Interface IBookDefinitionManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IBookDefinitionManager

This is the primary interface for performing persistent store operations on BookDefinitions. In general this interface provides coarse grain getters and fine grain setters.

It is important to note that all methods on this interface are fully internationalized and entitled. All titles and descriptions on the objects returned by these methods are internationalized to the preferred locale. Also, all methods are entitled, meaning if the caller does not have the required credentials the method may return a subset of the actual list or be unable to perform the specified function.

"Definitions" can be thought of as objects in the library. Objects in the library are not associated to any one Desktop. In other words definitions can be placed on zero or more desktops and changes made in the library (to the definitions) are cascaded down to object on the desktops. If you are only interested in affecting a single desktop then use the PortalCustomizationManager and make changes to the "Instances".

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 NavigableInstance addNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId, int position, int alignment, boolean isDefault)
          Add a Navigable definition (child BookDefinition or PageDefinition) to an existing parent BookDefinition.
 BookDefinition createBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinition bookDefinition)
          Create a new book definition.
 BookDefinition createBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookView bookView)
          Create a new book definition in the persistent store from a given BookView.
 void deleteBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Method for deleting a BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition identifier.
 void deleteBookDefinitionWithCascade(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Delete the BookDefinition of the supplied book definition identifier and all BookInstance objects associated with this book definition.
 void deleteBookDefinitionWithReplacement(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId deleteBookDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId replacementBookDefinitionId)
          Delete an existing book definition and if it is in use, replace its use with the supplied book definition.
 BookDefinition getBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning a single BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition identifier.
 BookDefinition getBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String definitionLabel, String webAppName)
          Getter for returning a single BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition label.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<BookDefinition> getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookSearchCriteria criteria, int pageSize)
          Get all the book definitions for the webapp as a paged object.
 BookDefinition[] getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp)
          Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp.
 BookDefinition[] getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId, int limit)
          Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order), starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit.
 BookView getBookView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning an immutable deep BookView.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<BookDefinition> getPagedPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId, int pageSize)
          Getter for returning a PagedResult of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop.
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop.
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId, int limit)
          Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order) scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop, starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit.
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp)
          Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public.
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently in the supplied book (bookDefinitionId).
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId, int limit)
          Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order) scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public, starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit.
 BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently in the supplied page (pageDefinitionId).
 BookView getShallowBookView(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Getter for returning an immutable BookView.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<LocalizationResourceView> getVisibleBookLocalizationResources(CustomizationContext customization, WebAppSearchCriteria criteria, int pageSize)
          Retrieve the LocalizationResourceViews for all visible books for a given locale and webapp.
 NavigableDefinition moveNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId fromParentBookDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId toParentBookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId, int position, int alignment)
          Relocate the navigable definition to a new location.
 NavigableDefinition moveNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId fromParentBookDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId toParentBookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId, int position, int alignment)
          Deprecated Use moveNavigable(CustomizationContext, BookDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId, int, int)
 void removeNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookGroupId bookGroupId)
          Remove a NavigableDefinition (BookDefinition or PageDefinition) from the specified book.
 BookDefinition[] searchPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext, String webapp, String partialBookTitle, int limit)
          Search for public books given the supplied search string.
 void setDefaultNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinitionId parentBookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId)
          Set a navigable (book or page) on a parent page as the default page.
 void updateBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext, BookDefinition bookDefinition)
          Update the persistent store for the supplied BookDefinition.

Method Detail


BookView getBookView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                     BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                     throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable deep BookView. The BookView objects, unlike the BookDefinition or the BookInstance objects contains a full set of references to all child pages, books and so on. The BookView object, however is immutable.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and http request.
bookDefinitionId - the unique bookDefinitionId.
an immutable deep BookView object if one exists, otherwise null.
See Also
IBookInstanceManager.getBookView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.DesktopDefinitionId, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.BookInstanceId)


BookView getShallowBookView(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                            BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                            throws RemoteException

Getter for returning an immutable BookView. The returned view object will be shallow in the sense that it will have no child book or page view arrays. However, you can lazily retrieve those by calling the paginated getNavigables method.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and http request.
bookDefinitionId - the unique bookDefinitionId.
an immutable shallow BookView object if one exists, otherwise null.
See Also
IBookInstanceManager.getBookView(com.bea.netuix.application.manager.CustomizationContext, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.DesktopDefinitionId, com.bea.netuix.application.identifier.BookInstanceId)


BookDefinition[] getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                    String webapp)
                                    throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
an array of BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


BookDefinition[] getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                    String webapp,
                                    BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId,
                                    int limit)
                                    throws RemoteException

Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order), starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit. If fewer BookDefinitions exist than limit, then a smaller result set will be returned. If no definitions are found an empty array is returned. To start at the beginning of the list specify null as the bookDefinitionId. To retrieve from the end of the list and back specify null as the bookDefinitionId and a negative limit. To retrieve all the bookDefinitions in the database supply a limit of 0.
The implmentation has to ensure that repeated calls to this method return BookDefinitions in a consistent order.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales.
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
firstBookDefinitionId - optional parameter to indicate where the list should start.
limit - the maximum result set size. Note the limit may be negative indicating a reverse sort order. To retrieve all the records specify a limit of zero. Note: some elements may be pruned because of entitlements.
array of BookDefinitions no greater than limit in size.


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          String webapp,
                                          BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId,
                                          int limit)
                                          throws RemoteException

Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order) scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public, starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit. If fewer BookDefinitions exist than limit, then a smaller result set will be returned. If no definitions are found an empty array is returned. To start at the beginning of the list specify null as the bookDefinitionId. To retrieve from the end of the list and back specify null as the bookDefinitionId and a negative limit. To retrieve all the bookDefinitions in the database supply a limit of 0.
The implmentation has to ensure that repeated calls to this method return BookDefinitions in a consistent order.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales.
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
firstBookDefinitionId - optional parameter to indicate where the list should start.
limit - the maximum result set size. Note the limit may be negative indicating a reverse sort order. To retrieve all the records specify a limit of zero. Note: some elements may be pruned because of entitlements.
array of BookDefinitions no greater than limit in size.


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          String webapp)
                                          throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId,
                                          BookDefinitionId firstBookDefinitionId,
                                          int limit)
                                          throws RemoteException

Returns BookDefinitions in definitionId order (create order) scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop, starting with the supplied definitionId and limiting the result set to size limit. If fewer BookDefinitions exist than limit, then a smaller result set will be returned. If no definitions are found an empty array is returned. To start at the beginning of the list specify null as the bookDefinitionId. To retrieve from the end of the list and back specify null as the bookDefinitionId and a negative limit. To retrieve all the bookDefinitions in the database supply a limit of 0.
The implmentation has to ensure that repeated calls to this method return BookDefinitions in a consistent order.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales
desktopDefinitionId - you wish to add any of these book definitions to.
firstBookDefinitionId - optional parameter to indicate where the list should start.
limit - the maximum result set size. Note the limit may be negative indicating a reverse sort order. To retrieve all the records specify a limit of zero.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId)
                                          throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
desktopDefinitionId - you wish to add any of these book definitions to.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


SortableFilterablePagedResult<BookDefinition> getPagedPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                            DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId,
                                                                            int pageSize)
                                                                            throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a PagedResult of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently on the user's desktop.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
desktopDefinitionId - you wish to add any of these book definitions to.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array. The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the fields "TITLE" and "DESCRIPTION", and supports these filter methods:
  • FilterMethod.UNFILTERED
  • FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.CONTAINS
  • FilterMethod.EQUALS
However, the reSort and reFilter methods on the returned PagedResult ignore their locale arguments. If you want to requery with a different locale, you should call this method again after setting the desired locale in the CustomizationContext.
See Also


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          String webapp,
                                          BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                                          throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently in the supplied book (bookDefinitionId).

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
bookDefinitionId - you wish to add any of these book definitions to.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


BookDefinition[] getPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                          String webapp,
                                          PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
                                          throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a list of all BookDefinitions scoped to the supplied webapp and marked as public and not currently in the supplied page (pageDefinitionId).

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
pageDefinitionId - you wish to add any of these book definitions to.
an array of fully populated and internationalized BookDefinition objects if they exist, otherwise, an empty array.
See Also


BookDefinition[] searchPublicBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                             String webapp,
                                             String partialBookTitle,
                                             int limit)
                                             throws RemoteException

Search for public books given the supplied search string. Books with titles matching the supplied pattern will be returned. No more than limit results will be returned; however a smaller number may be returned. The implmentation has to ensure that repeated calls to this method return BookDefinitions in a consistent order.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales.
webapp - the web application these book definitions are scoped to.
partialBookTitle - the search string for book title match. Note: this string may contain special '*' and '?' characters, where '*' matches any number of characters and '?' matches any single character.
limit - the maximum result set size. Note the limit may be negative indicating a reverse sort order. To retrieve all the records specify a limit of zero. Note: some elements may be pruned because of entitlements.
array of BookDefinitions no greater than limit in size.


BookDefinition getBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                 BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                                 throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a single BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition identifier.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinitionId - the unique book definition identifier.
a BookDefinition object fully populated and internationalized, otherwise, null>/code> if the object does not exist.
See Also


BookDefinition getBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                 String definitionLabel,
                                 String webAppName)
                                 throws RemoteException

Getter for returning a single BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition label.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
definitionLabel - the unique book definition identifier.
webAppName - the webapp this book is scoped to.
a BookDefinition object fully populated and internationalized, otherwise, null>/code> if the object does not exist.
See Also


void deleteBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                          BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                          throws RemoteException,

Method for deleting a BookDefinition object given a supplied book definition identifier. If the BookDefinition is in use by clients then a ObjectInUseFound exception is thrown.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinitionId - the unique book definition identifier.
ObjectNotFoundException - if the bookDefinitionId is bogus.
ObjectInUseException - if the book definition is in use by end users.
NotEntitledException - no entitlements for this operation.
See Also


void deleteBookDefinitionWithReplacement(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                         BookDefinitionId deleteBookDefinitionId,
                                         BookDefinitionId replacementBookDefinitionId)
                                         throws RemoteException,

Delete an existing book definition and if it is in use, replace its use with the supplied book definition.

Note all customization of the deleted book will be lost.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
deleteBookDefinitionId - the definition id of the book to delete
replacementBookDefinitionId - the definition id of the book to replace the deleted book.
ObjectNotFoundException - if the bookDefinitionId is bogus.
NotEntitledException - no entitlements for this operation.
See Also


void deleteBookDefinitionWithCascade(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                     BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
                                     throws RemoteException,

Delete the BookDefinition of the supplied book definition identifier and all BookInstance objects associated with this book definition. While this method will cascade delete all the user's and admin's customizations it will complain (ObjectInUseException) if the definition is the primary book of a desktop. In that case you may want to try deleteBookDefinitionWithReplacement().

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinitionId - the unique book definition identifier of the book to delete.
ObjectNotFoundException - if there is no BookDefinition associated with bookDefinitionId.
ObjectInUseException - if the book definition is the main book on a desktop.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


void updateBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                          BookDefinition bookDefinition)
                          throws RemoteException,

Update the persistent store for the supplied BookDefinition. All attributes of the BookDefinition are updated in the persistent store.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinition - the object containing the new data for the book definition.
ObjectNotFoundException - the BookDefinitionIdNotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


NavigableInstance addNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                               BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId,
                               NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId,
                               int position,
                               int alignment,
                               boolean isDefault)
                               throws RemoteException,

Add a Navigable definition (child BookDefinition or PageDefinition) to an existing parent BookDefinition.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinitionId - the book definition to add the navigable to.
navigableDefinitionId - the definition id of the navigable definition from which to add.
position - the position in the book (or menu) to insert this navigable (starts with 0). If position is set to -1, the Navigable will be appended in the last position within the Book.
alignment - position the page from the left (top) or right (bottom)
the Navigable instance which was created.
ObjectNotFoundException - BookDefinitionId or the NavigableDefinitionId are bogus.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.
IllegalDependencyException - adding the Navigable to the BookDefinition would cause a recursive dependancy
DuplicateObjectException - if this navigable is already added to this book
See Also


NavigableDefinition moveNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                             DesktopDefinitionId desktopDefinitionId,
                                             BookDefinitionId fromParentBookDefinitionId,
                                             BookDefinitionId toParentBookDefinitionId,
                                             NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId,
                                             int position,
                                             int alignment)
                                  throws RemoteException,
Deprecated Use moveNavigable(CustomizationContext, BookDefinitionId, BookDefinitionId, NavigableDefinitionId, int, int)

Relocate the navigable definition to a new location.

desktopDefinitionId - the desktop context to which this update applies.
fromParentBookDefinitionId - the parent book definition id we are moving this navigable from.
toParentBookDefinitionId - the parent book definition to move the navigable definition to.
navigableDefinitionId - the identifier identifying the definition to move.
position - the position in the book (or menu) to insert this navigable (starts with 0)
alignment - position the page from the left (top) or right (bottom) reference the same book defnition.
a reference to the newly positioned navigableDefinition
ObjectNotFoundException - BookDefinitionId or the NavigableDefinitionId are bogus.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


NavigableDefinition moveNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                  BookDefinitionId fromParentBookDefinitionId,
                                  BookDefinitionId toParentBookDefinitionId,
                                  NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId,
                                  int position,
                                  int alignment)
                                  throws RemoteException,

Relocate the navigable definition to a new location.

fromParentBookDefinitionId - the parent book definition id we are moving this navigable from.
toParentBookDefinitionId - the parent book definition to move the navigable definition to.
navigableDefinitionId - the identifier identifying the definition to move.
position - the position in the book (or menu) to insert this navigable (starts with 0)
alignment - position the page from the left (top) or right (bottom) reference the same book defnition.
a reference to the newly positioned navigableDefinition
ObjectNotFoundException - BookDefinitionId or the NavigableDefinitionId are bogus.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


void removeNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                     BookGroupId bookGroupId)
                     throws RemoteException,

Remove a NavigableDefinition (BookDefinition or PageDefinition) from the specified book. This method does not delete the NavigableDefinition it just removes it from the book.

bookGroupId - the book group id of the navigable to be removed.
ObjectNotFoundException - if the navigable or book definition could not be found in the persistent store.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


void setDefaultNavigable(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                         BookDefinitionId parentBookDefinitionId,
                         NavigableDefinitionId navigableDefinitionId)
                         throws RemoteException,

Set a navigable (book or page) on a parent page as the default page.

parentBookDefinitionId - the book definition id of the parent book
navigableDefinitionId - the child book or page definition id to become the new defualt page
ObjectNotFoundException - if the navigable or book definition could not be found in the persistent store.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


BookDefinition createBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                    BookDefinition bookDefinition)
                                    throws RemoteException,

Create a new book definition. Creates a new book definition in the persistent store. This definition may be used to create book instance later on.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookDefinition - the book definition object containing all the required data.
the fully populated BookDefinition object (with id's).
MissingDataException - if some vital information is missing from the BookDefinition.
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.


BookDefinition createBookDefinition(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                    BookView bookView)
                                    throws RemoteException,

Create a new book definition in the persistent store from a given BookView. Generally called after disassembling a .book file. This definition may be used to create book instance later on.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and desktopInstanceId
bookView - the book view object containing all the required data.
the fully populated BookDefinition object (with id's).
NotEntitledException - if the caller does not have the required permissions to delete this object.
ViewDisassemblerException - If unable to disassemble the given page view pageView. typically caused by some bad markup names in the view.
DuplicateDefinitionException - if a book or page with the same definition label already exist in the database.
See Also
CustomizationContext.setDisassemblerTemplateAction(int), XmlDisassembler


SortableFilterablePagedResult<LocalizationResourceView> getVisibleBookLocalizationResources(CustomizationContext customization,
                                                                                            WebAppSearchCriteria criteria,
                                                                                            int pageSize)
                                                                                            throws RemoteException
Retrieve the LocalizationResourceViews for all visible books for a given locale and webapp. The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the field "TITLE", and supports these filter methods:
  • FilterMethod.UNFILTERED
  • FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.CONTAINS
  • FilterMethod.EQUALS
However, the reSort and reFilter methods on the returned PagedResult ignore their locale arguments. If you want to requery with a different locale, you should call this method again after setting the desired locale in the CustomizationContext.

customization - - a customization context with a request and locale defined. Only the first locale is used.
criteria - - specifies the web application where the requested resources live
pageSize - - number of results to retrieve per page
SortableFilterablePagedResult of visible Book LocalizationResources


SortableFilterablePagedResult<BookDefinition> getBookDefinitions(CustomizationContext customizationContext,
                                                                 BookSearchCriteria criteria,
                                                                 int pageSize)
                                                                 throws RemoteException
Get all the book definitions for the webapp as a paged object. The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the field "TITLE", and supports these filter methods:
  • FilterMethod.UNFILTERED
  • FilterMethod.BEGINS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.ENDS_WITH
  • FilterMethod.CONTAINS
  • FilterMethod.EQUALS
However, the reSort and reFilter methods on the returned PagedResult ignore their locale arguments. If you want to requery with a different locale, you should call this method again after setting the desired locale in the CustomizationContext.

customizationContext - customization information such as preferred locales and http request.
criteria - used to specify the webapp
pageSize - the number of item per page in the result.

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