Package com.bea.wsrp.faults

Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException This exception is thrown when the producer denied access to a resource due to access control restrictions.
ExportByValueNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when the producer's environment has timed out and the consumer is required to invoke initCookie again and resend any data that may have been stored in the producer's session.
ExportNoLongerValidException This exception is thrown when the producer's environment has timed out and the consumer is required to invoke initCookie again and resend any data that may have been stored in the producer's session.
InconsistentParametersException This exception is thrown when a consumer supplied a portletHandle that is not scoped by the supplied registrationHandle.
InvalidCookieException This exception is thrown when the producer's environment has timed out and the consumer is required to invoke initCookie again and resend any data that may have been stored in the producer's session.
InvalidHandleException This exception is thrown when the consumer supplies an invalid handle.
InvalidRegistrationException This exception is thrown when the given registrationContext is not valid or is missing when a registration is required.
InvalidSessionException This exception s thrown when the producer session has timed out.
InvalidUserCategoryException This exception is thrown when the given userCategory is not valid.
MissingParametersException This exception is thrown when required parameters are missing.
ModifyRegistrationRequiredException This exception is thrown when the consumer requests portlet handles it is not authorized to see.
OperationFailedException This exception is thrown when the exception of an operation failed.
OperationNotSupportedException This exception is thrown when the producer's environment has timed out and the consumer is required to invoke initCookie again and resend any data that may have been stored in the producer's session.
PortletStateChangeRequiredException This exception is thrown when a portlet needs to modify its persistent state, but has been prevented from doing so (for example, due to security).
ResourceSuspendedException This exception is thrown when the producer's environment has timed out and the consumer is required to invoke initCookie again and resend any data that may have been stored in the producer's session.
TransportException Base class of all WSRP wirelevel exceptions.
UnsupportedLocaleException This exception is thrown when the portlet does not support the given locale for markup generation.
UnsupportedMimeTypeException This exception is thrown when the portle can not generate markup in the given MIME type.
UnsupportedModeException This exception is thrown when the portlet does not support the given mode.
UnsupportedWindowStateException This exception is thrown when the portlet does not support the given window state.

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