Interface ProxyPageManager

All Superinterfaces

public interface ProxyPageManager
extends ProxyResourceManager

Manages proxy portlets for one or more producers.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by Oracle Weblogic Portal. Oracle Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of Oracle Weblogic Portal.

Nested Class Summary
static class ProxyPageManager.Factory
          A ProxyPageManager factory.
Method Summary
 int createProxyPage(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext, String producerHandle, IPageDescription pageDescription, List<IPortletDescription> offeredPortlets, Locale locale, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String webAppName, String defaultLayout, String defaultMenu)
          Creates a proxy page.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<ProxyPage> getProxyPages(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext, ProxyResourceSearchCriteria proxyResourceSearchCriteria, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String producerHandle, int pageSize)
          Returns a SortableFilterablePagedResult of ProxyPages being used from a given producer without delegated administration (DA) checks.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<ProxyPage> getProxyPagesForProducer(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext, ProxyResourceSearchCriteria proxyResourceSearchCriteria, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest, String producerHandle, int pageSize)
          Returns a SortableFilterablePagedResult of ProxyPages being used from a given producer with delegated administration (DA) checks.
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


int createProxyPage(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext,
                    String producerHandle,
                    IPageDescription pageDescription,
                    List<IPortletDescription> offeredPortlets,
                    Locale locale,
                    javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                    String webAppName,
                    String defaultLayout,
                    String defaultMenu)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException,

Creates a proxy page.

Result returned from the combination of ProxyResourceAction and ProxyResourceActionScope in ProxyResourceContext

proxyResourceContext -
producerHandle - producer handle
pageDescription - page description
webAppName - name of the webapp in which proxy portlets reside
defaultLayout - layout to be used if the layout specified in pageDescription does not exist
defaultMenu - menu to be used if the menu specified in bookDescription does not exist
portlet definition ID for the proxy portlet
IllegalArgumentException - thrown when input arguments are not valid is encountered
ProxyPageManagerException - thrown when a general error is encountered


SortableFilterablePagedResult<ProxyPage> getProxyPages(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext,
                                                       ProxyResourceSearchCriteria proxyResourceSearchCriteria,
                                                       javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                                                       String producerHandle,
                                                       int pageSize)
                                                       throws ProxyPageManagerException
Returns a SortableFilterablePagedResult of ProxyPages being used from a given producer without delegated administration (DA) checks. If DA needs to be applied to the returned list, see the getProxyPagesForProducer() method.

proxyResourceContext -
proxyResourceSearchCriteria -
httpRequest -
producerHandle - handle of the producer
pageSize -
List of ProxyPages
ProxyPageManagerException - thrown when a general error is encountered


SortableFilterablePagedResult<ProxyPage> getProxyPagesForProducer(ProxyResourceContext proxyResourceContext,
                                                                  ProxyResourceSearchCriteria proxyResourceSearchCriteria,
                                                                  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest,
                                                                  String producerHandle,
                                                                  int pageSize)
                                                                  throws ProxyPageManagerException
Returns a SortableFilterablePagedResult of ProxyPages being used from a given producer with delegated administration (DA) checks.

proxyResourceContext -
proxyResourceSearchCriteria -
httpRequest -
producerHandle - handle of the producer
pageSize -
List of ProxyPages
ProxyPageManagerException - thrown when a general error is encountered

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