Class CommunitySearchCriteria

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.bea.netuix.application.manager.persistence.TemplateSearchCriteria
              extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.CommunitySearchCriteria
All Implemented Interfaces
SearchCriteria, Serializable

public class CommunitySearchCriteria
extends TemplateSearchCriteria

CommunitySearchCriteria - search criteria for communities. If localize is set to true results will be sorted by title else CommunityDefinitionId will be used. If more than one properties are specified as filter criteria they will be OR'ed in the resulting search. When using the setTitle and setDescription methods, if a FilterCriteria for one of these is also used on the paginated request (most likely for a refilter), the FilterCriteria will override the former setter methods.

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

See Also
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bea.netuix.application.manager.persistence.TemplateSearchCriteria
TemplateSearchCriteria.LOGICAL_OPERATOR, TemplateSearchCriteria.TemplateSortCriteria
Constructor Summary
CommunitySearchCriteria(PortalSearchCriteria portalSearchCriteria)
CommunitySearchCriteria(String webAppName)
          Ctor - localize defaults to false.
CommunitySearchCriteria(TemplateSearchCriteria templateSearchCriteria)
          Creates a CommunitySearchCriteria from a TemplateSearchCriteria
CommunitySearchCriteria(WebAppSearchCriteria webAppSearchCriteria)
          Creates a CommunitySearchCriteria from a WebAppSearchCriteria
Method Summary
 boolean isFilterByAccessTrackingEnabled()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.
 boolean isFilterByActive()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only active or only inactive communities, false if both active and inactive communities will be returned.
 boolean isFilterByPersonalPagesEnabled()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.
 boolean isFilterByPublic()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only public or only non-public communities, false if both public and non-public communities will be returned.
 boolean isFilterByPublicRegistration()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with publicRegistration enabled or only communities with publicRegistration disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.
 boolean isIgnoreExpiredCommunities()
          Returns true if search results will ignore expired communities
 boolean isIncludeAccessTrackingEnabled()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled
 boolean isIncludeActive()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only active communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only inactive communities
 boolean isIncludePersonalPagesEnabled()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled
 boolean isIncludePublic()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only public communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only non-public communities
 boolean isIncludePublicRegistration()
          Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration disabled
 boolean isLocalizeCriteria()
          Returns true if CommunityDefinitions returned as a result if this search should have localized titles and descriptions
 void setFilterByAccessTrackingEnabled(boolean filterByAccessTrackingEnabled, boolean includeAccessTrackingEnabled)
          Sets filtering by communities accessTrackingEnabled flag.
 void setFilterByActive(boolean filterByActive, boolean includeActive)
          Sets filtering by communities active flag.
 void setFilterByPersonalPagesEnabled(boolean filterByPersonalPagesEnabled, boolean includePersonalPagesEnabled)
          Sets filtering by communities personalPagesEnabled flag.
 void setFilterByPublic(boolean filterByPublic, boolean includePublic)
          Sets filtering by communities public flag.
 void setFilterByPublicRegistration(boolean filterByPublicRegistration, boolean includePublicRegistration)
          Sets filtering by communities publicRegistration flag.
 void setIgnoreExpiredCommunities(boolean ignoreExpiredCommunities)
          Sets the ignoreExpiredCommunities flag
 void setLocalize(boolean localize)
          Set to true if CommunityDefinitions should be returned with titles and descriptions as opposed to LocalizationIntersectionIds
Methods inherited from class com.bea.netuix.application.manager.persistence.TemplateSearchCriteria
addDescription, addDescriptions, addTitle, addTitles, getDescriptionFilterMethod, getDescriptions, getTemplateSortCriteria, getTemplateSortOrder, getTemplateTypeId, getTitleDescriptionLogicalOperator, getTitleFilterMethod, getTitles, init, isDescriptionSearchCriteria, isGlobalTemplateCriteria, isTemplateCriteria, isTitleSearchCriteria, setDescription, setDescriptionFilterMethod, setDescriptions, setGlobalTemplate, setTemplate, setTemplateSortCriteria, setTemplateSortOrder, setTemplateTypeId, setTitle, setTitleDescriptionLogicalOperator, setTitleFilterMethod, setTitles
Methods inherited from class
getPortalPaths, init, isPortalPathSearchCriteria, setPortalPaths
Methods inherited from class
getWebAppName, init, isWebAppNameCriteria
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CommunitySearchCriteria(String webAppName)
Ctor - localize defaults to false.

webAppName - web app name


public CommunitySearchCriteria(WebAppSearchCriteria webAppSearchCriteria)
Creates a CommunitySearchCriteria from a WebAppSearchCriteria

webAppSearchCriteria - source WebAppSearchCriteria


public CommunitySearchCriteria(TemplateSearchCriteria templateSearchCriteria)
Creates a CommunitySearchCriteria from a TemplateSearchCriteria

templateSearchCriteria - source TemplateSearchCriteria


public CommunitySearchCriteria(PortalSearchCriteria portalSearchCriteria)
Method Detail


public boolean isLocalizeCriteria()
Returns true if CommunityDefinitions returned as a result if this search should have localized titles and descriptions

true if search results should be localized


public void setLocalize(boolean localize)
Set to true if CommunityDefinitions should be returned with titles and descriptions as opposed to LocalizationIntersectionIds

localize -


public boolean isIgnoreExpiredCommunities()
Returns true if search results will ignore expired communities

true if search results will ignore expired communities


public void setIgnoreExpiredCommunities(boolean ignoreExpiredCommunities)
Sets the ignoreExpiredCommunities flag

ignoreExpiredCommunities -


public boolean isFilterByPublic()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only public or only non-public communities, false if both public and non-public communities will be returned.

true if search results will be filtered to include either only public or only non-public communities, false if both public and non-public communities will be returned


public boolean isIncludePublic()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only public communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only non-public communities

true if search results will be filtered to include only public communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only non-public communities


public void setFilterByPublic(boolean filterByPublic,
                              boolean includePublic)
Sets filtering by communities public flag.

filterByPublic - if true then filtering by public flag will be performed
includePublic - if true then only public communities will be selected by this search criteria, if false only non-public communities will be returned by this search criteria


public boolean isFilterByActive()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only active or only inactive communities, false if both active and inactive communities will be returned.

true if search results will be filtered to include either only active or only inactive communities, false if both active and inactive communities will be returned


public boolean isIncludeActive()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only active communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only inactive communities

true if search results will be filtered to include only active communities, false if search results will be filtered to include only inactive communities


public void setFilterByActive(boolean filterByActive,
                              boolean includeActive)
Sets filtering by communities active flag.

filterByActive - if true then filtering by active flag will be performed
includeActive - if true then only active communities will be selected by this search criteria, if false only inactive communities will be returned by this search criteria


public boolean isFilterByPublicRegistration()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with publicRegistration enabled or only communities with publicRegistration disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.

true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with publicRegistration enabled or only communities with publicRegistration disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned


public boolean isIncludePublicRegistration()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration disabled

true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with publicRegistration disabled


public void setFilterByPublicRegistration(boolean filterByPublicRegistration,
                                          boolean includePublicRegistration)
Sets filtering by communities publicRegistration flag.

filterByPublicRegistration - if true then filtering by publicRegistration flag will be performed
includePublicRegistration - if true then only communities with publicRegistration enabled will be selected by this search criteria, if false only communities with publicRegistration disabled will be returned by this search criteria


public boolean isFilterByPersonalPagesEnabled()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.

true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned


public boolean isIncludePersonalPagesEnabled()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled

true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled


public void setFilterByPersonalPagesEnabled(boolean filterByPersonalPagesEnabled,
                                            boolean includePersonalPagesEnabled)
Sets filtering by communities personalPagesEnabled flag.

filterByPersonalPagesEnabled - if true then filtering by personalPagesEnabled flag will be performed
includePersonalPagesEnabled - if true then only communities with personalPages enabled will be selected by this search criteria, if false only communities with personalPages disabled will be returned by this search criteria


public boolean isFilterByAccessTrackingEnabled()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned.

true if search results will be filtered to include either only communities with personalPages enabled or only communities with personalPages disabled, false if both types of communities will be returned


public boolean isIncludeAccessTrackingEnabled()
Returns true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled

true if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages enabled, false if search results will be filtered to include only communities with personalPages disabled


public void setFilterByAccessTrackingEnabled(boolean filterByAccessTrackingEnabled,
                                             boolean includeAccessTrackingEnabled)
Sets filtering by communities accessTrackingEnabled flag.

filterByAccessTrackingEnabled - if true then filtering by accessTrackingEnabled flag will be performed
includeAccessTrackingEnabled - if true then only communities with personalPages enabled will be selected by this search criteria, if false only communities with personalPages disabled will be returned by this search criteria

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