Class BookInstanceAction

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces

public class BookInstanceAction
extends PortalControlAction

Objects extending this class implement actions to be taken on portal controls. These may be used to specify multiple actions which need to occur in a single transactioni by calling the Portal controls' executeActions() method.

Method Summary
static BookInstanceAction addNavigable(BookInstanceControl control, NavigableDefinitionId navigableToAddId, int position, BookInstanceId targetBookId, String webApp, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Adds a child page or book (a navigable) to the specified book when the action is executed.
 void doAction(ResourceContext context)
          Method that actually performs the action on the control.
static BookInstanceAction moveNavigable(BookInstanceControl control, NavigableInstanceId navigableToMoveId, int position, BookInstanceId parentBookId, String webApp, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Moves a child book or page (a navigable) within the specified book when the action is executed.
static BookInstanceAction removeNavigable(BookInstanceControl control, NavigableInstanceId navigableToRemoveId, BookInstanceId parentBookId, String webApp, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Removes a child book or page (a navigable) from the specified book when the action is executed.
static BookInstanceAction rename(BookInstanceControl control, String title, BookInstanceId parentBookId, String webApp, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Resets the title of the book instance when the action is executed.
static BookInstanceAction setDefaultNavigable(BookInstanceControl control, NavigableInstanceId navigableId, BookInstanceId bookId, String webApp, PortalPath portalPath, DesktopPath desktopPath)
          Sets the default navigable for a book when the action is executed.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static BookInstanceAction addNavigable(BookInstanceControl control,
                                              NavigableDefinitionId navigableToAddId,
                                              int position,
                                              BookInstanceId targetBookId,
                                              String webApp,
                                              PortalPath portalPath,
                                              DesktopPath desktopPath)
Adds a child page or book (a navigable) to the specified book when the action is executed.

control - the control to execute the action on.
navigableToAddId - the id of the page or book to add
position - the position of the child within the book
targetBookId - the ID of the book to add the navigable to
webApp - the webapp name
portalPath - the portal path
desktopPath - the desktop path


public static BookInstanceAction removeNavigable(BookInstanceControl control,
                                                 NavigableInstanceId navigableToRemoveId,
                                                 BookInstanceId parentBookId,
                                                 String webApp,
                                                 PortalPath portalPath,
                                                 DesktopPath desktopPath)
Removes a child book or page (a navigable) from the specified book when the action is executed.

control - the control to execute the action on.
navigableToRemoveId - the id of the page or book to remove
parentBookId - the ID of the book to remove the navigable from
webApp - the webapp name
portalPath - the portal path
desktopPath - the desktop path


public static BookInstanceAction moveNavigable(BookInstanceControl control,
                                               NavigableInstanceId navigableToMoveId,
                                               int position,
                                               BookInstanceId parentBookId,
                                               String webApp,
                                               PortalPath portalPath,
                                               DesktopPath desktopPath)
Moves a child book or page (a navigable) within the specified book when the action is executed.

control - the control to execute the action on.
navigableToMoveId - the id of the page or book to move
position - the new position of the child within the book
parentBookId - the ID of the book to move the navigable in
webApp - the webapp name
portalPath - the portal path
desktopPath - the desktop path


public static BookInstanceAction rename(BookInstanceControl control,
                                        String title,
                                        BookInstanceId parentBookId,
                                        String webApp,
                                        PortalPath portalPath,
                                        DesktopPath desktopPath)
Resets the title of the book instance when the action is executed.

control - the control to execute the action on.
title - the new title for the book instance
parentBookId - the ID of the book to rename
webApp - the webapp name
portalPath - the portal path
desktopPath - the desktop path


public static BookInstanceAction setDefaultNavigable(BookInstanceControl control,
                                                     NavigableInstanceId navigableId,
                                                     BookInstanceId bookId,
                                                     String webApp,
                                                     PortalPath portalPath,
                                                     DesktopPath desktopPath)
Sets the default navigable for a book when the action is executed. The page or book specified will be the first one rendered when the parent book is displayed.

control - the control to execute the action on.
navigableId - the id of the page or book that will be the default
bookId - the id of the book to set the default navigable for.
webApp - the webapp name
portalPath - the portal path
desktopPath - the desktop path


public void doAction(ResourceContext context)
              throws Exception
Method that actually performs the action on the control.

Specified by:
doAction in interface ControlAction
Specified by:
doAction in class PortalControlAction


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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