
Interface Summary
Credential This interface represent base type of credential
CredentialEntry This interface describe main functionalities of a credential entry
CredentialVaultService The Credential Vault service interface allows management of credentials

Class Summary
CredentialManagerProxy This class provides access to Credential management functions as defined by the WLS Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI).
CredentialProviderDescription This class holds information describing a single SSPI Credential Map provider.
CredentialSecurityMgmtHelper Provides helper methods for accessing security management classes, especially those used to manage SSPI providers.
MemoryCredentialEntry This class is an in-memory-persistence of a credential entry.
ResourceKey This class represents the resource requesting a credential entry
Scope This class identify scope of credential entry
UserPasswordCredential This class represents username and password pair as credential

Enum Summary
CredentialEntry.EntryType Specify the binding type of a credential entry

Exception Summary
AlreadyExistsException Credential entry of same name, type and scope already exists in vault
CredentialAccessException Not enough privilege to access credential or create/update/delete credential entry
CredentialVaultException Runtime exception from concrete CredentialVaultService implementation

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