Interface MethodPermission

All Known Implementing Classes:
AlwaysDisabled, AlwaysEnabled, LoginRequired

public interface MethodPermission

Represents whether or not a RestCommand is enabled or not, depending on configuration in wlp-restapi-config.xml.

There are three REST framework supplied implementations of this interface: AlwaysEnabled, AlwaysDisabled and LoginRequired.

By implementing and configuring a one of these or a custom version of this interface via wlp-restapi-config.xml, arbitrary logic can be invoked to determine whether or not a particular RestCommand should be dispatched based on all information contained in the supplied RestContext.

Method Summary
 boolean isEnabled(RestContext restContext)
          Returns whether or not, based on the state of the supplied RestContext, the REST framework should invoke the RestCommand that this MethodPermission is associated with.

Method Detail


boolean isEnabled(RestContext restContext)
Returns whether or not, based on the state of the supplied RestContext, the REST framework should invoke the RestCommand that this MethodPermission is associated with.

restContext - the incoming RestContext
true if the RestCommand should be allowed to execute, false otherwise.

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