Class InvitationDetails

  extended by com.bea.netuix.application.communities.invitations.InvitationDetails
All Implemented Interfaces

public class InvitationDetails
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents information about a Communities invitation operation, including the community that the invitation targets, a small payload that is intended for use as an application specific reference to the invitation action, and several parameters that control the settings of invitation options.

For more information see the discussion of invitations or the overview of community functionality.

See Also
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
InvitationDetails(CommunityDefinitionId communityId, String fromWlsUser, String invitationPayload, Date expirationDate, boolean selfDestructFlag, InvitationValidationTextGenerator validationTextGenerator)
          Constructs a new InvitationDetails object.
InvitationDetails(CommunityDefinitionId communityId, String fromWlsUser, String invitationPayload, Timestamp expirationDate, boolean selfDestructFlag, InvitationValidationTextGenerator validationTextGenerator)
          Constructs a new InvitationDetails object.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
 Object getAttribute(String key)
          Gets an attribute set on the InvitationDetails.
 CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()
          Gets the ID of the community the invitation details are for.
 Timestamp getExpirationDate()
          Returns the expiration date for the invitations, or null if the invitations should not expire.
 String getFromWlsUser()
          Returns the WLS username of the user sending the invitation(s)
 String getInvitationPayload()
          Returns the invitation payload, which is text inviting the user(s) to join the community.
 boolean getSelfDestructFlag()
          Returns the self-destruct flag for the invitations.
 InvitationValidationTextGenerator getValidationTextGenerator()
          Gets the InvitationValidationTextGenerator set on this InvitationDetails.
 int hashCode()
 void setAttribute(String key, Object value)
          Sets an attribute on the InvitationDetails.
 void validate()
          Initializes the validation text generator associated with this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public InvitationDetails(CommunityDefinitionId communityId,
                         String fromWlsUser,
                         String invitationPayload,
                         Date expirationDate,
                         boolean selfDestructFlag,
                         InvitationValidationTextGenerator validationTextGenerator)
Constructs a new InvitationDetails object.

communityId - the ID of the community the invitation is for.
fromWlsUser - the WLS user name of the user sending the invitations.
invitationPayload - the text inviting the user(s) to join the community.
expirationDate - the date and time when the invitation will no longer be valid, or null if the invitation should never expire.
selfDestructFlag - if true, the invitation will be removed from the database when it is no longer valid (if it expires or is consumed). If false, the invitation will be removed from the database only when explicitly removed; this may be useful for logging or tracking needs. In general, true is recommended to ensure the database table does not grow too large.
validationTextGenerator - the object to generate validation text for the invitation(s).


public InvitationDetails(CommunityDefinitionId communityId,
                         String fromWlsUser,
                         String invitationPayload,
                         Timestamp expirationDate,
                         boolean selfDestructFlag,
                         InvitationValidationTextGenerator validationTextGenerator)
Constructs a new InvitationDetails object.

communityId - the ID of the community the invitation is for.
fromWlsUser - the WLS user name of the user sending the invitations.
invitationPayload - the text inviting the user(s) to join the community.
expirationDate - the date and time when the invitation will no longer be valid, or null if the invitation should never expire.
selfDestructFlag - if true, the invitation will be removed from the database when it is no longer valid (if it expires or is consumed). If false, the invitation will be removed from the database only when explicitly removed; this may be useful for logging or tracking needs. In general, true is recommended to ensure the database table does not grow too large.
validationTextGenerator - the object to generate validation text for the invitation(s).
Method Detail


public CommunityDefinitionId getCommunityId()
Gets the ID of the community the invitation details are for.

the ID of the community the invitation details are for.


public String getFromWlsUser()
Returns the WLS username of the user sending the invitation(s)

the WLS username of the user sending the invitation(s)


public String getInvitationPayload()
Returns the invitation payload, which is text inviting the user(s) to join the community.

the payload


public Timestamp getExpirationDate()
Returns the expiration date for the invitations, or null if the invitations should not expire.

the expiration date for the invitations, or null if the invitations should not expire.


public boolean getSelfDestructFlag()
Returns the self-destruct flag for the invitations. if true, the invitation will be removed from the database when it is no longer valid (if it expires or is consumed). If false, the invitation will be removed from the database only when explicitly removed; this may be useful for logging or tracking needs. In general, true is recommended to ensure the database table does not grow too large.

the self-destruct flag.


public void setAttribute(String key,
                         Object value)
Sets an attribute on the InvitationDetails. These attributes are NOT stored in the database but are used only to communicate contextual information to CommunityInviter implementations.

key - the name of the attribute to set
value - the value of the attribute.


public Object getAttribute(String key)
Gets an attribute set on the InvitationDetails. These attributes are NOT stored in the database but are used only to communicate contextual information to CommunityInviter implementations.

key - the name of the attribute to get
the value of the attribute.


public InvitationValidationTextGenerator getValidationTextGenerator()
Gets the InvitationValidationTextGenerator set on this InvitationDetails.

the InvitationValidationTextGenerator


public void validate()
Initializes the validation text generator associated with this object.


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object

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