
          Returns the creation date of this ObjectClass.
 String getDescription()
          Returns the description for this ObjectClass.
 Calendar getModifiedDate()
          Returns the modified date of this ObjectClass.
 String getName()
          Returns a name that uniquely identifies this ObjectClass within a repository.
 ID getParentObjectClassId()
          Returns the ID of this ObjectClass's parent if this class is extending another ObjectClass, or NULL if it does not extend another ObjectClass.
 String getPath()
          Returns the inheritance path for this ObjectClass.
 PropertyDefinition getPrimaryPropertyDefinition()
          Returns the primary PropertyDefinition, or null if one does not exist.
 PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(String name)
          Gets the named PropertyDefinition for this ObjectClass.
 PropertyDefinition[] getPropertyDefinitions()
          Gets the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass.
 Workflow getWorkflow()
          Return the workflow associated with the node.
 ID getWorkflowId()
          Return the workflow ID set on the ObjectClass.
 boolean hasNested()
          Returns true if this ObjectClass has any PropertyDefinitions of type Property.NESTED
 boolean hasOrderableChildNodes()
          Returns true if nodes of this type support ordering their children.
 boolean hasPropertyDefinitions()
          Returns true if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions.
 void hasPropertyDefinitions(boolean hasPropertyDefinitions)
          Sets if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions.
 boolean isAbstract()
          Returns true if this ObjectClass is abstract and therefore may not but used as a type for nodes.
 boolean isPropertyDefinitionsNull()
          Returns true if the propertyDefitions is null, false otherwise.
 boolean isSearchable()
          Returns true when nodes of this type are indexed in the search engine.
 void removePropertyDefinition(String name)
          Remove a property definition from the object class if it exists.
 void setAbstract(boolean isAbstract)
          Setter to set whether or not this ObjectClass is abstract.
 void setCreationDate(Calendar creationDate)
          Sets the creation date of this ObjectClass.
 void setDescription(String description)
          Sets the description for this ObjectClass.
 void setModifiedDate(Calendar modifiedDate)
          Sets the modified date of this ObjectClass.
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the name for this ObjectClass.
 void setObjectClassOps(ObjectClassOps objectClassOps)
          Sets the ObjectClassOps for the repository.
 void setParentObjectClassId(ID parentId)
          Sets the parent ObjectClass ID.
 void setPath(String path)
          Set's the ObjectClass inheritance path.
 void setPrimaryPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
          Sets the primary PropertyDefinition.
 void setPropertyDefinitions(PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions)
          Sets the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass.
 void setSearchable(boolean isSearchable)
          Set to true if nodes of this type should be searchable, false otherwise.
 void setWorkflowId(ID workflowId)
          Set the workflowID for the type
 void setWorkflowOps(WorkflowOps workflowOps)
          Sets the WorkflowOps to perform workflow lookup on the repository.
 String toString()
          Returns the ObjectClass attributes as a String.
 void validateProperties(Property[] properties)
          Validates that each property passed in as part of the properties array is valid according to its PropertyDefinition.
 void validateProperty(Property property, PropertyDefinition definition)
          Validates that the property passed in is valid according to the property definition passed in.
Methods inherited from class com.bea.content.ContentEntity
getId, setId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String FOLDER
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String PATH_DELIMITER
The delimiter used to separate path components for Object Class paths. This is equivalent to PathHelper.SEPARATOR.

See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public ObjectClass(ID id,
                   String name)
Basic constructor.

id - - the id for this ObjectClass. The ID must include a repository name which indicates to the VCR which repository the ObjectClass belongs to. The underlying repository will generate the ID's uid when the ObjectClass is persisted.
name - - a name that uniquely identifies this ObjectClass in the Repository.


public ObjectClass(ID id,
                   String name,
                   PropertyDefinition primaryPropertyDefinition,
                   PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions)
Constructor without hasPropertyDefinitions. If the propertyDefinitions passed in is not null and size > 0 then hasPropertyDefinitions will be set to true, otherwise it will be set to false.

id - - the id for this ObjectClass. The ID must include a repository name which indicates to the VCR which repository the ObjectClass belongs to. The underlying repository will generate the ID's uid when the ObjectClass is persisted.
name - - a name that uniquely identifies this ObjectClass in the Repository.
primaryPropertyDefinition - - the primary Property for this ObjectClass, null if there isn't one. This primary PropertyDefintion should also be included in the array of PropertyDefintions in the propertyDefinitions param.
propertyDefinitions - - the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass, may be null if none exist, or if they do exist but are intended to be lazy loaded. This param includes the primary PropertyDefinition, if there is one.


public ObjectClass(ID id,
                   String name,
                   PropertyDefinition primaryPropertyDefinition,
                   PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions,
                   boolean hasPropertyDefinitions)
Constructor without propertyDefinitions. Useful for when the PropertyDefinitions will be lazy loaded (if they exist).

id - - the id for this ObjectClass. The ID must include a repository name which indicates to the VCR which repository the ObjectClass belongs to. The underlying repository will generate the ID's uid when the ObjectClass is persisted.
name - - a name that uniquely identifies this ObjectClass in the Repository.
primaryPropertyDefinition - - the primary Property for this ObjectClass, null if there isn't one. This primary PropertyDefintion should also be included in the array of PropertyDefintions in the propertyDefinitions param.
propertyDefinitions - - the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass, may be null if none exist, or if they do exist but are intended to be lazy loaded. This param includes the primary PropertyDefinition, if there is one.
hasPropertyDefinitions - - true if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions or false otherwise. This does not mean it has them in memory, but rather that that they do exist.
Method Detail


public String getName()
Returns a name that uniquely identifies this ObjectClass within a repository.

The name of this ObjectClass


public void setName(String name)
Sets the name for this ObjectClass.

name - The name to set


public PropertyDefinition getPrimaryPropertyDefinition()
Returns the primary PropertyDefinition, or null if one does not exist.

The primary PropertyDefinition or null if one is not specified for this ObjectClass.


public void setPrimaryPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
Sets the primary PropertyDefinition. The property defintion supplied should have already been added using addPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition), setPropertyDefinitions(PropertyDefinition[]) or via one of the constructors.

propertyDefinition - The primary PropertyDefinition for this ObjectClass


public boolean isAbstract()
Returns true if this ObjectClass is abstract and therefore may not but used as a type for nodes.

true if abstract


public void setAbstract(boolean isAbstract)
Setter to set whether or not this ObjectClass is abstract.

isAbstract - true if abstract


public ID getParentObjectClassId()
Returns the ID of this ObjectClass's parent if this class is extending another ObjectClass, or NULL if it does not extend another ObjectClass.

The ID of the parent ObjectClass.


public void setParentObjectClassId(ID parentId)
Sets the parent ObjectClass ID. This is used to allow this class to extend another ObjectClass.

parentId - The ID of the parent ObjectClass.


public String getPath()
Returns the inheritance path for this ObjectClass. If this class extends another, then the path will include the parent object class each type in the inheritance chain. For example, if this type extends typeB and it extends typeA, then the path returned would be /repositoryName/typeA/typeB. If this type does not extend another, then /repositoryName/type is returned.

This value is system generated and therefore is not settable on this object.

The inheritance path for this ObjectClass.


public void setPath(String path)
Set's the ObjectClass inheritance path. This value is computed and therefore is ignored during update operations.

path - The path to set.


public PropertyDefinition[] getPropertyDefinitions()
                                            throws AuthorizationException
Gets the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass. If they aren't currently set on this ObjectClass, then they will be retrieved. If you need to check if the ObjectClass instance in memory has its ProperetyDefinitions set, use isPropertyDefinitionsNull(). If you need to know if the ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions (they may not be loaded in memory, but actually exist), use hasPropertyDefinitions().

An array of PropertyDefinition objects for this ObjectClass.
AuthorizationException - - if the user attempting the get is not authorized.


public void setPropertyDefinitions(PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions)
Sets the PropertyDefinitions for this ObjectClass.

propertyDefinitions - The array of PropertyDefinition objects to set for this ObjectClass.


public void addPropertyDefinition(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition)
                           throws AuthorizationException
Add a property definition to the object class. Do not use this method if the property definition already exists for this object class. Instead use setPropertyDefinitions(PropertyDefinition[])

propertyDefinition - The definition to add.
AuthorizationException - if the user is not authorized


public void removePropertyDefinition(String name)
                              throws AuthorizationException
Remove a property definition from the object class if it exists. This method will fail silently to remove a property definition which is not present on the ObjectClass.

name - The name of the definition to remove.
AuthorizationException - if the user is not authorized


public boolean hasPropertyDefinitions()
Returns true if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions. This does not indicate if it currently has them as part of the instance (in memory), or if they will be lazy loaded, but rather simply that they exist.

true if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinition objects.


public void hasPropertyDefinitions(boolean hasPropertyDefinitions)
Sets if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinitions. This does not indicate if it currently has them as part of the instance (in memory), or if they will be lazy loaded, but rather simply that they exist.

hasPropertyDefinitions - True if this ObjectClass has PropertyDefinition objects.


public boolean hasNested()
Returns true if this ObjectClass has any PropertyDefinitions of type Property.NESTED

true if this ObjectClass has any nested ObjectClass's.


public boolean isPropertyDefinitionsNull()
Returns true if the propertyDefitions is null, false otherwise. This does not indicate whether PropertyDefinitions exist for this ObjectClass, but rather if they are currently part of the instance.

true if the property definitions for this object class are null.


public void setObjectClassOps(ObjectClassOps objectClassOps)
Sets the ObjectClassOps for the repository.

objectClassOps - the implementation for this ObjectClass.


public PropertyDefinition getPropertyDefinition(String name)
                                         throws RepositoryException
Gets the named PropertyDefinition for this ObjectClass. If this is a nested property definition type, the name will reflect the nested hierarchy with NESTED_DELIMITER between each parent and child property definition name. The delimiter is not valid for use within the actual name, only to seperate the parent/child names.

name - - the name of the property definition to get.
PropertyDefinition - that matches the name passed in, or null if none.
RepositoryException - - if an error occurs getting the property definition.


public void validateProperties(Property[] properties)
                        throws RepositoryException
Validates that each property passed in as part of the properties array is valid according to its PropertyDefinition. Note that this method does not validate Link property node targets -- these are verified when a node is created/updated.

properties - The properties to validate.
RepositoryException - If validation fails.


public void validateProperty(Property property,
                             PropertyDefinition definition)
                      throws RepositoryException
Validates that the property passed in is valid according to the property definition passed in. Note that this method does not validate Link property node targets -- these are verified when a node is created/updated.

property - The property to validate.
definition - The property definition to validate against.
RepositoryException - If this validation fails.


public ID getWorkflowId()
Return the workflow ID set on the ObjectClass.

Returns the workflowId associated with the ObjectClass. Will return null if no workflow is explicitly set on the ObjectClass.


public void setWorkflowId(ID workflowId)
Set the workflowID for the type

workflowId - The ID of the workflow to set.


public void setWorkflowOps(WorkflowOps workflowOps)
Sets the WorkflowOps to perform workflow lookup on the repository. This may be used internally to lookup workflow associated with the node.

workflowOps - The workflow ops for this ObjectClass.


public Workflow getWorkflow()
                     throws RepositoryException
Return the workflow associated with the node. This method is slightly different than the getWorkflowId() because getWorkflowId() only returns the workflow explicitly set on the node, while this method does the workflow inheritance lookup to figure out the correct workflow for the node.

The workflow associated with the node, or the default workflow if there is no workflow associated with that node.
RepositoryException - If this operation fails.
See Also
WorkflowManagerImpl.getWorkflowForNode(ContentContext, ID)


public String toString()
Returns the ObjectClass attributes as a String.

toString in class ContentEntity


public String getDescription()
Returns the description for this ObjectClass. Only populated by repositories implementing the ExtendedObjectClassOps SPI.

The description.


public void setDescription(String description)
Sets the description for this ObjectClass. Only used by repositories implementing the ExtendedObjectClassOps SPI.

description - The description.


public boolean isSearchable()
Returns true when nodes of this type are indexed in the search engine.

The searchable value for this ObjectClass.


public void setSearchable(boolean isSearchable)
Set to true if nodes of this type should be searchable, false otherwise.

isSearchable - The searchable value to set.


public Calendar getCreationDate()
Returns the creation date of this ObjectClass.

The creation date.


public void setCreationDate(Calendar creationDate)
Sets the creation date of this ObjectClass. This method is used by the SPI when constructing an ObjectClass.

creationDate - The creation date.


public Calendar getModifiedDate()
Returns the modified date of this ObjectClass.

The modified date.


public void setModifiedDate(Calendar modifiedDate)
Sets the modified date of this ObjectClass. This method is used by the SPI when constructing an ObjectClass.

modifiedDate - The modified date.


public boolean hasOrderableChildNodes()
Returns true if nodes of this type support ordering their children. In other words, if node NP of type T has children NC1, NC2, etc, and if T.hasOrderableChildNodes() returns true, then the children NC1, NC2, etc can be ordered via INodeManager.orderBefore(...). This order is used when children of a node are retrieved via the INodeManager.getNodes(...) methods.

If child node ordering is supported, then a) INodeManager.getNodes(...) on the parent will retrieve deterministic results; repeated calls will return results in the same order. b) New child nodes are implicitly added at the end of the order. c) The child node ordering can be modified via INodeManager.orderBefore(...).

Returns true if nodes of this type must support orderable child nodes; returns false otherwise.


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clones an ObjectClass with its property definitions and property choices. Note that binary property choice streams are not cloned, but merely copied.

clone in class ContentEntity
A clone of the ObjectClass.
CloneNotSupportedException - If the clone fails.

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