Interface PortalView

All Superinterfaces
CategoryView, Serializable, View

public interface PortalView
extends CategoryView

View class for a portal. Since the Portal view can contain many desktop views, retrieving a portal view can be very expensive.

"Views" are deep copy immutable objects. Unlike "Definitions" and "Instances" Views cannot be modified by the developer. An Instance or a Definition however can always be obtained from the view. The persistence APIs provide coarse grain and fine grain getters, but only fine grain setters. If you are interested in an object and all its children then retrieve the View, but if you are only interested in the immediate object and don't care about its children then retrieve the Definition.

See Also
This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Method Summary
 String getContentUri()
          Returns the contentUri associated with this view.
 DesktopView[] getDesktopViews()
          Returns an array of DesktopViews that are children of this PortalView.
 PortalPath getPortalPath()
          Returns the PortalPath associated with this view.
 String getwebAppName()
          Returns the webAppName associated with this view.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.CategoryView
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.View
getDescription, getTitle

Method Detail


PortalPath getPortalPath()
Returns the PortalPath associated with this view. The portal path represents the partial URL string to access a portal or desktop.



String getContentUri()
Returns the contentUri associated with this view. If only the portal is requested in the URL (i.e. no desktop path) then the user is forwarded to this url. This url can be a JSP that could list a set of links to all the desktop under this portal or could forward the user to a default desktop.



String getwebAppName()
Returns the webAppName associated with this view.



DesktopView[] getDesktopViews()
Returns an array of DesktopViews that are children of this PortalView.

an array of DesktopViews

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